Tuesday 1 February 2011

Tommy Robinson 1 Jeremy Paxman 0

Paxman was totally defeated by Tommy Robinson of the EDL on tonight's Newsnight (available here shortly) and he responded with appallingly bad grace.

Well done Tommy, you won, despite an extremely dishonest and biased report.


  1. The BBC will not share with North Americans it seems.

  2. On you Sarah... great to have another sister in the struggle :)

    As I recently related to the EDL.. I have a feeling Divine Providence has some very big things ahead for them... as long as they retain the vision.
    David Ross

  3. I had to go to another site to view your link.
    Î am not British but I was
    amazed at the attitude of the interviewer.
    If he represents the view of the BBC then they are surely the worst enemy of the British people.

    This guy is and absolute disgrace and I hope that the father of a raped British girl finds him in a pub someday.
    You British are a well mannered people but your enemies are using you cultivated manners and tolerance to destroy your own people.
    That young lad is a brave soul and I suspect the average Brit will see the attitude of the BBC towards the average Brit in that interview.
    The Interviewers attempt to silence him by trying to make him look like a radical racist failed miserably.
    After watching that clip the only impression that remains is that of the bbc trying to silence the voice of a reasonable concerned indigenous citizen, much like Gordon Brown's bigoted old lady remark.

  4. I had to go to another site to view your link.
    Î am not British but I was
    amazed at the attitude of the interviewer.
    If he represents the view of the BBC then they are surely the worst enemy of the British people.

    This guy is and absolute disgrace and I hope that the father of a raped British girl finds him in a pub someday.
    You British are a well mannered people but your enemies are using you cultivated manners and tolerance to destroy your own people.
    That young lad is a brave soul and I suspect the average Brit will see the attitude of the BBC towards the average Brit in that interview.
    The Interviewers attempt to silence him by trying to make him look like a radical racist failed miserably.
    After watching that clip the only impression that remains is that of the bbc trying to silence the voice of a reasonable concerned indigenous citizen, much like Gordon Brown's bigoted old lady remark.

  5. I regret that people outside the UK will not be able to view the program as you don't pay the mandatory license tax which we in Britain are forced to pay.

  6. Unfortunately I could not see the interview either as I am in Florida. One thing I do know is that Jeremy Paxman is an insufferable, pompous, conceited know it all (actually know nothing), a perfect example of the BBC attitude. Whereas Tommy Robinson is a concerned patriot who has right and justice on his side. TR and the EDL are clearly under attack from the traitors who have deliberately destroyed Britain and England in particular.
    Love your site Sarah, keep up the good work!
    roger in florida

  7. This is the full version on youtube. I didn't choose the title which I don't agree with.


  8. Most of these encouragers of immigration personally benefit from it. They are not sincere but hypocrites.



  9. This is Simon Darby interviewed by Andrew Neill on daily politics.


  10. Tommy Robinson with the arrogant Adam Boulton. He puts the snooty idiot right!

