Friday 22 April 2011

Prosecute Malema

Click here to sign a petition supporting the prosecution of ANC Youth leader Julius Malema under international law for inciting genocide against the Afrikaner minority of South Africa


  1. Well, I signed it. I doubt that anything will come of it to be totally honest here. I feel that there are bigger role players here, but who they are, I have no idea.

  2. Hi - I have remade my blog after it was deleted following news of the world copy right complaints. Could you change my link to this one pls? Thanks.

  3. "Sign the Petition"....Sigh, that's right- sign a petition. After all "its the White thing to do". Colored people by contrast would do something more- something guaranteed to get attention, something VIOLENT. We however, will voice our concern by signing a petition, or if we are really "committed" by staging a "sit-in". How sad, how sickening, how cowardly our people have become. Other races of the world will (physically) rush to the defense of "their own". We, in contrast will "vocalize our disapproval" by signing a petition or writing a letter to the editor, or making an entry to a blog such as this one- anything except something that will have consequences for us and the victims we profess to care about. White people- "internet warriors" all! How laughable we must be in the eyes of those dark invaders taking over our Western nations. All we will do, as they well know, is simply bleat like the sheep that we are and complain until we are shorn and eaten for mutton which it seems, increasingly that we deserve. In the final analysis the only thing that will garner results in the real world is physical action. Any people that will not stick together and help one another to survive against its predators (and that is what the invaders are) will reap the fate that Nature deems such weak species deserve. Our altruistic tendencies are misguided where it dictates our policies in dealing with other races of people. It is a fatal flaw in the makeup of White people and may be our undoing.
