Sunday 16 January 2011

More Anti-White Media lies

Next time you see white people on tv risking their lives to feed and rescue black people, remember this hateful anti-white article published in USA Today.
An article in USA Today claims that “both blacks and Hispanics were twice as likely as whites to have performed heroic deeds.” The source for the claim is a Philip Zimbardo, a professor emeritus at Stanford University.
He backs up this claim by saying that blacks and Hispanics are better heroes because they are “discriminated against.” They become heroes by “standing up to discrimination.” Then he follows by saying blacks and Hispanics have “more compassion to others in need.”
According to Zimbardo, these white volunteers rescuing Haitians don’t know what being a real hero is. They have never been discriminated against by the evil white man. I guess that is why so few black Americans volunteered to go to Haiti. They were all too busy being heroes by standing up to the white mans’ “discrimination” in the United States.
The entire article is nothing more than a vicious slur against white people.
This Philip Zimbardo is a fanatical leftist who claims it is discrimination for a landlord not to let someone squat in his apartment for free.
I was discriminated against because I was Jewish, Italian, black and Puerto Rican. But maybe the worst prejudice I experienced was against the poor. I grew up on welfare and often had to move in the middle of the night because we couldn’t pay the rent. – Philip Zimbardo
Zimbardo has made a name for himself advocating his “Luficer effect” theory as to why “good people turn evil.” He claims social conditioning turns people bad, not genetics. This is a major tenant of the social Marxism espoused by the Frankfurt school.
He takes the name of his theory from John Milton’s Paradise Lost, which Zimbardo comically confuses with Old Testament “scripture.” The word Lucifer does not even appear in the Old Testament except for the King James Version, where it is used once. The story he describes as “from scripture” is actually from John Milton’s 17th century epic poem Paradise Lost. Milton re-writes the Devil as a more sympathetic “Lucifer” based on of the Greek deity Prometheus. However, Milton certainly did not advocate any social conditioning psycho-babble.
Full story from USA Today:
New research would seem to support President Obama’s observation Wednesday night in Tucson that “heroism is here, all around us.”Philip Zimbardo, a Stanford University professor emeritus and colleagues used a nationally-representative sample of 4,000 adults and found that 20% qualified as heroes — they had helped during a dangerous emergency, taken a stand against injustice, or sacrificed for a stranger.Obama cited Congressional intern Daniel Hernandez, who helped Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords after she was critically wounded, along with doctors and bystanders after an assassination attempt that killed six others and left 13 wounded.
“Heroes are ordinary people,” says Zimbardo, of San Francisco. “You become a hero by doing an extraordinary deed.”In the study, both blacks and Hispanics were twice as likely as whites to have performed heroic deeds. Zimbardo says they want to do follow-up research on the reasons for the racial/ethnic differences, which he speculates could be attributed to “greater opportunities to respond” or “being discriminated against makes them have more compassion to others in need.”The study, supported by the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford, asked participants “Have you ever done something that other people — not necessarily you yourself — considered a heroic act or deed?” Those who answered “yes” selected from a list the actions most similar to their own: helping another person in a dangerous emergency; “blowing the whistle” on an injustice with awareness of the personal risk or threat to yourself; sacrifice on behalf of a non-relative or stranger, such as an organ donation; defying unjust authority; or other.Among the 20% who met the survey definition, 55% had helped someone during an emergency, 8% confronted an injustice, 14% had defied unjust authority and 5% had sacrificed for a stranger.”These are people who did very dramatic things,” Zimbardo says. “They’re everyday quiet heroes.”The survey also found someone is more likely to be a hero if the individual has experienced a personal trauma or disaster; or the individual has previously volunteered in non-threatening settings, such as at a soup kitchen.Social psychologist Scott Allison of Richmond, Va., says Hernandez’ reaction is common among those cited for heroic deeds.”It is part modesty, but what they’re also acknowledging is that it’s the situation that gives rise to heroism more than anything else. We call it a ‘heroic moment.’ The terrible tragedy produced heroic opportunities for everyday people to do something extraordinary,” he says.For the book Heroes: What They Do & Why We Need Them, which Allison co-authored, face-to-face interviews with 450 adults asked them to name their heroes and explain why. The survey produced a pattern of traits common to heroes, including intelligence, courage, charisma and selflessness, he says.”We have a need for heroes because we have a need to be challenged,” Allison says. “We love heroes because of what they offer us — hope for better world.The future is just why Zimbardo says he created the nonprofit Heroic Imagination Project, which has begun with pilot programs for adolescents in the Bay area.”At a very deep psychological level, we all need and want heroes to be special people to inspire us,” he says. “Heroes are really the soul of a nation. They represent what is best in human nature.”


  1. This article should on the BNP website.
    Sadly however, the BNP has never presented the true picture, which is why they keep losing elections.

  2. RACISM. Put a complaint in to the EHRC and other bodies. Lets get these Anti-White groups working for us.

  3. Silly Kuffar, that works only if you are fond of the egalitarian utopia. I'm not. To extrapolate this to feminism, I don't mind it because it wants privileges for women, I mind the whole concept that men and women should be equal and that we have the same meanings in life.

  4. Just inserting this for comments to be sent to my email.

  5. The Amerindians got what they deserved[from the Conquistadores]. But presently, who condemns the ancient dwellers of the Americas? In a politically correct world it cannot be said that the infanticidal pre-Hispanics were psychologically dissociated; that the military theocracy was composed of serial killers, or that they were morally inferior to us....
    The most recent treatise about the encounter between the Spanish and Mexican empires is Conquest: Montezuma, Cortés and the Fall of Old Mexico by Hugh Thomas. It catches the attention that, as a typical bienpensant, in the preface’s first paragraph Thomas candidly talks about the members of the two cultures without realizing that they belong to very distinct psychoclasses. On the next page Thomas writes about “compassion” as one of the virtues of the Mexica in spite of the fact that on the next line he sates that even the babies in arms were made to cry with brutality before sacrificing them! As to the treatment of women Thomas writes, dishonestly, that their position was at lest as comparable to the female Europeans of that age, although we perfectly know that European women were not deceived to be sacrificed, decapitated and skinned punctually according to rituals of the Gregorian calendar. And the women who would not be sacrificed were not allowed to wear sandals, unlike their husbands. In the codexes the Indian females appear generally on their knees while the males are on sitting facilities .... And we must remember the Indian costume of selling, and even giving as presents, their daughters. The same Malinali, later called equivocally Marina or “La Malinche,” Cortés’ right hand, had been sold by her mother to some traders from Xicallanco, who in turn had sold her to some Mayans who sold her to some Chontales, who gave her as a present to Cortés. Thomas even takes as historical the words of the chronicler in regard to Xicoténcatl II’s embassy when, after Xicoténcatl’s people suffered crushing defeats, he went into the Spanish camp with words that portray the treatment of the Indian woman by their own: “And if you want sacrifices, take these four women that you may sacrifice, and you can eat their flesh and their hearts. Since we don’t know how you do it we have not sacrificed them before you.” The study of Salvador de Madariaga about the conquest, published under the title Hernán Cortés [Macmillan, NY, 1941], precedes half a century Thomas’ study. Without the ominous clouds of cultural relativism that cover the skies of our times, in Madariaga’s study it is valid to advance value judgments.

  6. The Leftists are really pushing the boundaries of reason here with that nonsensical tripe.

    Hopefully, the USA Today article will have a positive affect by pushing some gullible liberals over and beyond, even their limits, of naive acceptance.

    This short video may also help persuade them in facing up to reality.

  7. Thanks Anon 13:29

    However, I am afraid the thought censors have already removed that video.

  8. Who reads USA Today anymore?

    Like other elements of the Old Media it's steadily losing readership due to its Leftist tilt and anti-American bias.

    The only thing USAT is good for is lining the bird cage.

  9. Sanctimonious grease ball. What else would you expect from a Jew like this.

    These creeps no longer have the impact on the gullible like they used to. With the advent of the internet and the information available to all who care to read it, whites are waking up albeit slowly, but they are waking up!

    What's gone around is coming around ;)

  10. Hi Sarah
    Greeting from Ireland, love your blog.I am an Irish nationalist and while there has been a history between our two countries I now see our commonalities are greater then our differences.
    This is hilarious and this clowns statement should be disseminated as much as possible.
    Take care

  11. Academic types rarely mention is that slavery was being carried out by blacks (and Muslims, of course) against other blacks - hundreds of years before white slave traders decided to get in on the act. Not that Mr Zimbardo would let historical facts get in the way of 'social progress'.

    Mr Zimbardo's clearly spots a comfortable place for himself in the New World Order... dragging the reputation of his own race through the mud for personal gain and status. I'm sure he'll be richly rewarded for his cowardice.

  12. Academic types rarely mention is that slavery was being carried out by blacks (and Muslims, of course) against other blacks - hundreds of years before white slave traders decided to get in on the act. Not that Mr Zimbardo would let historical facts get in the way of 'social progress'.

    Mr Zimbardo's clearly spots a comfortable place for himself in the New World Order... dragging the reputation of his own race through the mud for personal gain and status. I'm sure he'll be richly rewarded for his cowardice.

  13. Just another anti white Jew, of course any support for
    Palestinians from whites are deemed anti- semitic with the usual nazi cries.
    Jews like these will make Israel loose all support from from whites.

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