Tuesday 12 October 2010

Time to say a prayer

Over the next few hours, commencing around 09:00 pm GMT (04:00 pm EST) the rescuers in Chile will start attempting to free the 33 miners who have been trapped underground since tunnels collapsed in August.

I would ask all visitors to this blog to say a little prayer asking that this operation is successful.

As someone who suffers badly from claustrophobia, I have felt deep sympathy for the trapped men and I pray that they can at last be freed.

The mine collapse was almost exactly ten years since the Kursk disaster, when a Russian submarine carrying 118 sailors sank in the Barents sea. That tragedy effected me deeply and I still clearly recall the agony of the failed rescue attempts and the horror of hearing what those brave men's last hours must have been like.

Let us pray to God that, this time, rescue efforts are successful.

Thank you



  1. O Merciful God and heavenly Father, who hast taught us in thy holy Word that thou dost not willing afflict or grieve the children of men; Look with pity, we beseech thee up thy servants, the miners in Chile, for whom our prayers are offered. Remember them, O Lord, in mercy, endue their souls with patience and their hearts with thy calm; lift up thy countenance upon the, and given them peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  2. Thanks Dr. D that is beautiful

    It has been wonderful watching the miners being brought to the surface this morning.

    They have got thirteen out so far however, there are still 20 down there plus the medic who was sent down last night (brave man) I shall worry until they are all free.

  3. Anon 07:15

    That is where you misunderstand us, we do not hate anyone. Ours is a mission of love, love for our countries, our people and our heritage, not of hate for anyone else.

    These men are proud Chilean citizens living in Chile and I have no problem with that.

    I am opposed to mass immigration because it is destroying my homeland and my culture, I am not opposed to other cultures except when they are unnaturally imposed upon mine.

    There is no conflict between caring for my country whilst also caring for these men.

    You think there is because you don't understand.

  4. I was watching a live feed from Chile last night when the first miner came up. It was quite an emotional moment. It was an amazing sense of relief to see the first one step out of the capsule and walk free for the first time in over 60 days. He looked amazingly hale and healthy.

    I should mention that Michelle Malkin has an interesting post up right now that explains the major role that Americans and American technology played in this rescue. That shaft was drilled by an American driller brought from Afghanistan using American drilling machinery that put that shaft down in 33 days, much faster and more accurately than anyone had thought possible. Go check out Malkin's post on this.

    In the on-going chatter with facebook, etc., there was much discussion about whether God had a hand in this or not. It is so obvious that the Lord God is the reason these men have survived; He has provided for them during the whole ordeal. And yet foolish people continue to ask foolish questions! Read the statements of the survivors; they are powerful.

  5. Yes, watching it now - only 8 remaining 22:31 13/10. It is emotionally moving to watch. Jesus saves.
    Anoy, why do you have such hatred?

  6. The most striking thing about this exercise is the magnetic, dignified, almost father like presence of Chile's president.

    I'm ashamed to say that there does not appear to be a leader in Europe or North America in the same league.

    The so-called G8 clowns are not fit to clean this guy's shoes.

  7. I have just seen the last of the original miners pulled out of the mine. The rescue personnel are still to be recovered, but everything is going smoothly. This is going to be a grand success!! Let us give thanks!

    Most gracious Lord, whose mercy is over all thy works; We praise thy holy name that thou hast been pleased to enable the safe return of the trapped miners in Chile after 69 days in their captivity in the depths of the earth and the great perils associated therewith; we give thee our great thanks for the extreme mercy given to these men.

    May they be duly sensible of thy merciful providence extended to them, and ever express their thankfulness by a holy trust in thee, and obedience to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  8. It is wonderful they are all out and now the last of the brave rescuers is safe as well.

    Thanks to all those who did pray and joined the millions around the world who were doing so.

    Thanks to God for ending this so much more successfully than anyone dared hope.

  9. Lovely post Sarah. Maybe we should pray for anon as he/she seems to have a huge hatred boiling up from deep inside.
