Tuesday 11 January 2011

The politics of Vitriol

Should a crackdown on language include Obama?

“They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”

“I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”

“Punish your enemies.”

“Get in Their Faces!”

Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”

“Hit Back Twice As Hard”

“I’m itching for a fight.”

"I know who's a## to kick!"


  1. Obama is so completely beneath the office of the President, as all of these quotes make clear. These are not the words of a statesman, but rather they are the words of a Chicago street thug, which as we all know is exactly what Obama is. He is an utter disgrace to the office.

  2. According to internet sources, he was jewish too. His mother was a jew. And Obamanination's mother was also a jew.

  3. http://i52.tinypic.com/2niutts.jpg

  4. Obama is almost as bad as Zuma (and that is really bad). Unfortunately, you folks in the USA voted for terrorbama. It is up to you folks to ta....sorry, vote him out.

  5. Almost all assassination , terrorist incidents and political intimidation either come from the left or are committed by one of or a member of one of their favoured activist groups. Yet we on the "right" seem to cop the blame. Does anyone believe them any more? Do they even believe their bullshit any more?


  6. I relish the day in my life when, with a huge sigh of relief that "it's over," people (& history) look back on these years to unanimously agree that this mongrel clown nearly destroyed the USA.
