Monday 14 February 2011

More Benefits of Diversity

I see that China, a country which is famously a net exporter of immigrants, has become the second largest economy rapidly catching up on America, a nation now drowning in debt and immigration. Meanwhile, the immigrant friendly UK has plummeted from fourth place to sixth in the world ranking and is still falling. At the same time, India, a country which is probably the greatest net exporter of immigrants on the planet, whilst fiercely restricting inward migration, has risen to 11th place rivalling both Russia and Canada for a place in the top 10.

Despite this we are forever told that that immigration benefits our economies and our national well being. Yet, those who make such claims tend to be less explicit when asked to substantiate or quantify their assertions.

This is hardly surprising, for as Britain struggles to recover from the worst recession in our history, and one which hit us following a decade of inward immigration at levels unseen in any European country in history, is it not legitimate to ask where exactly is this much vaunted benefit.

Inward migration to both China and India is all but non-existent, yet while our economies are in free fall their economies are soaring.

By comparison, both Greece and Ireland the two earliest casualties (so far) of the so called global economic crisis, both experienced massive levels of inward immigration, before the whole thing fell apart. This same story is being repeated throughout Europe and North America. With the single exception of Germany, we are all in a state of rapid economic decline, despite enthusiastically importing the mass I which was supposed to be out salvation.

“We all benefit from our vibrant m society” the great and the good keep telling us, “Divesity is our strength” but the evidence supporting this claims becomes less credible by the day.

It is not only countries which are suffering the consequences of this delusion, it is also not doing corporations much good either.

Two of the largest casualties of the 2008 economic collapse were A, which required a bailout from the US government eventually totalling $150 billion and RBS which ended up 60% owned by the UK taxpayers, Previously both companies appeared to be booming, however, I would draw your attention to these two new stories which appeared in the three years leading up to the crisis:

14 February 2005 – RBS Appoints new Head of Diversity


12 January 2007 – AIG names first chief diversity officer

Makes you think doesn’t it? Diversity is our strength huh? I think not.


  1. Sarah,
    Very few people are moving to China and India because those are not welfare societies, if you do go there you work or starve. On the other hand come to Britain, receive immediate health coverage, housing assistance, education benefits, unemployment and "job seekers" allowance, etc. Fantastically, in addition the host country will discriminate against it's own citizens in your favor.
    What's not to like?
    roger in florida

  2. Diversity is our strength. What a load of nonsense. About 5 years ago back in South Africa, they used to bleat the same tune, "diversity is strength" Its like saying " the goat is greater than the cow". The trick is to say it with such conviction that you must believe yourself. Where did that originate and why do people still say it. Even though its been proven to rubbish.
    As a group of people, the ones who are the same. The same outlook on life, the same values, the same objectives , will unquestionably be better or stronger than those who are diverse. The diverse will first have to find common ground before they can progress. Having lived a "diverse "society my whole life, I can assure you its not stronger or better or any other tired cliché.

  3. Dingo - The denialist authors of The Spirit Level get as close as it is possible to (unintentionally) prove that non-diverse ( i.e.homogeneous)societies are happier. See:

  4. awesome content!
