Thursday 10 March 2011

Distortions of the truth

In view of how they have categorised these four "white" sexual predators, it would be interesting to see Florida's wider ethnic crime statistics


  1. Three out of the four have hispanic names, and are most likely mestizos. On this basis, they are presumably classified as "white" because that is the official way to avoid distinguishing hispanics from Anglos. The mideasterner is presumably considered Caucasian, and therefore classified as "white."

    The whole thing is about recording as little actual information as possible while appearing to gather much information. All under the guise of better, more effective crime prevention while getting fewer and fewer results by design.

  2. I didn't realise the US police used this means of distorting the statistics so much.

    Are the US public aware this is happening?

  3. I think the American public is moderately conscious of this distortion. With the vast hordes of mestizos coming across our southern border, the news invariably reports them as "white," so people are forced to have some awareness of the problem.

  4. The US Government will do anything to distort race statistics, or any other kind of statistic. Its just like the old Soviet Union.

    As for the public, the only thing they are aware of is that the NFL is on the verge of a lockout.

  5. Most of the American public are mindless sheep more concerned with network tv programming than they are with actual events. And it's true, I don't think I've ever heard of a black or hispanic charged with a "hate" crime, no matter how horrific their deeds might be...

  6. I may have submitted this before, but have a look at some (FBI) Department of Justice statistics HERE.

    Buried somewhere in the "haystack", it says:

    "For this survey respondents self identify with one or more racial categories. Racial categories for this report are white only, black only, and other race only.

    The "other" category is composed of Asian Pacific Islanders, and American Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos, if only one of these races is given (NO HISPANICS?).

    Persons reporting two or more races are included in the category of "more than one race". The race of the head of household is used for computing household crime demographics

    In other words, Mexicans/Latinos/Hispanics are INCLUDED in the "White only" category, -- a methodology that vastly distorts the true "White" crime figures by unfavorably increasing those numbers by a healthy margin.
