Saturday 11 December 2010

The joys of Diversity

This elderly gentleman is an ex-serviceman of making the mistake of going out wearing an RAF jacket. As a result he was attacked by non-white thugs who shouted at him 'Bomb the soldiers! Death to the soldiers!'

The pensioner, who is too afraid to reveal his name was punched and headbutted by two Asian or mixed-race attackers leaving him with bruising, black eyes and an injured nose.

Full news report

Hat Tip: Runic


  1. Who let the non whites in?
    The government right?

    Who are the scum WITHIN the government and the peddlars that run it? English???

    Stop going around in circles. Too many other sites doing the same old boring thing day in day out.

    The white poultry or the sheeple collectiely do not care as they breed and watch X factor and Coronation Street.

    Reporting atrocities and hoping somebody like David Copeland will come along and kick something off is a winded fantasy in this day and age.

    It will just progressively worse as it has done for the last 50 years.

    Our worst enemies are within our own kind despite the obvious being preached to them.

    Forget it! Look after number one!

    Churchill sealed Britain's fate in 1940 and took it to the grave when he died in 1965.

    We're now in the Byzantine period.
    End of.

  2. This poor unfortuanate chap has unwittingly become a small part of the marxist propaganda machine. The lying liberals will wring their hands and posture about the wrongs of this pitiful assault on a defenceless OAP, and will proceed to do NOTHING about it.
    Turmoil and chaos are all part of the agenda, and the murders, rapes, physical assaults matter not to the elite who have reduced our nation to a pitiable husk of what it once was.
    These injustices happen everyday, and the controlled media feed from it. Turn your back on such stories, the root of the evil must be concentrated on, not the small fry lawlessness that is now an everyday occurence.

  3. It's scum like this that has ruined this country and wholly responsible for the images you've posted. Google the traitor's background.

  4. I take it Britannia does not rule the seas anymore :(

    What the hell happened to the staunch Brit who took no shit from anyone?

  5. Most of those veterans who proudly wear their berets and medals at the Cenotaph still don't realise that the war in which they destroyed Germany also destroyed Britain. Although they didn't know it at the time, they were actually fighting to bring about the nightmare that we now live in. Had Churchill been removed and his puppet masters sent packing Europe would not have ended up being divided between American jewish capitalists and Soviet jewish communists. These are the people who have instituted the policy of genocide against the white race everywhere on the planet. The carrion in Westminster and Whitehall will not lift a finger to prevent what happened to this pensioner from occurring again. On the contrary, they will ensure that it occurs ever more blatantly and frequently. Look at Sweden if you want to see what Britain will be like in five years and look at South Africa if you want a vision of our ultimate fate. None of this just happened. It was made to happen with malice aforethought. The malevolent monsters who planned this intend that the process of our extinction will be an experience of horror.

  6. English is not my main language, yet I could recognize this when using the google translator. Beneficial publish, keep these things coming! Thank you!

  7. @Brian Boru

    I agree we have nothing left to lose. We have to make their victory an empty and bitter one.


  8. I see in the Mail's report that the police haven't mentioned this as a ''Racial attack''??

    as already stated the enemy prey on OAPs or vastly outnumber a single target which is down to there cowardly gene's.This is all thanks to Liebour's ''multicultural'' fantasy.

  9. Perfect leftist headline:

  10. Anonymous (11th December 10:42),

    You are absolutely 100% correct. I repeat herewith my post from the DT blog, which is written in similar vein:

    "Since the 1960's the indigenous British peoples have gradually become ever more narcisstic, self absorbed and self obsessed. Apart from the good people that regularly post herein, the majority of folk have been brainwashed by a smorgasbord of cosumerism and socialism, to the point where they really don't give a f*** about their morals, their neighbours, their culture or their identity.

    The Bible teaches "know thyself", but the British are, by and large, a decadent, deluded and destitute bunch, that cannot see any further past the trough of life from which they gorge.

    Sad but true, and this is the primary reason for our decline. Once the character of a nation is rotted from within, decline follows at an exponential rate of decay. That is why we have soulless "healthcare professionals" (bog standard nurses) that turn a blind eye to the suffering of our elderly. That is why we have a generation of youngsters believing in the mantra of relative morality. That is why we have a cabal of politicians that will always put the interests of the supranational oligarchs before the interests of the people.

    The Britain of yesteryear is long gone. We have entered our own Byzantine phase."

  11. Anonymous @ 10.42 said:
    "Churchill sealed Britain's fate in 1940 and took it to the grave when he died in 1965."

    Never a truer word spoken.

    RIP "Great" Britain.
    What a crying shame. We could have been so great.

  12. For those who say so sagely, "Churchill sealed Britain's fate in 1940 and took it to the grave when he died in 1965," just what would you propose if you were able to redo history? What do you think Churchill should have done differently since you seem to have all the answers. Remember that there really are only two options: (1) do what he did, or (2) surrender to the Nazis. So please explain just how you see this all playing out so much better had Churchill just been smarter.

  13. When the government fails in its most fundamental duty, the protection of its own people, then the people have to look after themselves, and fire the government; for it has broken The Social Contract.

    This is the most basic truth of politics. (See 'Leviathan', by Thomas Hobbes)

    In our case, the govt has not only failed to protect us, it is actively aiding and abetting our enemies.

    Consequently, it has lost its moral legitimacy.

    These are sobering thoughts.


  14. Dr. D.
    Since A.J.P.Taylor's Origins of the Seond World War (1961) no historian with functioning brain has believed that Hitlar was plotting the conquest of Britain.

  15. Britain was never under threat from National Socialist Germany. Hitler stated on a number of occasions that he did not want war with Britain. He admired the British Empire and saw it as a force for order. There is no doubt that he allowed the British army to withdraw from Dunkirk. The German bombing of Britain was in retaliation for British bombing of Germany. What concern was Germany's conflict with Poland? If Poland was so important why didn't Britain declare war on the Soviets; they invaded it too. In 1945 Churchill didn't lift a finger to protect Poland from Stalin. Ninety five percent of the Polish officers captured by the Germans survived the war. Ninety five per cent of the Polish officers captured by the Soviets were murdered. Churchill knew this also. Churchill's insane vendetta against Hitler and Germany brought about the chaos we now have to deal with. Churchill sold out the British Empire to Rooseveldt to pay for the war. It was immediately after the war that the non-whites started to arrive in significant numbers. To me Churchill is one of the most vile creatures in history and Britain's greatest traitor.

  16. So please explain just how you see this all playing out so much better had Churchill just been smarter.

    Please read: "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War" by Patrick Buchanan.

    History is written by the victors, right Dr D? So there just may have been other options than your "2 option" choice.

  17. Dr D

    Churchill was duped (used and abused) - swallowed up in his own ego (and guilt) having already lost the lives of the Empire's finest young men within the first 3 years.

    He only realised it at the end with his "Iron Curtain" speech. The Labour vote afterwards humiliated him all the more.

    He probably had a hunch that Hitler 'might have been right'.

    Read his speech on "Arrested development"

    French Proverb;
    When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.

  18. Dr D

    Good question! Who knows?

    For my tuppence worth Germany could have had Europe and we'd have had the world! Our Empire would still be intact and Russian communism - the root of ALL communism including China's would have been nipped in the bud.

    The Germans (and the cynical Russian communists) who simultaneously initiated the attack on Poland ("as a pact") just wanted their Prussian territory back apparently - (a bit like Iraq wanting Kuwait back) which escalated into the monumental disaster our forebears had to endure.

    Chamberlain knew this would happen as did the cynical Leopold Amery who commissioned Churchill.

  19. Well Dr D, There was a great deal of sympathy in Britain for the NS cause, and it is a well known fact that Germany never wanted a war against Britain.
    Hitler always said the greatest danger Europe faced was from the communist Russians (and he was subsequently proved right), and instead of fighting against Germany, Britain should have been fighting with them to end the communist threat once and for all.
    Hitler wasn´t the war monger he is made out to be by contemporary history, and even Churchill had a begrudging admiration for the man. I can assure you of one thing, had that happened, we wouldn´t be in the jam we find ourselves in today.
    Of course I don´t expect you to agree with any of this, but that is because of your skewered vision of the truth as served to you by the same people who are now controling and bastardising Britain.
    It always makes me laugh when I hear the tired old excuse trotted out that war against the Nazi´s was a war against world domination. If indeed world domination was a possibility, then there must have been another force who aspired to that position, and as it turned out, we fought their dirty war for them, against our Aryan brothers.
    We know who they are today, because they no longer hide behind a veil of secrecy. They were the force we fought for, and they are the force who are now pulling the strings. Say hallo to your new masters Dr D, suffice to say, they aren´t Aryans and they definitely don´t have our best interests at heart.
    Both my father and mother fought against the Nazi´s, and it was to their everlasting shame. One of the last things my Dad said before he passed away was that he fought for the wrong side, but, like most of those who answered the call, he was young and brainwashed, and he thought he was doing the right thing.
    Unfortunately, it was the war that sealed the fate of the white race.

  20. Thanks to those of you who have kept the debate on the merits or otherwise of Churchill actions in relation to World War II polite and civil.

    Those commentators who's contributions have not been approved might wish to take note.

  21. Both world wars were completely unnecessary. The bogeymen figures of Kaiser and Hitler were the Saddam Husseins of their era.

    Churchill had lousy foresight. Do you really think that a Europe dominated by Hitler would have sought to destroy the British Empire? It is said that Hitler thought that Britain and Germany together would have been unbeatable. Our Empire would not have collapsed, and the fabric of our anglo-saxon culture would have survived for a thousand years, instead of being snuffed out within a century.

    WW1 inflicted the first coronary and WW2 killed the patient. Great Britain died a long time ago, to be replaced by what is now a de facto, satrap, regional confederation of 'British' states.

    Indeed, the UK is no longer united; regional assemblies, uncontrolled islamification and the stealthy hand of 'third way' quangos have seen to that.

  22. It must also be remembered Churchill was a zionist and Freemason, both of which are significant factors to bear in mind.

    Visit Wolf's excellent blog, 'Thy weapon of war' for an in-depth examination of both subjects.

  23. 'Churchill had lousy foresight. Do you really think that a Europe dominated by Hitler would have sought to destroy the British Empire? It is said that Hitler thought that Britain and Germany together would have been unbeatable. Our Empire would not have collapsed, and the fabric of our anglo-saxon culture would have survived for a thousand years, instead of being snuffed out within a century.'

    Very well put, and 100% correct. It never ceases to amaze me how our controlled media constantly deride Hitler and cannot tell us enough about how beating the nazi war machine allowed us to retain our 'freedoms', and yet look at the Europe of today, a chaotic, mongrelised, boiling pot of lawlessness, strife, and upheaval.
    The masses have bought the zionists lies, and opening their eyes to what is happening is the duty of all concerned folk who KNOW it doesn't have to be like this.

  24. It seems to me that your understanding of Hitler and the Nazis is indeed simplistic and all too eager to ignore the immense evil that it represented. The fact that Hitler was initially hoping not to invade the UK but to ally with it, counts for little when we see what he did when he found that there was to be no alliance. The London blitz was not the act of a true friend. The bombing of Coventry was not the sort of thing that shows fellow feeling.

    The unwinding of the British empire has too many causes to lay at the feet of any one man. It extends back at least as far as the declining days of Queen Victoria. To try to say it is the fault of Churchill (alone) is again simplistic and foolish.

    Our various Anons hypothesize things that simply don't fit the psyche of the people involved. One suggested a Germany and England working together would be unbeatable. Perhaps it would, but when one partner is paranoid, it is difficult to have that sort of cooperation. You imagine things without enough historical appreciation for the people and the times. Adolph Hitler as a working partner would not work for anybody.

  25. Let's not forget the "immense evil" that Winston Churchill represents.
    British prime minister Winston Churchill deliberately let millions of Indians starve to death...As many as three million people died in the Bengal famine of 1943 after Japan captured neighbouring Burma — a major source of rice imports — and British colonial rulers in India stockpiled food for soldiers and war workers.
    Analysis of World War II cabinet meetings, forgotten ministry records and personal archives show that full grain ships from Australia were passing India on their way to the Mediterranean region, where huge stockpiles were building up. "It wasn't a question of Churchill being inept: sending relief to Bengal was raised repeatedly and he and his close associates thwarted every effort," Mukerjee said.

    “What Leopold Amery denounced as Churchill’s “Hitler-like attitude” to India manifested itself most starkly during a famine, caused by a combination of war and mismanagement, that claimed between one and two million lives in Bengal in 1943. Urgently beseeched by Amery and the Indian viceroy to release food stocks for India, Churchill responded with a telegram asking why Gandhi hadn’t died yet”.

    Severe food shortages were worsened by World War II, with the British administration of India exporting foods to Allied soldiers. The shortage of rice forced rice prices up, and wartime inflation compounded the problem.

    Food deliveries from other parts of the country to Bengal were refused by the government in order to make food artificially scarce. This was an especially cruel policy introduced in 1942 under the title "Rice Denial Scheme." The purpose of it was, as mentioned earlier, to deny an efficient food supply to the Japanese after a possible invasion. Simultaneously, the government authorised free merchants to purchase rice at any price and to sell it to the government for delivery into governmental food storage. So, on one hand government was buying every grain of rice that was around and on the other hand, it was blocking grain from coming into Bengal from other regions of the country.[22][23] The price controls on wheat were introduced on December 1941, and on rice in 1942.[24]

  26. "Doctor D"

    "The fact that Hitler was initially hoping not to invade the UK but to ally with it, counts for little when we see what he did when he found that there was to be no alliance. The London blitz was not the act of a true friend. The bombing of Coventry was not the sort of thing that shows fellow feeling."

    Who declared war on who first?

    You conveniently omit the scheming communist presence and the fact that Russian communists attacked Poland simultaneously when they were cynically allied to fascist Germany.

    They later became our allies (sic)

    What's the difference? 20 million white Russians/Poles including top draw intellectuals slaughtered by our 'ally' alone from and within Russia.

    6 million Jews, gays and gypsies slaughtered by fascist Germany.

    That leaves a difference of 14 million PEOPLE Are/Were they disposable cannon fodder in the process Dr D. Are the 6 million MORE important???

    50-60 million slaughtered because of the DECLARATION of war on Germany. No big deal - it was necessary no ??

    Coventry was nothing on a scale as to what happened in Dresden.

    The violence, rape and looting of unarmed innocent men, women and children at the aftermath of the war presumably was justifiable or understandable in your narrow minded jingoism?

    Britain's latent generation is now paying for that arrogance and stupidity and is now a laughing stock. The rest of Europe is falling in fast behind as is North America.

    Are you still proud Mister "D",,, feeling vindicated that we 'did the right thing'??

    I'm ashamed personally and really feel for the next generation of white children born in England as they already have NO identity they can conceivably call their own lest they be targeted as racist.

    Thanks VERY much!

  27. The study of ww 1 and 2 from all sides clearly shows how the moneypowers and politicians pull the wool over our eyes and destroy our countries and cultures ,be it through ignorance, bribery, sedret agendas or whatever. It is about time that we take back our countries and send all these politicians to prison. Tony Blair and co should rot in hell for what they did to the English people.

  28. Here's an account of an incident from Middle East Diary, 1917-1956 by Col. Richard Meinertzhagen (British Army officer of Gentile Danish extraction, who served with the Royal Fusiliers on the Western Front and afterwards on General Allenby's staff in the then Palestine):

    Colonel Meinertzhagen had met Adolph Hitler early in 1939, in company with Goering, von Papen, Ribbentrop and Gestapo agents. Hitler shook the Colonel's hand and then gave the Nazi salute, declaring "Heil Hitler!" Colonel Meinertzhagen returned the salute and declared "Heil Meinertzhagen!" As Paul had said “But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person:)” Galatians 2:6. Evidently there were no repercussions but the Colonel concluded of Hitler that "He means to have his war and he means to kill millions. To satisfy his lust for power, Hitler’s war will involve the whole world; whoever wins will lose. If the war breaks out, I shall feel very much to blame for not killing those two [Hitler and Ribbentrop]." Colonel Meinertzhagen was armed with a loaded pistol as part of his dress uniform when he met Hitler.

    French historian the late Edmond Paris has this assessment of Hitler.

    "When we saw Hitler gesticulating on the screens or heard him bawling his hysterical speeches, did we not have the impression of looking at the movements of an automaton ill adjusted with overstretched springs? Even his most simple and composed movements reminded us of a mechanical puppet. Was this snarler at public meetings really a chief? The “real” master of Germany, an “authentic” Statesman whose genius was going to turn the world upside down? M. Francois Poncet, then French ambassador to Berlin, confirms that Hitler worked very little, was not a reader and let his collaborators have their own way."

    Paris's book The Secret History of the Jesuits is well worth reading as is Col. MH's diary and The Godfathers by Chick Publications. It's apparent that the puppet masters have simply changed their tactics since 1945.

    P.S. Col. MH was furious when Churchill reneged on the Balfour Declaration. As an officer and a gentleman (and a Christian one, so far as is known), he believed that agreements should be kept. He'd have been a thorn in the side of our present government, a bit like Mr Griffin, to whom I say more power to, for that reason.

    P.P.S. Col. MH listed the Vatican as one of the main enemies of both Israel and England. The Col. didn't miss one time in 40 years of what was effectively latter-day prophecy.

  29. @Dr D.
    I commend you on your posts. My mom was German and lived through the carpet bombing of Bremen as a young child. War itself is terrible and gruesome.

    I am interested to know however about your views of the "origins" of the fall of the Empire. Are there some authoratitive sites that you cold point me to (Sarah obliging of course :) )

    The last time I was in the UK was in 1981 and I fell in love with the place. I am not referring to London or any other city, but the small towns in the countryside. Folks were friendly - even to us who are South Africans.

    I guess that the more liberal the government, the more trouble you have.

  30. How sad to see my post censored Sarah.
    I kept it civil as well as polite, and didn´t use any profanities or bad language.
    Remember Sarah, the truth needs no shield to hide behind.

  31. Was yours the post accusing Churchill of being "one of the most vile creatures in history and Britain's greatest traitor"?

    If so, it wasn't censored, for some reason I didn't get a notification that it was awaiting approval, and have only just found it waiting at the blog.

    It has now been approved, you may have been civil, however, I suspect some may be offended.

  32. @ Anon 05:09 -- You said:

    What's the difference? 20 million white Russians/Poles including top draw intellectuals slaughtered by our 'ally' alone from and within Russia.

    6 million Jews, gays and gypsies slaughtered by fascist Germany.

    That leaves a difference of 14 million PEOPLE Are/Were they disposable cannon fodder in the process Dr D. Are the 6 million MORE important???

    You look back in hindsight and pretend to make trade-offs, knowing the costs, knowing the outcomes. That is easy to do looking backwards,, but that is not possible when you are making decisions in real time, leading a country. You are accusing people of malice when at most you should be accusing them of having their crystal ball fog up.

    You say, "The violence, rape and looting of unarmed innocent men, women and children at the aftermath of the war presumably was justifiable or understandable in your narrow minded jingoism?" Perhaps you can detail these atrocities for us, and also spell out my narrow minded jingoism while you are at it.

    With regard to the title, you can rest assured it is an honest PhD, earned over 40 years ago. I have several others that I am entitled to use as well, but this is the one I choose to use here. As to being proud that WW II was won by the right people, I have no doubt about that. I think that what happened following WW II was not handled particularly well, but as in all cases, you make it up as you go along.

  33. No Sarah, my post was in reply to the following statement by Dr D.

    "It seems to me that your understanding of Hitler and the Nazis is indeed simplistic and all too eager to ignore the immense evil that it represented.".

    There are always going to be people offended whenever the subject relates to war and race. By their very nature they are controversial subjects.
    Sweeping opinions under the carpet won´t do anything other than harden attitudes. Open discussion, as long as it isn´t rude or personal, should be permitted I feel. As far as I´m concerned my post breached neither of these two limits.
    On the other hand, maybe you simply didn´t receive it, in which case I apologise for suggesting you censored my post.

  34. No, Sarah, I am the one who accuses Churchill of being the greatest traitor. I am sure that it will offend but that is what freedom of speech is all about. So long as one is civil one should be allowed to give an opinion. I know that the metaphor is awkward but sacred cows need to be slaughtered occasionally. On the subject of 20th century history whole herds need to be chopped.

  35. Dr D

    Have a look at this David Duke clip on American torture today. See it through to section quoting Ilya Ehrenburg of WW2 era.

    A lovely example of "the chosen" you and your cohorts seemingly fear and adore.

  36. @ Dr.D;

    "Our various Anons hypothesize things..." Why the thinly veiled contempt for the various "anons"? If their choice of veiling their identity in this era of persecution of people who have beliefs at variance with the Politically Correct Dictum (correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Holocaust denial, just to take one example, punishable by 5 years imprisonment in Germany?) is bothersome to you, then perhaps you might choose to set an example for those people by emerging from anonymity yourself "Dr.D" .
    "The unwinding of the British empire has too many causes to lay at the feet of any one man." While this may be true, the present is irrefutably the outgrowth of the policies of people in power in the past. The problems that you see today in Britain are not isolated to Britain alone- they are a deliberate, undeniably well orchestrated effort to destroy Western Civilization which has been in progress for well over a century.
    Who are the culprits and who is behind this effort? Well, what group of people is it that has demonstrated a hatred for whites throughout the world and has a historic grudge against us all? What group of people has managed to put themselves into positions of power in every Western nation in the world and exert culture-changing pressures with ease? I feel you know the answers to these questions and I do not need to "spell them out" for you. I too, need to dance around the roadblocks that the PC police have set up to ensnare those who would speak their minds.

  37. Adolf Hitler will be vindicated. The signs are already there. As the white race disappears from the face of this earth, those of us left will finally understand who´s side he was on. Too late she cried, too late.

    Note: The rest of this posting had been removed

  38. Sorry Brian, I now see that message was from you, it is not so clear who the comment is from when it is moderated at the blogsite.

    Anonymous, I don't seem to have received your original posting, however, it has now effectively been published

  39. A couple of other items:

    Zimbabwe does not want diversity.

    I understand the NAACP sought to do something similar w.r.t. the remains of the outstanding Confederate cavalry leader from the Civil War, Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest.

    There seems to be an innate conservativism amongst enrichers, therefore.

    In the meantime, I've been checking for the race of the Ealing knife attacker but so far, this has not been disclosed, which is strange insofar as it has been said that the attacker is a male in his 30s. You'd have thought it would have been easy for the news outlets to say a white male in his 30s, if such was the case.

    According to the DM, "The area has been blighted by criminal gangs in recent months who have targeted shoppers snatching their phones and wallets."

    Again, the race of the gangsters has not been mentioned but given that Greater London appears to have an apartheid-style east-west divide w.r.t. 'enrichment,' the location of Ealing does tend to narrow the possibilities.

    I suspect that all-Caucasian gangs are unlikely culprits. If this suspicion is confirmed, then we can truly say that Diversity marches on.

  40. well this is how all the footmen of the banker warlords end up, so unless we all wake up to their scheming ways we should not complain any further but just accept our fate designed by them!

  41. Some very good comments on DM blog.

    I'd like to iterate one of them by saying that Rhodes' remains should be brought back to England as this is his real home and buried in Westminster Abbey.

    Bloody good idea seeing what the country he carved out and civilised is like now.

    He does not belong in "Zimbabwe"

    For those zealots of "FREEDOM" read out some of this at your
    after dinner speeches.

    I will never look at Czechs in the same light again.

  42. Here's another piece of flotsam from Zimbabwe coveniently ignored by British tabloids. I wonder why?

    Note this website is based in the UK

  43. Violent crime is always obscene, except where there is a greater threat of violence to you.
    We will eventually have vigilantism rife with ghettos and barriers across great swathes of our major towns and cities.
    Idiot. Spent enough time in Belfast to have seen it all before

  44. I'm probably too late to the discussion, but I'd like to ask some of the commenters how they feel about Hitler's admiration of Islam and use of Muslims, especially in the light of current events?

  45. Mrs J,

    Ever heard of the phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"?

    Hitler's "admiration" of Islam was based upon political expediency. No more and no less.

    Assuming that Hitler had won, Europe would have remained white and christian in terms of ethnicity. The muslims would have been encouraged to develop their native lands i.e. North Africa and the Middle East, presumably under some sort of "Pax Germanica".

    Coexistence of separate peoples externally, not internally. What is wrong with that?

  46. MrsJ said...17 December 2010 11:32
    I'm probably too late to the discussion, but I'd like to ask some of the commenters how they feel about Hitler's admiration of Islam and use of Muslims, especially in the light of current events?

    Thank you for that most pertinent of questions.
    Adolf Hitler was supportive of most things, as long as it didn´t encroach on the culture of others. He was a true supporter of diversity.
    What passes in left wing circles for diversity today, is in fact the exact opposite.
    Had jews not attempted to subvert German and European institutions and Governments, he would have had no quarrel with them.
    He was a great supporter of the jewish dream for an independent state, and expressed his support on numerous occasions.
    Adolf Hitler is the most maligned and lied about personality that ever walked the face of this earth. Nothing, but nothing you read in the mass media regarding this absolutely unique man is true. It´s all just a pack of lies.

  47. Just for interest, here are some more admirers of the Fuhrer, from The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris, p 163, translated from the French in 1975.

    "According to "Reforme", this is what the press of the Spanish dictator (Franco) published on the 3rd of May 1945, the day of Hitler’s death:

    ""Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of victory."

    "This funeral oration of the nazi chief, a challenge to the victorious allies, is voiced by the Holy See itself, under the cover of Franco’s press. It is a communiqué of the Vatican given via Madrid.""
