Sunday 1 May 2011

Murder South African Farmer Named

Johannesburg - The Freedom Front Plus on Sunday afternoon identified the farmer who was murdered  last night (Saturday) and his body dragged behind his bakkie (South African truck) outside Ottosdal on Saturday night, as 49-year-old Andre van der Merwe.

The FF Plus expressed shock at the cruelty of the murder and said the government should help ensure the safety of farming communities.

In a statement FF+ MP Pieter Groenewald said "The government and minister of police are slow to act against farm attackers, and the rural safety plan still exists only in theory,"

According to police three suspects had entered Van der Merwe's house at about 20:00.

"They held him at gunpoint while they ransacked the house for money, then shot him in the chest, the back, and in the head, then used his own bakkie to drag him for about 1.2km before the bakkie rolled."

According to police's Brigadier Thulani Ngubane the victim's body was still tied to the Toyota LDV when police arrived on the scene on the Ottosdal-Delareyville road.

Full report here

Let up pray that unlike farmer Johan Strydom last year, and 29 year old car jacking victim Rozier van Blerk, (photos far too graphic to link to) Mr. van der Merwe was dead, or at least unconscious before before he was dragged behind the truck.

In other News from the multicultural paradise south of Zimbabwe, and Afrikaner woman Jeanette Odendaal was shot dead by a policemen as she sat in a parked car making an emergency telephone call outside a police station in Kempton Park, Gauteng last Tuesday (Full report at Censorbugbear)


  1. What do you think James Mathurin?

    True, false or a put up job to make black people look bad?

  2. Sarah, while I have the utmost sympathy for the White SA farmers and the daily violence that they live with I cannot help but wonder whether they are fools. What I mean is this; it was here on your blog some months ago that there was a post regarding an offer from one of the former Soviet Union states (I cannot remember which at the moment) to relocate these farmers to friendly and apparently even welcoming territory within that state in order to engage in their livelihood there in complete safety. Their response, as I seem to recall was something on the order of "we will have to think about this". What is there to think about? For heaven's sake, do these people not realize that they are going to die a horrible death if they stay in South Africa?.
    There is no alternative to leaving that country, even though they have 400 years of history there, still their history IS history and if they do not go then both they and their children will be history as well.

  3. He like to annoy people, he thinks by ruffling people feathers it make's him smarter than his targets. The fact that trying to pin him down could be compared to trying back a dribbling lunatic into a corner in round room doesn't seem to register with the idiot. Still it's entertaining, until he start's to show his true colours. A nasty white hating mong, who seem's to actually enjoy the suffering of white's and the destruction of our countries. Some of the utter crap his uses for sources are revealing in that the authors of said crap share his hatred of us.


  4. How selective can your memories be- and I agree totally with Curt- suffering will continue as the farm laborer suffers still at the hands of the white farmer- what do you think that these workers are so bored that just for fun they go and kill the "BAAS"? Or maybe the BAAS & Madam have not always treated them so very kindly? Perhaps underpaying them? Or shame, did the MADAM buy the pikanin some shoes? It is awful that anyone should die but, ...
