Wednesday 9 March 2011

An impressive lady


  1. More cojones than obama and holder put together.

  2. Michele Bachmann is one of the bright stars of the Tea Party. She makes a good presentation, she is bright, and she is right. She is a person to watch, because she is definitely a rising figure in US politics on the right.

    One of the things that I like about her particularly is that she seems to be more concerned about the state of the nation than she is about her personal ambitions, and that is very refreshing to me.

  3. Interestingly Michelle Bachmann's Wikipedia entry makes no mention of either Israel of the Jews, she also doesn't list either subject amongst the "issues" on her own site.

    She certainly supports the general US government stance on Israel, but then you would struggle to find half a dozen white US politicians who don't.

    She is much more impressive than most male politicians

  4. Bruce,
    Vancouver, WA or Vancouver BC?

  5. James Edwards of Political Cesspool (a man I respect) doesn't think too much of her. Check out his prior entries on her on his blog. She seems to have a habit of lying about the US founders and American Constitutional history to fit her multicultural narrative. I don't know that it would be too wise to trust someone who fibs so easily and regularly.

  6. Any man who describes himself as living in a cesspool is beneath respect, as I see it. If he is to be respected, he needs to elevate his perspective and his point of view, something Edwards does not seem inclined to do.
