Saturday 15 January 2011

A little truth amongst the lies

I know that Express journalist Leo McKinstry is not universally popular amongst the nationalist community on account of his frequent condemnations of parties such as the BNP (he'd be unemployable if he didn't). However, I think many of us will find a lot to agree with in his latest article.


By Leo McKinstry

THE hypocrisy of the politically correct brigade is truly nauseating. These noisy zealots constantly trumpet their commitment to women’s rights, anti-racism and the protection of the vulnerable.

Yet, suddenly, when confronted with the reality of vicious sexual exploitation of young white girls by Asian men, they drop their supposedly cherished principles.

Instead they either deny the existence of the issue or, even worse, they collude with abusers by attacking those who tell the truth.

In recent days these grotesque double standards have been fully on display in the wake of new evidence about the prevalence of Asian sex gangs within our society.

Last week two Muslim men from Derby, Mohammed Liaqat and Abid Saddique, were jailed for raping several young girls after plying them with drugs and alcohol. The conviction of these two vile predators came on top of a new report from the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, which warned of the growing incidence of this kind of systematic abuse by Pakistani offenders.

Another study last week, based on an analysis of 17 major prosecutions since 1997 for grooming and sexual exploitation of girls aged 11 to 16, showed that of the 56 men found guilty, 53 were Asian.

Responding to these revelations, the former Home Secretary Jack Straw abandoned the usual conspiracy of denial from the political establishment. In refreshingly frank language, he told the BBC that there was a “specific problem” with some Pakistani men who prey on young white girls because “they think they are easy meat”.

Predictably, Straw’s comments caused a huge storm. Muslim groups called his views “deeply offensive” while MP Keith Vaz said the remarks were “pretty dangerous”. The chief executive of the children’s charity Barnardo’s Martin Narey warned in hand wringing tones about the potential stereotyping of Pakistani men.

Clearly, morality should not be inverted by the dogma of political correctness. In this twisted ideological world, it would seem that the hypersensitivities of an ethnic minority are more keenly protected than the rights of abused girls.

The greatest crime is not the sexual brutality itself but daring to mention the ethnicity of the predators.

Read more

Hat Tip: Runic


  1. Hi Sarah,

    Ethnicity is spoken in terms of Ingsoc and Doublespeak.

    We truly live in Orwellian times eh?

  2. Jack Straw sticking up for white children, how stupid does he think we are..hold Labour just got back into Oldham! Jack you clearly know some of us too well. However some of us know what a fraud you are, we know that you and the rest of the establishment have known about our white children getting raped for years. We wont forget.

  3. Perusing these pics, I'd say the subjects are all as ugly as sin. As we know, they are years older than their victims.

    This suggests that most, if not all, of the victims must have desperately unhappy home lives. It seems that few, if any, have contact with their biological fathers, as I've yet to read of a biological father of any of these victims who has been interviewed.

    This suggests two undelying problems, the first the break-up of the traditional nuclear family and the second (as even David Cameron has admiited) the 'sexualisation' of the young.

    By all means the Moslems must be ejected and the 5th Column that imports/supports/condones them identified and put on trial.

    However, the foreigners can't be blamed for the other two underlying problems.

    I wonder how many white Brit males would be prepared to renounce even the background Murdoch-style tabloid pornography as a first step in helping to 'de-sexualise' the young and safeguard potential future victims of Moslem paedophilia?

    Disappointingly few, I suspect.

  4. There are honest journalist but are constrained by the threat of becoming unemployable if they go to far. Gary Bushell and Simon Heffer are reputedly nationalists but have to tread carefully. Leo Mckinstry and Stephen Glove are much braver and deserve respect for tackling risky subjects.

  5. "I wonder how many white Brit males would be prepared to renounce even the background Murdoch-style tabloid pornography as a first step in helping to 'de-sexualise' the young and safeguard potential future victims of Moslem paedophilia?

    Disappointingly few, I suspect."

    Irrelevant - we have enough problems dealing with bad eggs of our own kind, we KNOW that and WE deal with them so leave it out!!

    The focus is on the ethnic imports to the UK and more importantly the treacherous home spun scum who facilitated their importation.

    50/56 of these animals of Pakistani origin keep the focus on that... for now at least! but if you want to stick to your guns consider putting that question to the "English" Jew Richard Desmond and his kith of asssociates.

  6. Re: "Irrelevant - we have enough problems dealing with bad eggs of our own kind, we KNOW that and WE deal with them so leave it out!!"

    I guess you must be one of those white Brits who regularly peruses pp 1, 3 of certain tabloids.

    Whoever "WE" is, they have done nothing to curb what is rightly called the sexualisation of the young e.g. moves to teach sodomy to 5-year-olds, which is abominable.

    The Moslems didn't do that. They only take advantage of the results.

    It's worth noting that the pornographer-in-chief Rupert Murdoch is also a papal knight, Order of St Gregory the Great. He didn't get that award from any Jewish enclave.

  7. Did you watch Question Time?

    They had a silver back female - calling itself 'Diane Abbot' babbling about the reporting and the offensive tone of Straw and the media highlighting the "Pakistani" aspect of these animals and not mentioning white males?? Despite the reports of there being a high percentage of white paedos there are NO white male GANGS attacking vulnerable children - least of all ethnic non white children.

    This creature has no interest in speaking up for or protesting no less on behalf of white females or their children anywhere in this country - a country of which she is a bloody immigrant/settler.

    Again question the motives of the idiotic scum who placed/enabled this creature and others like it, into the position of MP??

    It has a proven record of fiddling train fares and sending it's offspring to a private school... but it's still an MP recently contesting for leadership of the Labour Party?????

    Are we effing mad???!!!!

  8. "I guess you must be one of those white Brits who regularly peruses pp 1, 3 of certain tabloids."

    No personally I don't but you do have a point as these young women are 99.5% white.

    However as for Murdoch & Co I believe he is of the same species as Desmond or at least half as much.

    Of the contemptible white spivs he and his ilk employ in propagating this perversion with such subtlety of attracting and subjugating more of the same - there I would agree with you.

  9. "It's worth noting that the pornographer-in-chief Rupert Murdoch is also a papal knight, Order of St Gregory the Great. He didn't get that award from any Jewish enclave."

    Seeing as my last comment was deleted you might want to have a word with him then or the Runnymede Trust.

  10. Anon 04:21

    I agree that we are pretty well agreed on these matters.

    I have no doubts about the existence of a Jewish cabal. It has existed for about two millennia. They appear not to be acting alone, though and, for example the Rothschilds, mainly help with bankrolling the nation wreckers. They betray their own religion and its adherents in so doing.
