Saturday 16 April 2011

Rap Crap by Mike Wilson


By Mike Wilson

Gyrate to the music man
And let me show to all my fans
That rappin’ is a way of life
And helps avoid the daily strife.

Watch me as I spin around
Moving to the tribal sound.
Come on man, this is really cool
But don’t anyone take me for a fool.

My words all rhyme, there ain’t a doubt
And this is what it’s all about.
No sense in wasting years for learning
When I buy cars with what I’m earning.

I never bothered with ABC
And school has never been good for me
But what I’ve got is mine for keeps
A talent that’s admired heaps.

The kids they try and copy me
And watch my gigs on free TV.
I’m not concerned they give up school
And yes they think it’s very cool.

As long as I can spell my name
I’ll sign the contract once again.
See, I’m a rap star, that’s the thing
See what I’m wearing, that’s my bling.

I couldn’t care about the nation
And what’s all this about inflation?
Man, buy my records won’t you please
I’m getting used to this life of ease.

You guys out there are quite a pain
If you think I’m getting on the dole again.
You hear my words, you buy the disc
This life is easy man, no risk.

Just give me money round the clock
And I will give you rap that rocks.
And in ten years when I’m all done
I’ll just spend money havin’ fun.

So sure I got more stuff than you
But that’s what you’ve all made me do.
You want to see me spend my money
The papers say I’m kind of funny.

I’m a star, the kids all know it-
And as a star I got to show it.
Big house, big car and girlfriend too
Man, as a rapper there’s nothing I can’t do.

A nine to five job, that’s a laugh;
I’ve got 5 people on my staff.
So come on kids give up on culture
Become a rap star – life is ultra.


  1. In my own shire, if I was sad,
    Homely comforters I had:
    The earth, because my heart was sore,
    Sorrowed for the son she bore;
    And standing hills, long to remain,
    Shared their short-lived comrade's pain.
    And bound for the same bourn as I,
    On every road I wandered by,
    Trod beside me, close and dear,
    The beautiful and death-struck year:
    Whether in the woodland brown
    I heard the beechnut rustle down,
    And saw the purple crocus pale
    Flower about the autumn dale;
    Or littering far the fields of May
    Lady-smocks a-bleaching lay,
    And like a skylit water stood
    The bluebells in the azured wood.

    Yonder, lightening other loads,
    The seasons range the country roads,
    But here in London streets I ken
    No such helpmates, only men;
    And these are not in plight to bear,
    If they would, another's care.
    They have enough as 'tis: I see
    In many an eye that measures me
    The mortal sickness of a mind
    Too unhappy to be kind.
    Undone with misery, all they can
    Is to hate their fellow man;
    And till they drop they needs must still
    Look at you and wish you ill.

  2. The other point of view:

  3. There seems to be an almost deliberate destruction of all culture in the world in favour of material and 'star' worship.

    In the UK the BBC aires a show on the main radio station once a week called 'Black Music Night'. Depending on your view, the fact that there is a 'black music night' is neither here nor there, but the fact is that there is no 'White Music' night. The swaying in favour of ethnic minorities undermines everyone involved because it alienates the natives in their own land - and bolsters the opinion of the newcomers that they should not adapt their ways to suit their new home.

    Anyways. Excellent piece.

  4. white music night? what exactly would that be? they have an entire station for classical music, what else do we have exactly, hymns and folk music? im sure if you want to listen to that, they'll be a station somewhere


  5. White music night, eh? The music that dare not speak its name.

    Uncle Nasty

  6. Mike's "poem" encourages the very degrading music/poetry forms that it satirizes. (I have to assume this was intended as satire.) It does indeed glorify the disgusting and dissipating trends that rap promotes, while presenting them as things to be desired, things attractive, things of positive value.

    We need to show clearly that these "attractions" are in fact the causes of destruction of our society, the seeds of ruin to our race. Most of all, it promotes a self-centered point of view, rather than seeing ones self as member of society, working for the good of the family and the greater society. In short, this promotes an entirely inverted view, an anti-Christian view, that can only be damaging to the continuation of nationalism in White society.

  7. Beautiful poem McGonagall. Who wrote it. It reminds me in some lines of Robert Frost"s works which I love. I will download it and read it again at my leisure . Where do you live in Canada. We were in Toronto in '05.

  8. Jason, I entirely agree with you. I presume by 'star' worship you mean celebrity worship and the like. And it will only get worse if the Islamic culture continue to impose their ideology,sharia law, mosque building and colonisation of towns on the UK. We must unite against it.

  9. Yorkshire Bob - it's from A.E.Houseman's "A Shropshire Lad".

    One of the best poets that England produced. He "felt" his culture like no other.

  10. This is actually quite reminiscent of the kind of criticisms that a lot of hip-hop fans have made of the likes of 50 Cent. It's worth pointing out, though, that there are other hip hop artists out there, doing more educated, intelligent work, that is worth supporting, or at least much more interesting to listen to.

  11. Re: Previous commenter "James Mathurin"

    Why do you let this defender of the indefensible, this irksome apologist for the slow cultural and genocidal tragedy that afflicts our people, continue to sully your blog? On the, albeit rare, occasions I have the stomach to indulge his kind of half-baked afrophile drivel, I read the comments in The Guardian and its ilk. He has nothing positive nor helpful to say. He is here solely to apologise for his brothers and to sing their praises. His motivation is clearly malignant and malicious.

  12. Anonymous, did you miss the bit where I actually agreed with the poem? I do agree that there are plenty of rap songs that fit exactly that ignorant stereotype, and I hate them, rather than apologise for them.

    All I did try to point out is that there are different voices within hip-hop, some who celebrate intelligence, hard work and responsibility.

    As for why I am allowed to post, let me quote Sarah herself:
    "Comments reflect a spectrum of opinion, and do not necessarily represent the views or attitudes of this blog or its contributors."

    I respect Sarah and this blog's right to say anything they wish, no matter how much I disagree with it. Please respect mine.
