Sunday 29 May 2011

2,000 EDL protestors march in Blackpool

Click here for the news report and video


  1. This is the winning issue as we see from the EDL's popularity and effectiveness their leaders have a natural instinct for picking the right and moral campaigns. Unfortunately those self-appointed leaders of British nationalism do not have this knack and chose remote campaigns that do not strike a chord.
    This campaign to protect young White girls from from foreign child-rapists appeals to the male protective instinct and the female instinct to care and nurture.
    It wrong foots the establishment because as with Blackpool police covering this up, they are shown to be cruel, callous and biased against our people even in suffering. Unless we bring new talent into nationalism and jettison the old-losers we might as well give up.

  2. Hi Anon

    The newspaper report I linked to clearly stated there were 2,000 marchers. However, I assume you haven't the intelligence to click on a link.

    You clearly haven't the intelligence to see through the state propaganda, or the controlled news media, and appreciate what is really happening.

    Crawl back under your stone you obedient, brain dead establishment stooge.

  3. There were probably a lot more than 2,000. The media plays the numbers down while putting a nice, gloss on Gay Pride events. Poor simple souls who think Gay is rebellion. Its taught in schools.

  4. I guess it amounts to a form of free speech CW, albeit not speech as most people understand it!

  5. This what you do -

    Unfortunately the Conservative Journals in UK have been cowards. The Salisbury Review and Quarterly Review have held our revival back by misleading young people into thinking things are not too bad by their fear of facing things as they are and taking the Establishment and the PC movement head on.
    At the same time UKIP and the BNP have been diverted by state assets at the top. It is time for a realignment, a Nationalist Conservative revival and defence of our people.

  6. Actually, Sarah, and Celtic Warrior, the other possibility regarding your profanity laced visitor, is that the tactic of spewing such foul mouthed invective is a trick of the Marxist/Post Modernist school of debate, where the using of such language is meant to poison the debate, and draw the protagonists into pointless sidetracks, all the while, turning the unprepared away from any further connection with the actual issues being debated on the forum.

    On the other hand, I will concede the possibility that he could simply be a member of the Ummah, enraged by the light of day shinning upon the grand mendacity that is Islamic politics.

  7. As to my above point, I am more inclined to the former proposition, given the structure and formulation of the syntax he chose to use to make his point .... if that's what you could call it.

  8. Given our first past the post system, it is no wonder the EDL have some success as ordinary people fed up with Muslims have no political voice. Geert Wilders would have not won a single seat if he had been here and received the same % of the vote he won in the Netherlands.

    That said, the idiot poster is correct that Lennon aka Tommy Robinson as well as other leaders did attempt to cover up for Price, who was arrested and convicted for cocaine possession and downloading child porn. As the original founder of the EDL (Lionheart) says, these are hardly the actions of people doing this from the purest of motives.

    We may also be being harsh on the police. My own suspicion was that traitor Straw's advice had to be followed, and a Muslim officer was put on the case, who then deliberately contaminated the evidence, as is his first duty to the Umma.

    Lionheart's blog is here:

  9. Straw a traitor?
    His full name is Strawinsky and he ain't English, Welsh, Irish or Scottish.

    What do you expect FFS!?
