Tuesday 26 April 2011

An Update on Censorship at Leeds University

Frank Ellis © 2011

My article, Time to Face the Truth about Multiculturalism, first published in heavily censored form in Leeds Student in 2006, is reproduced here without cuts. The full uncensored article has been published on other web sites but generally without an indication of the nature and level of censorship. Those parts of the article which were censored by Leeds Student are indicated below in bold yellow font. They reveal the appalling scale of censorship and leave no doubt at all about just how serious is the problem of censorship in a major British university when discussing issues of race, multiculturalism (multiracialism) and mass non-white immigration. I have no doubt that what befell me at Leeds University has strengthened the hand of the censors enormously. It is now impossible to criticise multiculturalism at any British university without facing some form of quasi-legal or administrative sanction. Clauses in university charters which underline the value of free speech and academic freedom are worthless: they have about as much value as the piece of paper brought back by Neville Chamberlain after the British capitulation at Munich

I would like to clarify one other point. There is a very widespread perception on various Internet sites that I was forced into retirement or that I had no choice but to leave the University of Leeds in the summer of 2006 before the start of the next academic year in October 2006. That is not the case. The next stage in the process to dismiss an academic after he has been suspended is to hold an internal hearing. In my case this would have been some 18 months later (September 2007). There are a whole host of reasons to believe that the University would have lost this hearing. Very soon after I was suspended the University realised that its decision to suspend me – largely under pressure from the then Commission for Racial Equality – had been a serious error. I was informed of this by an anonymous source at the very heart of the University administration. Even now I do not know the identity of this person. Additional information provided by this source turned out to be exceptionally high grade intelligence and confirmed that the University’s position was in complete disarray. At the end of May 2006 the University capitulated. I was now faced with two options: (i). I could return to full time teaching at the start of the next academic year; or (ii). I could retire from the University. The thought of my having to renew working with people who had revealed such appalling intellectual and moral cowardice turned my stomach. After mutually acceptable retirement terms had been agreed - Leeds University paid all my legal costs – I left. What happened was a blessing in disguise. Any individual, who regards the institution of free speech, academic freedom and the pursuit of this thing called Truth as core university principles, is clearly unsuited for teaching and researching in a British university (Frank Ellis, 25th April 2011).

Time to Face the Truth about Multiculturalism

© Frank Ellis 2006
All Rights Reserved

Multiculturalism (multiracialism) is doomed to failure - and is failing - because it is based on the lie that all people, races and cultures are equal; that no one race or culture is better (superior) than any other. I see no evidence for the view that all cultures are equal, but vast amounts against it. To believe that all cultures are equal - and ultimately in the absence of any evidence for, it is the psychology of political fanaticism with which one is dealing here - requires the same hatred and wilful refusal to confront evidence, logic and history that characterised the individuals who believed that Stalin had built paradise on earth when in fact he had exterminated millions of so-called class enemies. When you point out to these people, as I have over the years, that, as a consequence of Uncle Jo’s Final Solution of the Peasant Question, some 11,000,000 (yes 11,000,000!) peasants were slaughtered so as to break the rural way of life and to impose collectivization, all you get are despicable, cowardly evasions along the lines that such numbers are CIA propaganda. Cowardice, evasions, lying, hypocrisy and censorship of views they do not like, all typify the range of responses from what I call the Guardian-reading classes to any evidence that multiculturalism, their Neo-Marxist fantasy, is not working. Indeed it never will work, but when it starts to unravel, as Yugoslavia eventually did, we will all suffer.

Crucial to the multicultural experiment is the assertion that there is no such thing as race; that race has nothing to do with genetics or biology. Here, for example, is what Bhikhu Parekh, the editor of a very nasty anti-white tract, The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain: Report of the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain (Profile Books, London, 2000), has to say on the subject of race: ‘Race, as is now widely acknowledged, is a social and political construct, not a biological or genetic fact. It cannot be used scientifically to account for the wide range of differences among peoples’ (Parekh, 2000, 63).

In a letter dated 6th September 2001 - a mere five days before we were given a demonstration of what happens when multiculturalism displaces sensible immigration policies in the USA - I wrote to Parekh. Referring to his assertion about race’s being a social and political construct, I sought clarification. ‘I must’, I wrote, ‘confess that it is not at all clear to me that race is “widely acknowledged” to be “a social and political construct”. By whom exactly is this assertion “widely acknowledged”? In the hope of being enlightened I checked your list of secondary literature on pages 378-399 but I could find no reference to any recent study, article or monograph, that would support your assertion (possible of course that I missed the sources). For example, I found none of the following major studies in the field in your bibliography: Jared Taylor, Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America (1992); Michael Levin, Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What they Mean (1997); Arthur Jensen, The g factor: the Science of Mental Ability (1998); J. Philippe Rushton, Race, Evolution and Behaviour, 3rd edition, (2000); and Jon Entine, Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We Are Afraid to Talk About it (2000). The Bell Curve is cited, though without the indicative sub-title, Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, but no attempt is made in the report to refute the Murray & Herrnstein thesis, which, had it been made, might well have provided some basis for your assertion on page 63. Assuming that I have not missed the source(s) in the bibliography, what exactly are the primary scientific sources on which you rely to assert that race is a social and biological construct, as opposed to its being a biological and genetic fact?’ Needless to say, I received no reply from Parekh. I had called his bluff. He knew it and he ran away. (For a comprehensive analysis of the Parekh Report and its anti-white racism, see Frank Ellis, ‘Race, Marxism and the “Deconstruction” of the United Kingdom’, The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, vol 26, No 4, Winter 2001, pp.691-718).

Now the people who believe that race is a social and political construct are like the Marxists who preached “the brotherhood of man” only to see it all unravel in 1914. They remind me of the professional, serial liars who went to the Soviet Union in the 1930s, at the very time when Stalin was killing and killing again, returned to the comforts of the liberal-democratic societies they purported to despise, and then had the repulsive effrontery to insist that Stalin was building a new civilization. So we know the sort of people with whom we are dealing.

One of the high points of 2005 was the publication of a superb article in which the world’s two greatest experts on race and race differences, Professors Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton, summarised and analyzed the findings on the subject over the last thirty years (see J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur R. Jensen, ‘Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability’, Psychology, Public Policy and Law, Volume 11, Number 2, June 2005, pp.235-294. For background detail on the history of the physical and bureaucratic terror used to silence these pioneering scholars see my entry, ‘Race and IQ’, in Derek Jones, ed., Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, vol 3, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001, pp.2008-2010).

Virtually all the data and conclusions presented by Rushton and Jensen attack and effectively destroy the comforting idea that all races are equal and that all differences in black and white educational outcomes are due to white racism or colonialism or any other ad hoc explanation, and that they can be eradicated if we just continue spending millions and millions of dollars. One of the more astonishing findings reported on and analyzed at great length in their long article is the finding, first made at the end of the 1970s, of an average IQ of 70 for sub-Saharan Africa. Now bear in mind that in the American Armed Forces the cut off point for recruitment is an IQ of 80 - lower than that and the recruit is deemed to be incapable of assimilating even basic instructions - and one can see the problem. In the West an individual with an IQ of 70 would be regarded as being very close to, or within the range of, mental retardation.

Now stop, pause and think what this means for a whole continent where the average IQ is 70. How is it possible for a people with such a low average IQ to achieve, let alone to sustain a technologically sophisticated civilization? Nowhere in sub-Saharan Africa - Botswana is a possible exception - do we find any state that conforms to even basic standards of good governance and administrative competence. South Africa started its downward spiral in 1994. Everywhere one looks there is unbelievable corruption and stupidity, superstition and random savagery. To this gruesome list one can add sexual incontinence. Blacks die of AIDS either because they do not believe that AIDS will kill them or because the imperatives of immediate sexual gratification are so urgent and overwhelming that the consequences are disregarded.

AIDS kills Africans because Africans refuse to act, or are unable to act, in ways which are sexually responsible. And in an environment where nearly 50% of the adult population is HIV positive (Swaziland, for example) sexual responsibility means not engaging in multiple, random acts of copulation with your fellow men and women. In fact, the price for survival may well be complete sexual abstinence and then to pray that you never require a blood transfusion. The West has no moral responsibility whatsoever to assist Africa in dealing with AIDS (or new virulent strains of malaria or bilharzia). If Bob Geldof and the hordes of emotional parasites who follow him want to get weepy about Africa’s self-inflicted plight, making a public display of their virtue, fine: go and live there and do not come back when you need medical treatment which is only available in the “racist” West. If Africans refuse to behave responsibly, they condemn themselves to death.

Despite the attempts to censor and to intimidate critics of multiculturalism in the United Kingdom, race difference are not going to go away and eventually social, educational and economic policies will have to reflect the state of our knowledge not the fantasies of people like Parekh and Trevor Phillips and the Guardian-reading constituencies who support them. I agree with Linda Gottfredson: ‘Lying about race differences in achievement is harmful because it foments mutual recrimination. Because the untruth insists that differences cannot be natural, they must be artificial, manmade, manufactured. Someone must be at fault. Someone must be refusing to do the right thing’. (‘What if the Hereditarian Hypothesis is True?’ in Psychology, Public Policy and Law, Volume 11, Number 2, June 2005, p.318, emphasis in the original).

Race matters because whatever Parekh and others maintain it is connected with a whole range of social, economic, cultural and intellectual outcomes some of which are of high importance if we are to maintain the stability and prosperity of our country. Even if race (and sex and sex differences) were social and political constructs, the outcomes would not be identical. The implications of race and race differences for our society can be apprehended by any student who wants to take the time and trouble to find out for himself. In essence this means reading the books I have cited in this article and then following up the secondary literature as I have done, behaving, in other words, as an intelligent, independent thinker and researcher. This independent seeking after data and ideas and then evaluating them is critical.

It is critical because censorship is an essential weapon in the attempt to impose the multicultural agenda on the United Kingdom. The people who plan the BBC’s programming, the hordes of policy makers in the public sector, the universities, the whole gruesome secondary education system, with its teacher indoctrination courses, all know that the diversity brainwashing to which our schoolchildren and university students are subjected in order to promote multiculturalism - or the equally incoherent cult of feminism - would never survive full, open, rational and fearless scrutiny. Any student who relies on the BBC, the Guardian (so that there are no misunderstanding the ridiculous Daily Telegraph is just as bad) and most universities as a source of information concerning issues on race, feminism and multiculturalism can expect to be lied to, misled and misinformed by people who should no better but are too frightened to know better or do not want to know better. Whatever grandiose words universities use in their Charters regarding free speech and the pursuit of truth, the brutal fact remains that when it comes to questions of race, feminism and multiculturalism universities are craven and corrupt. And they know it.

Anyone who has spent time studying the cult of multiculturalism cannot but notice the nauseating hypocrisy and racial double standards that accompany the systematic and organised lying of multiculturalism. When I posed the possibility of a film with the title - No Black Society has Ever Produced a Written Language or Mathematics - I was drawing attention to an existing film, White Men Can’t Jump (1992). In my hypothetical film title - the lines are taken from Professor Michael Levin’s excellent essay ‘Recent Fallacies in Discussions of Race’, (see The Real American Dilemma: Race, Immigration, and the Future of America, ed, Jared Taylor, New Century Books, Oakton, Virginia, 1998, p.69) - I underlined the hypocrisy and double standards of Hollywood which can quite happily make films with titles such as White Men Can’t Jump but would avoid any film with my hypothetical title for fear of giving offence.

This is a racist double standard. Whites can be pilloried but blacks and other non-white racial groups enjoy a protected status. There is much worse of course. Interviewed on BBC Radio Scotland in January 2001, Greg Dyke said that the BBC was ‘hideously white’. Would he, I wonder, in response to the question of whether he would like to live in Brixton, have replied that it was ‘hideously black’. Of course not, but whites, as far as the BBC is concerned, are ‘hideous’. So that’s okay then. Not only does the BBC express racist contempt for the white indigenous majority population - who are WIMPS for putting up with BBC lying - but then insults the viewer by demanding payment for receiving a television signal, even when the signal does not emanate from a BBC transmitter.

Here is another example of racial double standards, once again the BBC is the culprit. During a discussion on the theme of “hate speech” one of my students pointed out to me that on a BBC radio show broadcast in September 2004, a one Jeremy Hardy had said, on air, something along the lines that life in Britain would be better were all people in the British National Party and anyone who voted for the BNP to be shot in the back of the neck. I wrote to the BBC, demanding an explanation and a verbatim transcript of the programme. This is what Hardy said: ‘if you took everyone in the BNP and everyone who votes for them and shot them in the back of the head, [the standard method of execution used by the Bolsheviks, FE] there would be a brighter future for us all.’ This racist, anti-white filth is taken from the same manual of hatred that Julius Streicher, the homosexual sadist and rabid anti-Semitic editor of the Nazi paper, Der Stürmer, used to target Jews. Readers might like to replace all references to the BNP and insert ‘blacks’ or ‘lesbians’ or ‘homosexuals’ and then ask whether the BBC would have broadcast such a programme. I could cite many other examples from the BBC. And I am supposed to believe that the BBC is an impartial and fair organisation? The BBC is no such thing. It is the propaganda arm of a government that wants to destroy ancient English freedoms. The grotesquely overpaid BBC executives know full well that their pampered, protected and under-performing organisation with its diet of celebrity trash and mental junk food would simply not survive in an open and free market. The BBC is a parasite organisation.

I must also mention another case. Last year I made a formal complaint to the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) about an article in the Daily Telegraph. In the article rural, white Americans were referred to as ‘Georgia rednecks’. The use of the word “redneck” by Harry Mount, the Telegraph journalist, to refer to American whites is unquestionably a “prejudicial” and “pejorative reference” and, one, moreover, with which any journalist possessing even a modicum of understanding regarding racial and ethnic naming, as used in America, should be familiar. Certainly, there can be no excuse for a paper such as The Daily Telegraph not being familiar with the nuances of American racial labels. As stated in the introductory sentence to the Code’s second paragraph: ‘It is essential that an agreed code be honoured not only to the letter but in the full spirit’. This racist language with regard to white Americans is made all the more offensive by the fact that The Daily Telegraph would not permit Mount to write about “Georgia niggers”. Mount’s article deliberately singles out American whites for racist abuse.

The PCC judged that since no individual had been named the Daily Telegraph was not guilty of breaking the PCC’s Code of Practice. Strictly speaking the PCC is correct but again you have to ask yourself whether the editor of the Daily Telegraph would permit a journalist to write about ‘Georgia niggers’. The answer is surely no. I also argue that in finding for the Daily Telegraph the PCC violated the very ethos of its own Code of Practice which insists that papers adhere not just to the letter of the code but to its spirit.

It is now quite clear to me that Mr Kennard came to this interview with the conviction that I was a member of the British National Party (BNP) - what if I was? - which possibly explains his clumsy subterfuge. Now I hold no brief for the BNP but I was and I remain deeply disturbed by the fact that the leader of Britain’s fourth largest political party can be arrested and put on trial for remarks made at a private gathering. MacPherson, the author of that wretched report, actually recommended that the law be amended ‘to allow prosecution of offences involving racist language or behaviour involving the possession of offensive weapons, where such conduct can be proved to have taken place otherwise than in a public place’ (Recommendation 39). Think what that would mean for the privacy of your own home. The BNP is a lawfully constituted party registered with the Electoral Commission, pursuing a rational agenda. As far as I am aware it was not the BNP that waged a terrorist campaign in Northern Ireland for thirty years. Nor was it members of the BNP who murdered some 55 people in London on 7th July 2005. If you do not like the BNP, no problem, vote for another party. I thought this was how a liberal democracy was supposed to work. All those dreadful “racist” white people who vote for the BNP have eyes and ears. They know a hawk from a handsaw and they know that all the talk about “vibrant multicultural society” and “diversity” is an ugly metropolitan lie. Quite rightly, they resent being lied to by white middle class “diversity” groupies who live in nice country houses in Norfolk, Hay-on-Wye, Somerset and Perthshire - a million miles from all that wonderful “diversity” - while spitting abuse at others who express their rational misgivings through the ballot box. The awful truth for the BBC is that its organised campaign of censoring BNP success and the lack of basic courtesy in dealing with the BNP’s leader, Nick Griffin has backfired. The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation is one of the best recruiting sergeants the BNP has.

One of the more sinister proposals aimed at the BNP was made by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) in July 2004. ACPO proposed that action should be taken against any police officer who joined or who was a member of the BNP. The reason given for this vicious proposal was that the police have ‘to promote racial equality’. Rubbish. It is not the job of the police to promote the ideological programme of the Left. The police exist to prevent and to fight crime. ACPO’s proposal was a direct attack on political freedom since it involves the police in policing politics. It is yet another example of the creeping Sovietization of the United Kingdom. In the light of ACPO’s sinister attack on the BNP, I would ask readers to consider the following extract from Alan Bullock’s masterful study of Hitler: ‘The moment Göring entered office he began a drastic purge of the Prussian State service, in which hundreds of officials were dismissed and replaced by men who could be relied on by the Nazis. Göring paid particular attention to the senior police officers, where he made a clean sweep in favour of his own appointments, many of then active S.A. or S.S. leaders’ (Alan Bullock, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (1952), Penguin, Harmondsworth, England, 1983, pp.260-261).

The BNP is the only party in this country that articulates the thoroughly justified hopes and fears of the white indigenous population regarding the legal/illegal immigrant invasion. Yes, in case it had escaped your attention, we are being invaded. Consider that the number of illegals in this country could be as high as 1.5 million. It should be a matter of the highest national priority to hunt these people down, round them up and deport them. “Diversity is not our strength”. On the contrary it shall be our destruction. One of the more alarming findings from the 2001 census was that for the first time in our history whites are a minority in Birmingham and Leicester. This is the beginning of the racial and cultural dispossession of our people, my people, my country. Am I expected to celebrate this dispossession as one of the benefits of “diversity”? I shall not. It fills me with dread, fear and foreboding.

Meanwhile the Labour government, aided and abetted by cowardly and despicable Tories, will push through ever harsher legislation to silence critics and where that fails, they will subject them to legal and bureaucratic intimidation. This is the context to the Griffin and Collet trial. Indeed, the process of turning Britain into some kind of Peoples Democracy, along the lines of the old German “Democratic” Republic, is well under way. My freedoms, among them the all important free speech, are only secure when my fellow citizens can exercise the same freedoms. An attack on their freedoms is manifestly an attack on mine. Regardless of what one thinks of the BNP’s leader, if Griffin can be treated in this manner, none of us is safe from the Police. In the words of Martin Niemöller: ‘First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist; then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist; then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist; then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew; then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me’. You have been warned.


  1. "Consider that the number of illegals in this country could be as high as 1.5 million. It should be a matter of the highest national priority to hunt these people down, round them up and deport them."

    We don't have a hope in hell whilst the houses of Westminster fester with the likes of the present occupiers whichever side of the spectrum.

    The Milibands for starters are the offspring of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS - communists at that!

  2. A database needs to be set up containing the names together with incriminating articles, speeches, et al, of all enablers, useful idiots and traitors that have actively allowed and encouraged the destruction of the UK.
    When the inevitable civil breakdown comes, as it surely must, then this database will be invaluable in weeding out these seditious bastards and bringing them to trial for "crimes against the indigenous people"

  3. An absolutely brilliant article, even by the standards we've come to expect from Frank Ellis.

    As a useful corollary to Dr Ellis's article I would highly recommend the booklet Slippery Slope, The Islamisation of the UK by Dr Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabus Fund.

    The book is, on the whole, a very clear statement of the dangers this nation faces from the Islamic invasion of the last few decades.

    It is perhaps to be expected that Dr Sookhdeo regards as "repugnant" any notion of a "far-right solution" to the Islamic invasion (code for 'Stop the BNP by any means') p 39 but that is clearly his personal view independent of his otherwise searching analysis.

    As you will see if you go onto the link, the booklet is very good value for money.

  4. So you hold no brief for the BNP Mr Ellis, but you agree entirely with it's aims and ideals. What kind of man are you Mr Ellis? It's easy to type your essays from the safety of your armchair, but you're not prepared to support the people who take direct action which might save the country from disaster. You're nothing but a coward Mr Ellis.

    Paul Harris - BNP activist and candidate.

  5. As an essay on the failures of the past fifty years, after Enoch was destroyed, I reckon Mr. Ellis has spoken the truth which has been wanting for a very long time.

    True, these statements have been made before, and probably will be made again, but unfortunately the mass of sheep which masquerades as British voters do not read or understand what has been written!

  6. I Agree with Paul. Finely written articles aren't going to save our nation on their own. It's the BNP, EDL etc that will. Are you waiting for some upper middle class revolution? What other option's do we have? negative comments about the BNP make you sound like another Hitchens, calling for a solution he knows we don't have time for while turning his readership away from our one realistic non-violent hope. You may have to 'lower' yourself if you want to survive.

    Why don't you join and try to improve the organisation rather than offer the same brand of damaging criticism as Hitchens et al.

    Rob Degen

  7. Mr. Harris stated with reference to Dr. Ellis, "It's easy to type your essays from the safety of your armchair", and "You're nothing but a coward Mr Ellis".
    Comments of this nature, and from people who declare their BNP membership, could serve to turn people away from the BNP. I, for one, although not in disagreement with their main aims, would not consider joining an organization whose members feel the need to insult such an able commentator.
    More people of Dr. Ellis's undoubted ability are required, and who are able to articulate the fears of the indigenous people of the Isles better than most, should not be discouraged and chased away.
    Please do not stop your valuable contributions Dr. Ellis.

  8. I think this was a prophetic voice, in the light of current thoughts on multi-culti-ism and multi-racial-ism.

    "We have dissipated the last of 'the empires' resulting from a guilt complex and only the voices claiming that we exploited our former colonies are heard. Not a word is raised in our defence. Did we not establish rubber trees in Malaya? Tea in India? Find the minerals in South Africa and give that country prosperity? Did we not plant cocoa trees in West Africa? All these countries have benefited from our influence and to a standard that they would otherwise never have reached in the same time. We continue to placate our conscience by granting large sums in financial aid, which we cannot afford, to the Third World, and just how the money is spent we can never be sure. We allow those who wish to benefit from the welfare state sit at our table and devour the benefits to which they have not contributed, and at the same time let them complain about the service. Fellowship can go too far and conscience can confuse clear thinking. The real cause of our present racial problems is the fact that we failed to see that the Third World would one day rise and we are now trying to make up for lost time. To ensure that our children follow in our footsteps education and instruction are provided; why then should we expect the underdeveloped countries to be able to govern themselves unless they have been given time and a progressive opportunity to do so? The kindergarten has suddenly found itself in the sixth form - little wonder that most of the pupils are making an arrogant mess of their tasks."

    - from The Silken Canopy by (the late) Major Victor Dover, MC, writing in the late 1970s.

    It would be the supreme irony to dismiss Major Dover as a racist Nazi etc., given that he was actually at the sharp end of the fight against the Nazis in WW2 (North Africa, Sicily, Arnhem) as an officer in the Parachute Regiment. None of today's racism accusers can claim that distinction.

    His postwar career took him to various parts of the world where he gained firsthand insights into the lives and customs of numerous diverse peoples and communities. He also made the acquaintance of many leading statesmen and commentators of his time, including Enoch Powell.

    Major Dover's viewpoint is a considered one therefore. A key statement in the extract is with respect to the rise of the third world. It would be natural, of course, for anyone living in a mud hut eventually to aspire to possessing the kind of mansion/hacienda that their European i.e. British overseers had established.

    The trouble is, which Major Dover regrettably doesn't mention, that the transition can't be achieved without on-going European expertise.

    The unwillingness to face up to that basic fact of humanity has resulted in an arrogant mess not only overseas but increasingly within these shores, as, in fairness, it should be acknowledged that Dr Ellis's article shows only too well.

  9. I entirely agree with you CW.--as well, Paul/Rob, if you read Dr Ellis's article fully, you will note that in at least 3/4 places ,he portrays the BNP in either a positive light or acknowledges they are a relevant force. To pick on one single phrase, which I tend to think Dr Ellis may now have changed his stance on( it was 2006 remember) or may not have meant it in it,s accepted sense, is to say the least a bit narrow minded. I think you owe him an apology. We need unity.

  10. "So you hold no brief for the BNP Mr Ellis, but you agree entirely with it's aims and ideals. What kind of man are you Mr Ellis? It's easy to type your essays from the safety of your armchair, but you're not prepared to support the people who take direct action which might save the country from disaster. You're nothing but a coward Mr Ellis."
    To Paul Harris - "BNP activist and candidate" and author of above:
    Please list you own acts of bravery, and your specific actions directed at saving Britain from disaster

  11. Its easy to criticise we writers as cowards or keyboard warriors if you attend meetings and distribute and leaflets which, in many areas, requires courage but there are penalties for writing too. It is subject to totalitarian and tyrannical laws. The Heretical Two were naive unrealistic but they are an example of how the multiracial totalitarians persecute critics of their cruel and irational ideology.
    We are having a "Cultural Revolution" imposed on us similar, but more gradually, to thatof Chairman Mao's in China. Mao persecuted the bourgoise, Stalin the Kulaks: In the West today it is Whites as a whole who are being eradicated and all who oppose it persecuted but this takes personal and moral and this applies whether they like the BNP leaders or not. Personally, I think the BNP leaders are despicable traitors who are deliberately sabotaging the party from within..
    We may not like the messenger but the motive here is obvious and who promoted these?:

  12. Somewhat OT but maybe it's a day for saying s*d the multi-cultis.

    Even The Guardian seems to have given a fair report of The Big Day.

    Not an ethnic minority in sight on the balconey.

  13. My reply to Beverley,
    I joined the Party in late 2002 and was the first right wing candidate ever to stand in a local election in Barnsley in 2003. This can be checked on the Barnsley local Govt website.
    I have since stood in EIGHT elections as a BNP candidate, including being a Yorkshire Euro candidate in 2009. I was Barnsley Organiser from early 2004 to December 2007 and built up the group from nothing into a strong branch and in that time stood almost full slates in the town. I was then Yorkshire Secretary and Nominations Officer for 12 months. I have been a dedicated activist ever since joining and have put many thousands of hours into it. I could go on, but I think you get the message. Will that do for you?

    Paul Harris

  14. CW states that he does not disagree with the main aims of the BNP but would not consider joining while such 'oiks' as myself are members. I think we would be waiting a very very long time for CW to join even if the party was composed of nothing but the most placid and polite gentlemen. The fact is that the situation in the country is rapidly approaching the point of no return, and from then it's descent into total chaos and madness will be assured. We don't have time for commentators such as Mr Ellis to point out the massive problems that exist, and then to say, well sorry but the wretched BNP is no answer. So what is the answer then Mr Ellis, because the liblabcons sure aren't going to provide it. No amount of articles written by yourself and other similar commentators will make a blind bit of difference to them. Only political action, and winning seats and taking the power away from them will change things. So I don't feel as though I owe Mr Ellis an apology. I've been into this Party as a member, activist, candidate, and official since 2002. If Mr Ellis has now changed his views on the Party he should say so clearly. Or am I just to accept that he can say what he likes about my Party, but I can't reply for fear of causing some people to be dismayed by my anger.

    Paul Harris. `

  15. I need to remind everyone of the comment guidelines and ask that we all try to keep this thread civil.

    Paul, all Frank Ellis said in his posting was that he "holds no brief for the BNP", I don't see that as an attack on the BNP or as criticism in any way, especially as he went on to express his objections to the way in which both Nick Griffin and Mark Collett were treated.

    Frank Ellis may not be a BNP member or activist but he has famously stood up to the forces attacking this country and been counted.

    It is not fair or justified to call him a coward.

  16. Frank Ellis has, to my mind, exhibited considerable bravery. He has stood up and stood firm in the extremely hostile environment of Leeds University. He has put his career on the line, and sacrificed his employment.
    Persuasion by dignified, rational arguments has a fundamentally important role to play in this political game. Conversion of the resisting classes, particularly the liberal intellectuals is paramount to inducing them to vote counter to the current stream. They will listen to the refined arguments of Frank Ellis. Handing out leaflets year after year is demonstrably not enough.

  17. I think we can all play our part, and nobody's role is necessarily less important than anybody else's

    Local activists, handing out leaflets, collecting signatures, manning stall and going door to door and promoting the party is massively important.

    However, good writers and speakers who can inspire or illuminate the truth can also make a huge difference.

  18. @Anonymous 26 April 2011 13:56,

    Thanks I didn't know that. But I think the Millibands should be deported along with their illegals & terrorists.

    Wasn't it Milliband who, along with Nadine Gordiner, said whites in SA deserve to all be wiped off the face of the earth?

    Is this the kind of person you want to have influence in your country? I'm guessing "NO", but perhaps this should be explained to others who don't yet get it. Which is why sites like this one are important.

    See also: "university campuses are a 'hotbed of Muslim extremism', says Parliamentary security group"

    I feel that there needs to be MUCH more pressure on universities to ensure that these universities start putting England first, along with people of European descent.

    As a South African with European ancestry, I would have loved to study in the UK, but aside from the scary exchange rate, I don't want to study at a communist university overrun by muslims who treat white women as "easy meat" (when they're not blowing up trains).

    This type of policy is going to lead to universities recruiting more and more terrorists and fewer smart people who can make a positive contribution, basically accelerating their own (and our) destruction.

    People need to complain about this situation more. It's OUR HERITAGE and *WE* MUST PROTECT it.

  19. @ Sarah

    Hi Sara, I know you're moderating before a post goes through. You can post this if you want, but if you don't it's OK, I just think it needs to be said.

    It's my response to something James Mathurin said regarding the "Interracial Marriage" post the other day, for which comments had to be closed.

    James Mathurin said:

    "Swapping the populations of Iceland and Haiti probably is an interesting hypothetical. Transplanting the population of Iceland into a country with infrastructure devestated by natural disaster, disease and a deficit of marketable natural resources would probably prevent them from living as a First World nation.
    Conversely, the population of Haiti being transplanted to a ready made infrastructure, anda n evironment free of disease would offer a good chance for the country to sort itself out. They would suffer from a deficit of educated people, and the social instability carried over from their Third World status would remain, but should be ameliorated by the change of environment."

    Who do you think you're kidding? Everytime blacks butcher the whites (as they always do, incl. in Haiti 1804) when they are 'liberated' and gain 'independence', it takes about 2 decades before the country has seriously deteriorated. Mozambique, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Angola, South Africa. 20 years is the average period. Just take a look at when Zimbabwe hit hyperinflation in the range of 100,000,000% - by that time, things had already gone horribly wrong there. Mugabe came to power in 1980. Do the math. It's always the same pattern over and over.

    White countries on the other hand, are First World, because whites are builders, inventors, and creators. Blacks on the other hand are users, consumers, they will bleed you dry and then move on to the next mark with their little begging bowls.

    Asian countries generally copy and use white inventions and creations, but at least they work hard and have the intelligence and ability to know they need to build and maintain things. South Korea went from zero to one of the most advanced countries in the world in a matter of 20 or 30 years. Haitians had 200 years, during that time there were several decades in which the US Marines built roads, schools, hospitals and train people etc. As soon as they left, it all started falling to pieces again.

    Blacks riot, rape and loot at the first sign of disaster, such as was the case with Katrina and Haiti. There were worse earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand since then, serious floods in Australia (all majority white/Asian) and you saw none of the violence, rioting and social upheaval to be seen in Africa, or other mostly black regions.

    Katrina violence: http://www.amren.com/ar/2005/10/index.html

    You can take the Finns, the English, the Dutch, Germans whoever... It will take a while to get things up and running again, yes of course... but with blacks, everything just goes backwards. History has proved this over and over again.

    The civilization does not depend on where it is. Technology and intelligence is part of the people that make up that society. It depends on the people that build it and ultimately THAT is what makes the difference.

    I just felt this needs to be addressed.

    I've sent a lot of people your "Deadly Dream of Uhuru" article, and FYI, I think that you will be interested in reading 2 Daily Mail articles (and their comments) about how the Mau Mau now have the audacity to claim reparations from a hero (now poor & elderly with Alzheimers) who dared put him to work digging trenches. It's insane. This sort of nonsense must be put to an end.

  20. Sarah Maid of Albion said...
    I think we can all play our part, and nobody's role is necessarily less important than anybody else's
    Local activists, handing out leaflets, collecting signatures, manning stall and going door to door and promoting the party is massively important.
    However, good writers and speakers who can inspire or illuminate the truth can also make a huge difference.

    Sarah, I absolutely agree with you. Those who do not have the writing or public speaking talents can still make a difference. We need all sorts of talents, which complement each other. Everybody has their role to play in the team, which is what we should be.

    Even posting comments and links on websites, blogs, forums etc., emailing articles or posts and discussing this with friends and family will help. Writers cannot do everything by themselves :)

    We need to educate ourselves, for example about how communists come into power. For instance, read about the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Manufactured Crisis:



  21. I understand that writing articles about the problems caused by mass immigration is vital to our cause. I just don't like to see such articles combined with a put-down of the BNP. Unfortunately this seems to be a common feature of many articles published on the subject. Admittedly this one comment from Frank Ellis is mild compared to some of the vicious rubbish we read in the national press, but it's still there. If Dr Ellis had left this one comment out I would have been in full agreement with his article. Finally I would accept that maybe I was a little hasty in calling Dr Ellis a coward, for which I do apologize.

    Paul Harris

  22. @ Paul Harris

    Thank you for that Paul, you are clearly a gentleman. I take your point, and thank you for your contribution.


  23. Thanks Saffa girl

    I allowed your comment through, as I thought you made some very apt points which were worth making

    However, I would be grateful if posters kept this thread on topic


  24. Dr Ellis's reference to the BNP and the implied reference by Dr Sookhdeo can and should be used to advantage.

    Their article and booklet contain a great amount of good material that is very much in agreement with BNP policies, concerns and election manifestos.

    Both individuals are prominent commentators.

    Yet they are clearly not members of the Party faithful.

    This shows that BNP issues are indisputably national issues, not merely right-wing obsessions, quite the opposite in fact.

    That observation can only be to the Party's advantage.

  25. Hi Sarah, I will not take it amiss if you do not wish to publish this comment. I tried to emphasize the relevant parts but was unable.

    Where is the putdown in any of the following statements? I have included all sentences or parts thereof that make reference to the BNP in Dr. Ellis’s letter.

    • Jeremy Hardy had said, on air, something along the lines that life in Britain would be better were all people in the British National Party and anyone who voted for the BNP to be shot in the back of the neck. I wrote to the BBC, demanding an explanation and a verbatim transcript of the programme.
    • Readers might like to replace all references to the BNP and insert ‘blacks’ or ‘lesbians’ or ‘homosexuals’ and then ask whether the BBC would have broadcast such a programme.
    • It is now quite clear to me that Mr Kennard came to this interview with the conviction that I was a member of the British National Party (BNP) - what if I was? - which possibly explains his clumsy subterfuge. Now I hold no brief for the BNP but I was and I remain deeply disturbed by the fact that the leader of Britain’s fourth largest political party can be arrested and put on trial for remarks made at a private gathering.
    • The BNP is a lawfully constituted party registered with the Electoral Commission, pursuing a rational agenda. As far as I am aware it was not the BNP that waged a terrorist campaign in Northern Ireland for thirty years. Nor was it members of the BNP who murdered some 55 people in London on 7th July 2005.
    • If you do not like the BNP, no problem, vote for another party. I thought this was how a liberal democracy was supposed to work.
    • All those dreadful “racist” white people who vote for the BNP have eyes and ears. They know a hawk from a handsaw and they know that all the talk about “vibrant multicultural society” and “diversity” is an ugly metropolitan lie.
    • The awful truth for the BBC is that its organised campaign of censoring BNP success and the lack of basic courtesy in dealing with the BNP’s leader, Nick Griffin has backfired.
    • The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation is one of the best recruiting sergeants the BNP has.
    • One of the more sinister proposals aimed at the BNP was made by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) in July 2004. ACPO proposed that action should be taken against any police officer who joined or who was a member of the BNP.
    • In the light of ACPO’s sinister attack on the BNP, I would ask readers to consider the following extract from Alan Bullock’s masterful study of Hitler: ‘The moment Göring entered office he began a drastic purge of the Prussian State service, in which hundreds of officials were dismissed and replaced by men who could be relied on by the Nazis.
    • The BNP is the only party in this country that articulates the thoroughly justified hopes and fears of the white indigenous population regarding the legal/illegal immigrant invasion.
    • Regardless of what one thinks of the BNP’s leader, if Griffin can be treated in this manner, none of us is safe from the Police.

  26. Sarah Maid of Albion said...
    Thanks Saffa girl

    I allowed your comment through, as I thought you made some very apt points which were worth making

    However, I would be grateful if posters kept this thread on topic


    Thanks Sarah :)

    No problem, I meant to apologize for being off-topic, but it seems I forgot. Thought you might add it to the other thread; it was just because that thread was closed for comments.

    Sorry about that. Take care.

  27. Sarah, I am assuming that, seeing as you bent your rules for Saffa Girl to post something responding to me, that I get a right of reply.

    She says,
    "Who do you think you're kidding? Everytime blacks butcher the whites (as they always do, incl. in Haiti 1804) when they are 'liberated' and gain 'independence', it takes about 2 decades before the country has seriously deteriorated. Mozambique, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Angola, South Africa. 20 years is the average period."

    I did address this problem in my responses, where I talked about the inadequate infrastructures these colonial nations were built around. They were set up to be parts of the machine of empire, never to be independently sustainable, and the fact that they were deliberately created to contain antagonistic ethnicities was always setting them up to fail.

    I know that South Africa still has many problems, but the description of its economy on wikipedia hardly sounds like one that is "seriously deteriorated":
    "By UN classification South Africa is a middle-income country with an abundant supply of resources, well-developed financial, legal, communications, energy, and transport sectors, a stock exchange that ranks among the top twenty in the world, and a modern infrastructure supporting an efficient distribution of goods to major urban centres throughout the entire region. South Africa is ranked 25th in the world in terms of GDP (PPP) as of 2008."

    You then say,
    "White countries on the other hand, are First World, because whites are builders, inventors, and creators."

    Many of the inventions and knowledge that White countries are built on came from Middle Eastern and Asian cultures, with which they traded resources and knowledge, as opposed to Africa and South America, where we invaded and took what we wanted.

    "Blacks on the other hand are users, consumers, they will bleed you dry and then move on to the next mark with their little begging bowls."

    African nations had stable and structured cultures, which had lasted for thousands of years before the colonial powers arrived and deliberately destabilised them.

    The comparison between South Korea is interesting, as, alongside the racial differences, there is also a vast disparity between the natural resources available in those nations. Now, it might just be the difference in skin colour, but there are other factors worth considering.

    "You can take the Finns, the English, the Dutch, Germans whoever... It will take a while to get things up and running again, yes of course"

    That is, again, pure speculation, and there you've not supplied any convincing evidence to back up your opinion.

    "The civilization does not depend on where it is. Technology and intelligence is part of the people that make up that society."

    There is some very compelling research presented in the Guns, Germs and Steel documentary, available on google videos, which points in exactly the opposite direction. It looks at the link between climate, beasts of burden and ease of sharing resources with other cultures, and the level of technology the cultures in those places reach.

  28. The following comment on the royal wedding was posted by Becky in the Daily Mail today and I thought the sentiments expressed must be what many Anglo/Celts must be feeling today.

    As someone else has said, watching the footage of the crowd and the ceremony, I felt proud to be British, which is something I have not felt for a very, very long time. I live in Tottenham, and the daily grind of trying to avoid being mugged, etc, makes you forget what it used to be like in my country. The crowd were gentle, law-abiding, fun, happy, enthusiastic - it made me so happy to see them. England is still there sometimes, at times like this. It's almost gone, but very occasionally I see glimpses of what we used to be like and it makes me cry with both sadness and the relief that there are still people with my values out there somewhere..... very scattered apart, but coming together at times like this.
    - becky, london, 30/4/2011 9:45


    James this was the Nairobi which the Kenyans inherited in the 1960s

    That is a modern mid 20th Century city with a mid 20th Century European standard infrastructure. The British left Kenya with an economy equal to that of South Korea. It is now a massive corrupt slum

    Like most of Africa Kenya has significantly greater natural resources than South Korea, highly fertile soil and a temperate climate away from the coast, it had everything going for it.

    This was Salisbury the Capital of Rhodesia now the filthy decaying slum called Harare http://flashgamesite.com/live/video_iYDg3ofh7dM.html

    If you are going to resort to downright lies then you are not welcome here.

    Britain left all its African colonies with thriving economies more that equipped to survive in the 2oth century, and to claim otherwise is deeply dishonest

    You second claim is a lie as well, the attempt to compare some rudimentary time pieces and a few primitive gadgets of the sort invented in the Arab world with modern western technology is laughable and shames you for claiming it.

    You come hear a spout your politically correct tosh and blatant lies and expect us to take you seriously, well we don't.

    Who could?

  30. Here is a better link to the Salisbury video

  31. James Mathurin said...

    "Many of the inventions and knowledge that White countries are built on came from Middle Eastern and Asian cultures".

    Please be so kind as to tell me which inventions came from the Middle East?

    I do accept that a lot of knowledge from classical Greece was copied by the Arabs when Europe was ravaged by barbarian tribes and descended into the dark ages and which was therefore available to Europe to expand upon when the renaissance dawned.

  32. Sarah, you are looking at the physical buildings of one city in a country. Infrastructure is, "Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise,[1] or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure

    I hve no doubt that we left the Kenyans with some lovely buildings, but we would have still left it a Third-World country, particularly in rural areas, with little or no education or helath care having been set up. As I said, the infrastructure was set up to let Kenya serve its colonial master, not to function as an independent nation.

    By the way, that site with the Salisbury stuff caused a virus warning on my computer, so I have not seen it.

    "If you are going to resort to downright lies then you are not welcome here.

    Well, I am only trying to use facts and evidence, but I can see why that would make me the odd-one-out here.

    Just kidding, you guys are OK.

    Britain left all of its colonies Third World countries, or developing countries at best. The British people who ran the countries may have lived well, but the majority of the natives lived in poverty and brutal repression during the colonial period.

  33. Sarah, both you and Celtic Warrior question the Middle Eastern inventions claim, so I did some checking for you, and I found an article (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/how-islamic-inventors-changed-the-world-469452.html) about just that.

    So that's coffee, pin-hole cameras, Chess, parachutes and gliders, soap and shampoo, distillation, crank shafts, quilts, architectural techniques, surgical instruments, windmills, inoculations, fountain pens, the numerals we use (arabic numerals - the clue's in the name!), crystal glasses, 3-course meals, carpets, cheques, pre-Gallielean theories of a spherical Earth, rockets and torpedos, and ornamental gardens.

    I'm also a little surprised to see that they left out a personal favourite of mine, the concept of the number 'zero'.

  34. I think James is prey to wishful thinking. My objection to James' attitude is that he does not have anything new to offer just a starry-eyed version of the orthodox view as it is taught in schools and hidden by the media. However, we need to see more of what the actual places in the 1960 photographs look like now to make a proper comparison.
    A lot of once beautiful cities are collapsing. But what is the common denominator?



  35. There is a lot of good links and info on this site, there is a lot of good links on other nationalist sites too.
    But it takes time hunting these links down, would it not be possible to set up some for of feed where Nationalists sites run as they do now, but when a blog editor finds an article that needs sendin out to all nationalist sites it can be fed into some form of RSS Feed, maybe a scrolling ticker or something, I know sites have blog rolls as well, but sometimes there are dozens to wade through.

    Couldn't important articles and finds be 'flashed' to all nationalist sites.


  36. Adrian, a very good point. I have urged more unity amongst the bloggers and writers. We need concerted campaigns on major issues, because each of us writing in isolation is holding us back as the impact is dissipated by everyone writing about disparate subjects. The problem is Adrian, no one will take any notice and we will continue to fail.I do not have the technological ability otherwise I would have done so long ago. That is why I have just retired: I'm sick of inept attempts to change things round.

  37. Mister Fox, I am aware that looking for racial answers allows us to find an, apparently, simpler solution to the mixed fortunes of different cities and countries, but I always find the truth to be preferable to simplicity.

    If I accept any orthodoxies, it is because they happen to match up with the evidence, not because they make me feel more comfortable. Working in education, I can tell you that the main orthodoxy we try to teach children is to practice critical thinking - to look for evidence, and to understand how some forms of evidence are more valid than others. As such, I am proud to be part of the orthodoxy.

    In terms of validity of evidence, pretty pictures of of buildings in the past, and ugly pictures of buildings in the present are good at showing a snapshot of changing fortunes, but do nothing to explain why it has happened.

    Also, you are American, aren't you? I am surprised that you profess such ignorance about your own country's history.

    Detroit was in a good condition, with a thriving middle class, until the American automotive industry was so severely impacted by the gasoline crisis in the 70s. The city being so dependent on that one industry, it went into a tailspin, making it vulnerable to the spread of unemployment, and the associated drugs and crime.

    New Orleans suffered from having mainly tertiary industries, without secondary manufacturing industries to reinforce them, which then allowed them to be eclipsed as other Southern cities increased their manufacturing bases. Even in their port, automation and containerization caused unemployment to spread, as in Detroit.

    If anything, it goes to show how inadequate infrastructure, even in the First World, can lead to social and economic collapse.

  38. Sarah, I am wondering if one of my posts got lost. It was in response to you and Celtic Warrior asking for evidence of inventions, etc., which originated in the Middle East.

    I offered this:

    This article offers, in no particular order of importance, coffee, pinhole cameras, parachutes, surgical instruments, chess, soap and shampoo, arabic numerals (the clue's in the name!), distillation, the crank-shaft, windmills, inoculation, fountain pens, cheques, pre-Gallilean understanding of a spherical Earth, and provides links to many more.

    I was surprised that they left out one of my favourites, the concept of the number 'zero'.

    I'm sure that the original post was lost to technical problems, but if it does turn up, then please ignore one or the other of these messages.

  39. I have responded to James Mathurin's comments regarding post colonial infrastructure on a different thread, here is the link:

  40. No your posting about Islamic inventions didn't get lost, it came in late last night and was approved this morning. I shall respond to you here as it is roughly on topic.

    I see you are defending your claims with an article from the multiculturalists in house journal “The (not really)Independent”?!!!! that figures.

    However, if you look at these examples they are quite laughable.

    A man jumps of a minarete hoping to fly, he doesn't fly but his cloak acts as a parachute, not by design, not by intention but a fact of nature, and The Independent conclude that's an Islamic Invention! So if a stone aged African falls off a cliff, does that mean he discovered gravity?

    The article then goes on to say “In 875, aged 70, having perfected a machine of silk and eagles' feathers he tried again, jumping from a mountain. He flew to a significant height and stayed aloft for ten minutes but crashed on landing - concluding, correctly, that it was because he had not given his device a tail so it would stall on landing.” and of of course, today all of us jet round the world in machines made of silk and eagle's feathers, but with a tail!!

    This you credit for modern air travel? Get real

    Some statements are completely false, according to this article Muslims apparently invented the concept of the spherical earth in the ninth century. However, the earliest known records of the concept of a spherical Earth came from Pythagoras (500 BC), Aristotle (300 BC), and in 200 BC Eratosthenes made an estimate for the circumference of the Earth. http://www.ics.forth.gr/~vsiris/ancient_greeks/whole_list.html

    The Independent says Islam “invented the Windmill”, not the modern one they didn't, as Wikipedia confirms “Horizontal axle windmills of the type generally used today were developed in Northwestern Europe in the 1180s”. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_inventions_in_medieval_Islam

    I note Wikipedia also does not credit Arabia with the invention of the pin hole camera and a more accurate account of the role of Alhazen than that given in the Independent can be found here http://www.pinhole.cz/en/pinholecameras/whatis.html

    This scummy little article then attempts to belittle the achievements of Jenner and Pasteur by claiming, without citation, that Muslim children were injected with Cowpox? This is just more of the ongoing, they are dead, they can't fight back revisionism you multicultists are so fond of.

    As to the rest, soap, (which Wikipedia again doesn't mention, and which the article acknowledges others such as the Romans and Egyptians had invented similar substances,) three course meals (so Islam invented eating?) quilting and chess don''t quite equal space flight, the internal combustion engine and radio communications.

    That article is the usual distorted politically correct codswallop like the Timbuktu Manuscripts, which are totally misleading and usually appear in bold multi-coloured type under the Oxymoronic headline “Diversity is strength”

    I don't plan to personally respond to any further messages on this subject.

  41. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.

    It is so sad to see you lower yourself to such blatant, trolling behaviour. I remember a very wise woman once told me,

    "There is a difference between free speech and trolling. Challenging every statement in a posting and demanding that a commentator substantiate every statement and then challenging the substantiation or misrepresenting what was said is classic troll behavior.

    It is designed to wear the opposition down until they give up, which enables the troll to claim victory, even though they have talked complete twaddle.

    And here you are, challenging my statements, and challenging the substantiations.

    So sad.

    Aw, I'm kidding, but I hope you can see why I found your reasons for closing that thread more than a little surprising.

    I find |The Independent quite good at separating reporting from editorial and opinion. If you can get away with posting links from the Mail and Express, I'm sure I can get away with a real newspaper. ;-)

    The article then goes on to say “In 875, aged 70, having perfected a machine of silk and eagles' feathers he tried again, jumping from a mountain. He flew to a significant height and stayed aloft for ten minutes but crashed on landing - concluding, correctly, that it was because he had not given his device a tail so it would stall on landing.” and of of course, today all of us jet round the world in machines made of silk and eagle's feathers, but with a tail!!

    This you credit for modern air travel? Get real

    I never credited it for modern air travel. Come on, let's keep to the facts.

    The article did not claim that Muslims invented the idea of a spherical Earth, and maybe I phrased that poorly. What the article actually claimed was;

    "The proof, said astronomer Ibn Hazm, "is that the Sun is always vertical to a particular spot on Earth". It was 500 years before that realisation dawned on Galileo. The calculations of Muslim astronomers were so accurate that in the 9th century they reckoned the Earth's circumference to be 40,253.4km - less than 200km out. "

    I am sorry that you refuse to respond, but I am glad that you have started offering citations for your claims, which is a big step forward. Thank you for providing a link to a page which does provide lots of information which supports my claim: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_inventions_in_medieval_Islam

    I assume that you still have no problem with the claims relating to coffee, surgical instruments, chess, soap and shampoo, arabic numerals, distillation, the crank-shaft, fountain pens, and cheques? It's not as if I was trying to say we owe everything to the Arabs, merely that they invented a few things of their own. One of the sad things about fundamentalist Islam is that it is opposed to the spirit of discovery that these kind of examples represent.

  42. James

    It would have been trollish behaviour had I demanded you provide citations and substantiations, whereas, in fact, I didn't invite you to respond at all.

    I will leave it to others to address the further points you have made, I doubt that will prove difficult.

  43. 'I never credited it for modern air travel. Come on, let's keep to the facts.' so what your point jimmy? That one clever old Arab gezzer jumped off a cliff and survived ..and that was it. That an Arab was the first to work out the world was round ..but he wasn't

    'Many of the inventions and knowledge that White countries are built on came from Middle Eastern and Asian cultures' well you mentioned ten including the fountain pen (haha..sorry I shouldn't laugh at you James) and fail to mention that the middle east was during it's early period inhabited by whites and early civilisation was started by Caucasians. But your right some idea's from the east took hold here and have helped our race in their constant quest for knowledge again I cant really see your point if it's 'you whites wouldn't be where you are now' it's an un-testable theory.
    Another interesting but un-testable theory is that if ancient Greek's hadn't operated a slave based economy they could have started the industrial revolution as they had steam powered toy's for their children, again un-testable and about as valid as your assertions.
    You are also ignoring the sheer genius of Caucasians through out history.


    p.s Have you checked out the other post on the 'poor' infrastructure left to Africans?

  44. Daughter of the Colonies1 May 2011 at 12:34

    I must take very strong exception to the claim that under British Colonial rule the Africans lived in poverty and under brutal repression,

    What evidence have you of that other than anecdotal?

    The Kenyan government came down heavily on the mau mau, but they had to, the mau mau were killing thousands of black people. Also they were not representative of the average Africans.

    Apart from that emergency situation there was certainly no brutality and most Africans were actually better off than they are now, they were also earning more money than they do now.
    Some continued to live in traditional ways, as they still do today. However, many had clerical, white collar jobs, good salaries, education health care and better places to live than most of them have now.

    When my parents visited Kenya in the 1970's the men who used to work for my father all told him how much they wished the whites would come back.

    It was African rule which brought brutality and poverty, not white rule.

  45. Would commentators please note there is a new posting "Colonial Inheritance" where the subject of post Colonial Africa can be discussed.

  46. James this is what you tried with me in your comments to one of my older essays on the Muslim gang-rapes of young White girls which is why I do not get into debate with you.

    "There is a difference between free speech and trolling. Challenging every statement in a posting and demanding that a commentator substantiate every statement and then challenging the substantiation or misrepresenting what was said is classic troll behavior.

    It is designed to wear the opposition down until they give up, which enables the troll to claim victory, even though they have talked complete twaddle."

  47. Rob,

    I was actually trying to make a point similar to yours, that, "some idea's from the east took hold here and have helped," Europe to reach its current state. For this, I was called a liar, and I simply presented a few examples to back up my claim.

    As far as I am concerned, people are people, and I am not interested in pretending that any one race is better or worse than another.

    I am perfectly aware of the other thread, as it was written in response to my posts, and have commented on it.

  48. James teach's children! The guy who when asked about the death of children at the hands of immigrants said something like 'well it would have happened to them anyway'(i.e it was their fate to die a horrible lonely death). Compassionate socialist's so decent and always consistent.

    James I would like to meet you just to see if your this full of it away from your keyboard.


  49. Mister fox, all I have done is try to compare facts and evidence. If you do not think you have the evidence to back up your claims, fair enough.

  50. James

    I have not allowed you last attack through

    Even Elkins peers admit that she has only a passing acquaintance with the truth. (See my recent posting "An old evil still craving blood)

    Hence I am not prepared to allow her deceitful, hate infused, and politically motivated bile to infect my blog again.

    If you wish to express your own loathing make the charges you wish to make, please find a more reputable athority.

  51. James James James I love the way in typical left wing fashion you take something I wrote cut it , then manipulate it to back up some spurious assertion..is this what you teach those poor kid's to do?

    quote "If I accept any orthodoxies, it is because they happen to match up with the evidence, not because they make me feel more comfortable. Working in education, I can tell you that the main orthodoxy we try to teach children is to practice critical thinking - to look for evidence, and to understand how some forms of evidence are more valid than others. As such, I am proud to be part of the orthodoxy"

    The evidence that is more valid wouldn't by any chance be the evidence that validates the orthodoxy would it Jimmy?

    '[T]he orthodoxy' just can't seem to help it self can it?


  52. James, you just keep accusing people of not backing things up when I had put the evidence in the essay that you attacked. I have done so since. I assume you do not believe the court cases over Muslims gang-raping young White girls are true. All made up evidence? The police have publicly refused to tell parents in Blackpool which fast food shops are being used to rape their children. Do you think this is all made up?

  53. James, I told you when you first started trying to wind me up that my articles are full of quotes and I add copious links for people to check. You must have noticed: even so you say I have no evidence. You are just playing silly games. I'm sorry but I regard you as inconsequential and can not be bothered with you.
    Are you disputing the evidence or just being a an immature troll?


  54. Arabs certainly did not invent the number zero. This was a product of the Aryan mind of northern India.

    Many Muslims who are recognised as historical figures of intellectual achievement were not, in fact, Arabs. They were Persian converts to Islam from root Aryan stock, if somewhat diluted through miscegenation.

    Muslim invention myths are legion.


  55. Rob, it is annoying when people, "take something I wrote cut it , then manipulate it to back up some spurious assertion, like when someone dishonestly asserts that I, "when asked about the death of children at the hands of immigrants said something like 'well it would have happened to them anyway'(i.e it was their fate to die a horrible lonely death).

    It's annoying, isn't it?

    Yes, I do teach children, particularly children with learning difficulties, and I've started to get a reputation as being very good at it with the schools and agency I work with.

    If you want to meet, you should be able to contact me through my profile or my blogs. Just click on my name.

    "The evidence that is more valid wouldn't by any chance be the evidence that validates the orthodoxy would it Jimmy?"

    The evidence that is more valid is the evidence that comes from sources that can be checked and backed up, and for which the degree of bias can be reasonably assessed.

    The orthodoxy used to be that the British Empire was an exercise in benevolent occupation, but more and more evidence built up that it was a power grab for resources and land, backed up by force and brutality, and the orthodoxy changed accordingly.

    As long as the orthodoxy being taught at schools is to assess evidence objectively and critically, and draw conclusions from that, then yes, I will remain part of the orthodoxy.

  56. Misterfox, offhand I don't remember the links you put on your essay. I don't believe I questioned every claim in your essay, as some of them were borne out by the evidence. I do remember that some of them were not so well backed up, and that your interpretation of the evidence sometimes involved big assumptions and leaps of logic, such as suggesting that the deplorable acts committed by the paedophile ring somehow represented an organised act of war, carried out with the blessing of the British Muslim community and/or their leaders.

    For what it's worth, I do feel that it looks like some of the agencies involved with the case have compromised the robustness of their investigations out of an inappropriate fear of being labelled racist. I am happy to engage in that discussion.

    I am pretty sure the comments thread for that post is not locked by Sarah, so do feel free to post rebuttals there.

    I am not trying to wind you up, I am just trying to keep you grounded in facts and reason, rather than fear and emotional reactions to 'the other'. Not everything you say is wrong, but you do consistently, IMHO, draw some unreasonable conclusions.

    Of course, that is my opinion, not a gospel truth. I just hope that we can discuss it like reasonable adults, without name-calling.

  57. Wintermute, I see that the 0 symbol certainly is an Indian concept, introduced by Gautama Siddha, a Chinese translator of Indian descent.


    Thanks for that clarification.

    I think the rest of your post is a bit confused. I had not intended to, nor have any interest in, attribute a group of inventions specifically to Muslims. I was just linking them to the geographical area of the Middle East(Persia, etc). The link I put was in support of that, but I can see why it gave the impression I was trying to make a point specifically about Islam.

  58. Charles Murray, a prominent American social scientist, stated in his book "Human Accomplishments", that 97%of all significant achievements in both the sciences and the arts by human beings in the past 2800 years were by Europeans and people of European descent.

    The examples given in the Independent from the Arab world, many of which would not have been considered significant, would have been included in the remaining 3%.


  59. James you said it would have happened to them anyway. there's no getting out of that even for you is there? or are we over simplifying?


  60. Rob, seriously, what are you talking about? I'm not trying to evade anything, I just genuinely cannot remember what you are referring to. Put a link, or copy and paste what I said, and I will understand what point you are trying to make.

  61. racismisaweponofwaragainstwhitecivilastion@hotmail.co.uk ...thought you'd like that jimmy 20:00 hrs Friday night the Crown & Sceptre near Oxford street London. im 6ft and will be wearing a green hoody..turn up :)> if you cant find it contact me @ the above email address and I will get back to you


  62. Rob / Steve, this Friday won't do, but Sunday afternoon / evening is a goer, or a weekday evening next week. My fiancée wants to come along too, so I hope that's OK.

    I'm quite a bit shorter than you, have no idea what I will be wearing, but I probably will have a trilby on.

    Also, I do like your email, although probably not for the same reasons you do. I also have to point out that you misspelled 'weapon' and 'civilisation'.

  63. James Mathurin5 May 2011 at 11:19

    Rob / Steve, this Friday won't do, but Sunday afternoon / evening is a goer, or a weekday evening next week. My fiancée wants to come along too, so I hope that's OK.

    I'm quite a bit shorter than you, have no idea what I will be wearing, but I probably will have a trilby on.

    Also, I do like your email, although probably not for the same reasons you do

  64. I can't do Sunday but a day next week would be good I'll be on my own but your fiancée can turn up not a problem.

    a trilby eh ..ok
    Just to be sure when you approach say :The... spotted cuckoo is flying backwards?

    I'll reply : It's a cold day for pontooning

    I'll watch out for the a little man in a hat..like your style


  65. Rob and James

    As you have now exchanged e-mail addresses can I ask you to continue your arrangements offline.

    Please proceed with caution when meeting people you have first encountered on the internet.


  66. James apart from completely predictable - lefty's love poor spelling :)> - someone has hacked the account so we need to find another way to meet up same place and time this Friday, sorry Sarah I have to meet this punter he's priceless.


  67. Rob, I did wonder about that when my email bounced back. Seeing as this happened to you, I'm not too keen on putting my email up here, but you can reach me through my profile.

    Friday is no good though, there's too much going on, but if you contact me, we can sort something out.
