Thursday 13 January 2011

The 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible - Prologue

"That Book accounts for the supremacy of England” Queen Victoria

This post is an outline of an article by Alan O’Reilly written in keeping with this year as the 400th Anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible, The remainder of the article will follow in instalments. It is aimed essentially at Christians but hopefully will be of general interest.


The KJB Story – 1611 to 2011



Why this Message – on a 400 year-old Book?

To inform, edify and provide for possible witness opportunities

Why this Story – about a 400 year-old Book?

Because of the effect on the nation’s leaders, life, enemies

The Learned Men

The Hampton Harrier - The King that played the Puritan

High Church, Low Church - White male C of E Protestants

“Hebrew at his fingers’ ends”- Unparalleled scholars

The Critics’ Den

The Huffing King - Tyrant, Freemason, scoundrel, intriguer and worse?

The Awful Apocrypha – in the 1611 1611 Holy Bible (repetition is deliberate)

The PC C of E? - The Anglican compromise – or the Baptist builder?

The KJB or not the KJB? - That is the question – on different KJB Editions

“Understandest…what thou readest?” - Acts 8:30 (No :( )

The Word of a King, Ecclesiastes 8:4

“Give me that Book” - Bunyan, Wesley, Spurgeon, Ryle, Shaw

“God save the king!” - The national anthem and a paratrooper’s farewell

Gone into all the world
  • English time, English longitude, English empire, English text
  • The Book That Changed The World – on DVD
  • The Queen that Challenged the World – a magnificent painting
“That Book accounts for the supremacy of England” – Queen Victoria

The articles will follow shortly


  1. Thanks! A big surprise tied into the 400th anniversary of the 1611 King James Version Bible:

    Two scholars have compiled the first worldwide census of extant copies of the original first printing of the 1611 King James Version (sometimes referred to as the "He" Bible). For decades, authorities from the British Museum, et al., have estimated that “around 50 copies” of that first printing still exist. The real number, however, is quite different!

    For more information, you're invited to contact Donald L. Brake, Sr., PhD, at or his associate David Sanford at

    You’re also invited to visit the website for more information.

  2. David,

    Thank you for your encouraging note and information. I have bookmarked the site.

    I have read Donald Brake's work The Preservation of the Scriptures as reprinted in Counterfeit or Genuine Mark 16? John 8? edited by the late Dr David Otis Fuller.

    Dr Brake's work was very helpful to me some years back in refuting some criticisms about the supposed non-uniformity of the Received Text.
