Saturday 27 November 2010

The day the dollar died


  1. Perhaps we are all feeling just a bit too gloomy. Videos like this are put out for a reason, clearly this one was produced by gold hustlers.
    Oil settlements to be made in "euros, remmimbi or gold only"
    Really?, by 2012 it is possible that the euro will be a memory, even if it still exists it will be a mess. Inflation in China is now over 100% per year and rising, and who will protect the Saudis from Iran if they stiff the US?
    I think we all need to get a grip, we are being manipulated by hustlers like Glen Beck, these people have an agenda, that agenda is to get rich off our feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
    Relax folks, we will work through this.

  2. OK, so what do we do about it? How should we protect or money? Should we invest in property, gold, or silver? Should we sell industrial shares now? What should we transfere our savings into?
    Come on you financial wizards out there. We need your advice, because I think this vid will happen.
    Let´s be prepared with smart answers.

  3. It is am imaginary scenario, and I posted it because I thought it was an interesting one.

    I suspect we (the USA, Britain etc) are in a far worse situation than we are told, and I do not know how we can resolve it, as we are in unknown territory and I am not sure the damage is repairable.

    You are correct the Euro could be history by 2012 but the dollar and the pound are not guaranteed eternal life either.

  4. @ Anon 07:50

    I am afraid I am not a financial wizard, but lets hope there are some out there!!!

  5. Sarah,
    I am not a financial wizard either, however a few investments do spring to mind: If the currency collapses we need to have some value that we can dispose of a piece at a time, that rules out real estate although if you can afford to keep it real estate will hold it's value (if it is in the right place). Cigarettes and booze would work, also mahrijuana if you don't mind breaking the law. A friend of mine here in Florida is accumulating quite the arsenal, his latest purchase was a 0.50" browning machine gun and 5,000 rounds of ammunition to go with his MG34/8,000 rounds. Both purchases have gained in price since his aquisition and because of creeping gun control in US will probably continue to go up. Of course these options are not available to your UK readers. Can you still buy shotguns? I recommend a 5 shot pump action with plenty of LG cartridges.
    We all need to have a supply of non perishable food so that if the streets become war zones we can hunker down. Be prepared for electricity and water supplies to be cut for extended periods so have alternative methods of lighting and cooking available and making rain water safe for consumption, plan also for the sewage system to be inoperable. Store clothing, particularly underwear and socks, also blankets.
    Aside from all that things will be just splendid!
    (Anonymous 7:47)

  6. Sarah, I know this is off topic, but please would you put up this great vid by David Duke on your site.
    And the rest of you, please spread it around. We have to get it out to as many people as possible. If we don´t act now, who will save the white tribe in South Africa? It has to start somewhere.
    Write to the media, the human rights watch, and anyone else you can think of.

  7. Anonymous poster number 2 is ripe for the picking by the gold hustlers mentioned by anonymous #1. The truth is, my friend, that if such a financial cataclysm were to happen (as it did in Germany in the late 1920's) all the gold in the world would do you no good since there would be no food or water to buy. If you had such stores, gangs of armed thugs would soon find you out (you will be "spotted" as the only well-fed, non starving person on the block or in the city). Any house emitting smoke would be identified as one whose owner has fuel, heat and possibly food as well.
    I was actually only able to watch about half this video (even though I have a very fast PC with many Gigbytes of RAM and a large hard drive) since it got tiring waiting for it to load every 4 to 5 seconds.But I did get the general flavor of the video.
    Yes, China and Russia are accepting each other's currency now and undoubtedly the dollar is doomed. We have been hurtling toward 3rd world status, but you can blame that on our financial plutocrats' policy of admitting 3rd world workers from India and Mexico to take our "service jobs" and the simultaneous exportation of our wealth (in the form of our industrial capacity) to China, India and other far eastern countries. The plutocrats have simply fattened themselves while financially bankrupting the country and they are quite happy with themselves for it.
    Couple these factors with the Wall Street robbery of pension funds and the Mortgage crisis and voila! Here we are facing desperate times. The truly hilarious and outrageous lie propounded in this and other such video productions is the blaming of "entitlements" (code word for Social Security) for our financial ills. Social Security was originally meant to subsidize the savings of old people who have worked all their lives; not the "mentally ill", drug addicts, illegal immigrants and the like that it is spent on now.
    Anonymous #2; You don't need to worry so much about the National Guard quelling riots (they are too busy fighting Afghanis and Iraqis overseas), instead you need to worry about the violent gangs that will be staging "break and enter" robberies and beating people to death on the streets in such a scenario. Oh, and don't look to the police to help you- the police drove past such incidents during the LA riots years ago. The police will be concerned for themselves and their families only. Instead, you may see private mercenaries ("Blackwater USA") being hired for such a job as they were during the Katrina disaster.
    Don't bother to buy gold or silver- there will be nothing to spend it on. Instead buy food, and guns to protect yourself and the food with- just in case this fictional scenario actually comes to pass. I hope that it does not. Oh, and move to an area with a predominently white population-for obvious reasons. Try to form alliances with such neighbors for the desperate times ahead. Perhaps you have a skill that would be valuable to them and they in their turn might be able to help you in some needed manner. Example; you garden for vegetables production and neighbor with carpentry skills can fix your roof in exchange for food. Just an idea. That is the type of small-community cohesiveness and coooperation that would be needed in the times we are discussing, if they come to pass. Eventually, the US will experience a breakup of its empire just as did the old Soviet Union. Prepare for it. Apologies for the long post.

  8. Anonymous poster number 2 is ripe for the picking by the gold hustlers mentioned by anonymous #1. The truth is, my friend, that if such a financial cataclysm were to happen (as it did in Germany in the late 1920's) all the gold in the world would do you no good since there would be no food or water to buy. If you had such stores, gangs of armed thugs would soon find you out (you will be "spotted" as the only well-fed, non starving person on the block or in the city). Any house emitting smoke would be identified as one whose owner has fuel, heat and possibly food as well.
    I was actually only able to watch about half this video (even though I have a very fast PC with many Gigbytes of RAM and a large hard drive) since it got tiring waiting for it to load every 4 to 5 seconds.But I did get the general flavor of the video.
    Yes, China and Russia are accepting each other's currency now and undoubtedly the dollar is doomed. We have been hurtling toward 3rd world status, but you can blame that on our financial plutocrats' policy of admitting 3rd world workers from India and Mexico to take our "service jobs" and the simultaneous exportation of our wealth (in the form of our industrial capacity) to China, India and other far eastern countries. The plutocrats have simply fattened themselves while financially bankrupting the country and they are quite happy with themselves for it.
    Couple these factors with the Wall Street robbery of pension funds and the Mortgage crisis and voila! Here we are facing desperate times. The truly hilarious and outrageous lie propounded in this and other such video productions is the blaming of "entitlements" (code word for Social Security) for our financial ills. Social Security was originally meant to subsidize the savings of old people who have worked all their lives; not the "mentally ill", drug addicts, illegal immigrants and the like that it is spent on now.
    Anonymous #2; You don't need to worry so much about the National Guard quelling riots (they are too busy fighting Afghanis and Iraqis overseas), instead you need to worry about the violent gangs that will be staging "break and enter" robberies and beating people to death on the streets in such a scenario. Oh, and don't look to the police to help you- the police drove past such incidents during the LA riots years ago. The police will be concerned for themselves and their families only. Instead, you may see private mercenaries ("Blackwater USA") being hired for such a job as they were during the Katrina disaster.
    Don't bother to buy gold or silver- there will be nothing to spend it on. Instead buy food, and guns to protect yourself and the food with- just in case this fictional scenario actually comes to pass. I hope that it does not. Oh, and move to an area with a predominently white population-for obvious reasons. Try to form alliances with such neighbors for the desperate times ahead. Perhaps you have a skill that would be valuable to them and they in their turn might be able to help you in some needed manner. Example; you garden for vegetables production and neighbor with carpentry skills can fix your roof in exchange for food. Just an idea. That is the type of small-community cohesiveness and coooperation that would be needed in the times we are discussing, if they come to pass. Eventually, the US will experience a breakup of its empire just as did the old Soviet Union. Prepare for it. Apologies for the long post.

  9. The financial wizards with a genuine track record, like Jim Rogers, who escaped the USA to live in Singapore, claim that we should try to find a way to hold "real" commodities, real in the sense that people will continue to need them in order to meet basic needs like food and security.

    The list they like to parade includes some actual gold (and silver), oil and gas shares, agricultural land and fertilisers, commodities, iron ore, etc, and most definitely not dollars or Euros. In other words, things with tangible value.

    People also need to live somewhere but there is a property glut in most developed countries.

    It's also worth realizing that the demographic pyramid in the West is inverting and this alone will lead to the collapse of property and stock valuations in and of itself, irrespective of the mismanagement that has occurred. Indeed , this is one of the major motivations behind mass immigration; surely a topic we can dwell on at some other time.

    If we genuinely believe that hyperinflation will occur, it makes sense to go into debt and buy real assets. But I think this is dangerous and risky, since there might be a period where real interest rates rise.

    In the end, we should perhaps just buy a pile of gold and sit on it with a machine gun.


