Saturday 19 March 2011

Was this what we were told?

Pilot ejects out of plunging warplane

According to tonight's Channel 4 news the warplane shot down over the Libyan town of Benghazi this morning may have been one of the rebels' own planes, accidentally shot down by friendly fire rather than rather than part of the government forces sent in by Colonel Gadaffi as first thought.

Lets rewind that for a moment, this was a rebel warplane? am I just being dumb or were you all aware that the rebels had their own war planes and the means of shooting them down? Was I not listening when the government told us that by embarking on this humanitarian intervention in Libya, where we will be bombing Libyan government forces, we would be taking sides not with unarmed civilians but with armed insurgents with their own war planes and anti-aircraft missiles?


  1. @Dr D
    My sentiments exactly. I wonder what the real reason(s) are for this "assistance" offered.

  2. It's a MIG 23, whose MIG 23 is not so clear.
