Monday 17 January 2011

Acts of War

By Mister Fox

Acts of War are often invasions of peaceful countries but the Muslims raping young White girls must be considered an Act of War as it is carried out by a separate and homogeneous community imported into our country by the deceit of the elites against the interests of the indigenous people.

Can anyone imagine the great Lord Palmerston allowing aliens to gang rape our young girls? In 1850 for the assault on British subject Don Pacificos in Greece, a foreign country, he sent the navy and blockaded their ports Greece was under the joint protection of three powers: Russia and France protested against its coercion by the British fleet and the French ambassador temporarily left London. It was the cause of his declaration that British subjects ought everywhere to be protected by the strong arm of the British government against injustice and wrong; comparing the reach of the British Empire to that of the Roman Empire, in which a Roman citizen could walk the earth unmolested by any foreign power. This was the famous speech Civis Britannicus Sum based on Civis Romanus Sum.

His Gun Boat Diplomacy was to protect British subjects anywhere in the world. The low and worthless rulers we have now even cover up for aliens raping our young girls in our own towns and cities. Just compare girly Michael Gove with this great man. What an embarrassment!

The sight of the elites on Question Time talking away this reality to cover it up was sickening. (1) They unanimously agreed Jack Straw was a racist for hinting that Pakistani males are serial sex offenders against young white girls and would not even discuss the reality. (2) They didn't mention that Pakistani women must be virgins at marriage and risk assault or death if they step out of line. Michael Goves was a prig and the ultra-orthodox Jeanette Winterson made her feminist points. She is a “hater” - but only of fashionable targets like White males. I suggest you read her books of hate to see what she thinks of men. Are these vile, liars and cowards our representatives? Do they speak for us? No, we must protect our people ourselves and campaign to protect young White girls from the alliance of secrecy between the degenerate elites and Muslim child-rapists. When does the fight back start to protect our people - Now Occurrences that could cause us to revolt are first kept quiet but if it comes out they try to nullify its effects. This is why Muslim child-rapists are classed as criminals or we are encouraged to think they are the same as White paedophiles but they are from a different community and never do it to their own only other communities children like whites and Sikhs.

The police and social services kept these activities quiet for years and even tried to sue Channel 4 to stop them exposing it. Colin Cramphorn, CBE, QPM, DL, FRSA, Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, told a public meeting that we must “learn to live” with the rapes of young White children. Instead of doing their duty to combat crime the local police forces aided and abetted these evil crimes by covering them up.

Cramphorn persuaded channel Four to postpone its investigation Edge of the City as it would "increase community tensions" in the run up to local and European elections in 2004. This was police interference in the political process. This is how the elites stick together against the interests of the people they claim to serve. Channel Four had made the documentary with the co-operation of Bradford Social Services. They showed it after the election. The programme, featured alleged abuses of young White women by older Muslim men. Don't forget it was the corrupt Blackpool police who destroyed the case against two Muslim sickos who are thought to have chopped Charlene Downs up and sold her in Kebab meat. (3)

No wonder they persecute the BNP and EDL but cover up for Muslims military training. (4)

MI5 has been infiltrated by Muslim terrorists. MI5 is responsible for protecting Britain against national security threats yet may have recruited up to six al-Qaeda sympathisers. Six Muslim recruits were expelled including two who had been to training camps in Pakistan. others had unexplained gaps of up to three months unexplained. Two of the men had several weeks training while the other four were identified before they entered training. They are openly giving priority to recruiting Muslims.
In fact the police force admitted they can not or do not want to expel 8 al-Queda agents! Don’t forget that MI5 did not know the 7/7 bombings of London was planned!!! (5)

London is the world centre for Muslim terrorism and this is being encouraged by the police and security services. We can disagree over the motives of our elites but not their intentions: they are encouraging Muslims to take over our country. There have been stories of young Muslims having terrorist training in remote areas in this country? Have MI5 noticed or do they deliberately allow it?

Throughout the 1980s and 90s the police and security services allowed Muslim terror groups financed by Saudi money to develop and to produce literature promoting hatred of Britain and Jewish communities.

Arab banks financed terrorist and anti-Western groups with the authorities allowing it. They even gave safe haven to terrorists wanted in other countries and allowed them to preach violence against us in the streets and arrested Brits who objected. The police protected the terrorists many of whom went on to mount terrorist attacks in other countries like Israel and America.

Abu Hamza, who was a significant figure in global terrorism, was allowed to incite murder and hatred of us and Jews; also, the police and MI5 allowed him to gather a massive stock of weapons for fighting us on our streets and recruit for terror cells.

Three of the London Bombers were influenced by him. To be fair the police did try to prosecute him twice but the CPS stopped it. Who in the CPS stopped it?

It was only when the Americans wanted him extradited did the authorities act as if to prevent him being sent to Guatanamo Bay in 2004. Then, Washington named Abu Hamza as a "terrorist facilitator with a global reach" and he was arrested pending extradition. Five months later, he was charged with 15 UK offences associated with his sermons and information contained in the Encyclopaedia of Afghan Jihad.

Parents have been bullied by the state out of advising their children not to mix with people from other ethnic groups. Further, the state has taken over the education of the majority of children through state education. The elites will try to stop it but we must form Home Schooling networks. In tandem with this the media present ethnics in a good light as bearers of virtue and cultural enrichment. This why we need traditional prejudice passed down from our ancestors: it save innocent people learning the hard way as these young girls have.

This innocence has a jagged edge. As I wrote, like the Soviet Union the elites are trying to bring our perceptions into line with their wishful thinking.

The recent, belated expose of the extent of Muslims gang-raping young White girls has at last brought an evil into the public consciousness. Progressives are trying to remove its sting: nullify it by adapting it to their unworldly ideology. If they do not Whites would start to revolt and there are a lot more of us. Its only by controlling what people are allowed to know that keeps the masses passive; even welfare entitlements and employing a large per cent of the population could lose their force if people knew it was a rival ethnic community that is raping young children.

Some recalcitrant facts could not be swayed away and remain: The Times investigation is based around 56 men convicted in the Midlands and north of England since 1997, 50 from Muslim backgrounds. Muslim men even hang around outside school-gates looking for young White girls to drug and rape but no teacher speaks out.

Former Labour MP Ann Cryer provoked an attempt to hide the truth in 2003 when she said the traditional culture of arranged marriages could have caused a criminal minority of Asian men to target vulnerable young white girls for sex.

No, but the gang raping of minors is criminal and the police and social services aided and abetted these predators by covering up.

Another attempt to falsify reality came from Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Lancashire-based Ramadhan Foundation, said last year: ‘I think the police are overcautious because they are afraid of being branded racist. 'These men are criminals and should be treated as criminals — whatever their race.’ this is the same excuse the Government used for IRA terrorists. That those political terrorists were criminals. We really must not take any notice of this cowardly twaddle.

In the Netherlands young white girls are gang-raped and used for prostitution by Moroccan pimps, known as 'loverboys'. Sweden is the rape capital of Europe – well, the Muslim parts are. (6)

To sample the official “conspiracy of silence” that allows hundreds of vulnerable white girls in some towns to be abused by Asian men: Ajmal Mohamed, a 43-year-old from Blackburn. In 2004, Mohammed, took a schoolgirl to a Manchester hotel room and got her drunk to celebrate her 14th birthday. The child ran away. Police were called, but he denied having sex with her and they issued him with a “child abduction warning letter”. They allowed it to continue. He was never prosecuted.

Two years later, Mohammed took another 14-year-old to a hotel room in Blackpool and did rape this one. When the police arrested him they found the phone numbers of six other vulnerable young girls on his mobile phone. The police who let him off the first time have personal responsibility for the second attack and must be held accountable.

In industrial towns across the North and the Midlands, in just three years 51 people have been convicted in trials involving groups of men who have picked up young girls for gang raping and sexual exploitation. Forty-eight of the offenders were Asian; the vast majority of the victims were white. Recently, in Derby, nine men, eight of them Asian, were sentenced for their parts in a gang that groomed, sexually exploited and in some cases raped 27 local children, 22 of them white.

In 2006, Blackburn’s local paper, the Lancashire Telegraph, launched a “Keep Them Safe” campaign to make the authorities tackle what it called “sexual grooming and abduction - which predominantly involves Asian men”. In article after article, the paper charted locals’ frustration at officials refusal o do what they are paid for and help the girls.

In 2007, the Lancashire Telegraph reported, that some parents had threatened to sue the police for their failure to act. The editor, Kevin Young, said: “This is an extremely sensitive subject, and the Telegraph gave it a lot of consideration before launching its campaign.” They should sue the police for covering the widespread rape of children up.

Like the liars on QT the judiciary takes the side of foreign sex attackers. In October 2007 evil Judge Sir Henry Hodge stopped the deportation of a serial sex attacker because it would breach his human right to a family life. Hodge was an immigration busy trying to destroy our country. The foreigner admitted indecently assaulting 11 women in the previous five years and has committed a string of other offences including robbery, burglary, arson and drugs. But Hodge - husband of paedophile supporting Labour minister Margaret Hodge - ruled he should be allowed to stay because he came to the UK at the age of six and has almost no family left in West Africa. To support his decision, he cited article eight of the Human Rights Act, which gives a person the right to a family life.

That's it! Family life for vile perverts but ruined lives for the victims and no legal catharsis offered.
Another evil judge sentenced Stuart Wood, with previous convictions for violence and indecent assault on young girls, to just seven years for a vicious rape, then praised him for converting to Islam: “You have turned to Islam and this promises well for your future, particularly as you are now an adherent of a religion which respects women and self-discipline.” (7)

Under Sharia Law, rape can only be proven if the rapist confesses or if there are four male witnesses. Women who allege rape, without the benefit of the act having been witnessed by four men who subsequently develop a conscience, are taken as confessing to having sex.

In America Alone Mark Steyn wrote that Europe will need a Balkans-style civil war is the only option for Europe:"Why did Bosnia collapse into the worst slaughter in Europe since the second World War? In the thirty years before the meltdown, Bosnian Serbs had declined from 43 percent to 31 percent of the population, while Bosnian Muslims had increased from 26 percent to 44 percent. In a democratic age, you can't buck demography — except through civil war. The Serbs figured that out, as other Continentals will in the years ahead: if you cannot outbreed the enemy, cull 'em. The problem that Europe faces is that Bosnia's demographic profile is now the model for the entire continent”.

Thailand is degenerate to allow its children to be degraded and we must not compare ourselves to them. Its true that catholic priests abused children and the church covered it up but the problem here is that because it is Muslims doing it to White girls the responsible authorities like the police and social services cover it up.

These girls are being Raped and then groomed for Prostitution. To Muslims Whites are less than human and dehumanised with terms like Kuffar and Infidel. They hook young White girls on drugs and alcohol, and emotionally torture them. This is not about sex: If they wanted sex they could buy the services of prostitutes. They are easy to find and advertise. Why instead of that do they use drugs, alcohol and mental degradation on those girls and pass them around like pieces of meat? It is using our young women as the spoils of war. The deliberate degredation of non-Muslims, unbelievers, infidels? To emphasise the power, the supremacy, of Islam?

Anybody who has looked into the eyes of someone when they howl with pain at the sexual abuse they suffered as a child would know what wicked and despicable people are the scum on Question Time, the judiciary and the police for covering this up. What is clear is that our civilisation is being dragged down to the level of a third-world hell hole of savages. It is plain that Muslims have no place here and must be deported. The authorities are terrified of us revolting and yet they are making that inevitable by their appeasement of the perpetrators of these Acts of War.







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  1. "Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, told a public meeting that we must “learn to live” with the rapes of young White children. Instead of doing their duty to combat crime the local police forces aided and abetted these evil crimes by covering them up."

    If I had a daughter that had so much as been molested by pack of Asians and discovered this revelation this man's life would be in serious danger.

  2. It is very sad to see this done to a once great nation but what takes the cake is seeing the British participate in their own destruction.
    If an English father cannot even face the truth about what affects his own daughter how will such a country be saved, what will convince him to act.
    A lame father like that should not have had children.


    The annual MLK observance at the state house in Columbia SC had an interesting twist this year. The event is held on the north side steps of the statehouse. Prominent at that location is a large bronze statue of George Washington. This year, the NAACP constructed a "box" to conceal the Father of His Country from view so that participants would not be offended by his presence.

    See photo!

  4. Anonymous, I can choose a former ruler of my country as an example too - Vlad Tepes. In 1462, he killed about 30,000 Muslim Bulgarians, without counting the soldiers or those that were burned in their own homes. This made the sultan raise an army and attack Vlad, but was greeted by yet another 20,000 impaled Muslims. Actions like these are the reason why my people still exist. Obviously, we aren't in total war, at least yet. We could still solve the problem with some old fashioned ethnic cleansing. But without this happening, the outcome would be worse.


    On the other hand, I never take a cab that is driven by a non-white person, which was a problem in London. What was shocking is that I found out all my class mates have the same request out of cab drivers. lol

  5. "Chinese triads killing kiwis in New Zealand"? Presumably white kiwis

    Is this a recent development? I haven't heard anything about it before on MSM or forums like this?

  6. Just found these but it seems to be their own.
