Sunday 20 March 2011

Remember when ...............?

.. Barry O popped over to Oslo to pick up his prize for high expectations?


  1. Anon

    I received your comment and note what you say, but, in the spirit of unity between nationalists have decided it was not appropriate to post it.

  2. I suggest watch for Mideast/Moslem outrage being increasingly directed at Israel in the wake of the current conflict(s).

  3. Sarah. I respect why you didnt post the comment, I read your site often and have enjoyed reading your articles on the GA site. But I can no longer justify what GA has been doing to our movement. His attacks on Buttler/Bennett were both childish and purile and if anything he was directing traffic to their sites. Last nights interview was shocking the way GA tried to attack Barnes in every question, we have Bertie to thank for stepping in and saving the day. It was cringe making to listen to GA. I am a former friend of Pauls and now find his erratic behaviour a real and present danger to nationalism as a whole. I cant see what kind of person would call another mans wife a slut on the www. How low can he go? That was the single most offensive thing ive seen him print. I wish you well x

  4. The interview and some shocking personal attacks are on Lee's Blog.

  5. Gadaffi has not attacked his own people - RT -

    Whereas the liblabcontrick have attacked our own people!

  6. Challenged to explain the decision to award Mr Obama the most distinguished Nobel prize, even though the deadline for nominations fell 11 days after he took office, Thorbjørn Jagland, the committee chairman, said in October: “Alfred Nobel wrote that the prize should go to the person who has contributed most to the development of peace in the previous year. Who has done more for that than Barack Obama?”

    The above is from the link on the post. I am rather bemused by this as this plonker has done nothing for world peace.

    This make me wonder who is actually "running the show"

  7. Cameron suggests Gadaffi has attacked his own people.

    I doubt it, perhaps in small number to restore order.

    lets not forget westminster a couple of years ago asked mod to sort out units prepared to fire on uk citizens And lets also not forget there is the death penalty written into the lisbon treaty should we dare to protest against the EU.

    Let's also not forget the 200,000 Abortion per year, now advertised on TV, a bill to sterilise schoolchildren and the secret jobcentres being opened up in Africa inviting in another 50 million Africans into the EU.

    By their policies, you shall know their thoughts.
