Sunday 24 October 2010

News from the Enriched UK

I know this is cheating, but as I don't have time to write an article today, here are a random selection of news stories from the last week in Multi-Cult UK (All these stories are from the last seven days and are in addition to the crooked Asian peers I posted about on Thursday)

MultiCulti mix of Villains

Corrupt PC and gang plot kidnap of Bank Manager

A corrupt police officer who 'callously' plotted to kidnap a bank manager was jailed for 13 years today.

Pc Mesut Karakas, 25, conspired with Richmond Darko, 25, Ijah Rowe, 24, Jamie Lowe, 25, and Gokhan Kuru, 24, to kidnap a London-based Lloyds TSB manager in an attempt to steal money.

They planned to stage a roadwork scene near the bank manager's home as a distraction while they kidnapped their victim.

Full report:


Same suspect sought for two attacks on women

On Tuesday night (October 19) a 19 year old student was grabbed around the waist along Torrington Place. The attacker tried to lead her away but eventually fled with her bag.

The next night (October 20) a 21 year old student was grabbed in Ridgmount Gardens and threatened at knife point. She was sexually asaulted but managed to escape.

It is thought the same man was responsible for both attacks.


Nisar Ahmed

Teacher Banned for being Useless

A teacher who is judged to be incapable of ever improving his work has become the first to be banned for life from the classroom due to incompetence.

Nisar Ahmed will never reach 'requisite standards' of teaching and cannot work in state schools again, a panel ruled.

The General Teaching Council for England found the 46-year-old guilty of serious professional incompetence and said there was a risk that pupils would be seriously disadvantaged if he was ever allowed to return to lessons.

Mr Ahmed was head of business studies at the John O'Gaunt Community Technology College in Hungerford, Berkshire, from September 2007 to January 2009.


Dentist Milan Shah

Dentist Offers discount in Exchange for sex

A mother-of-five yesterday spoke of her trauma after her dentist pestered her for sexual favours in return for discounted treatment.

Chammelle Courtney’s world had been turned upside down after her husband Mark suffered an asthma attack which stopped his heart and left him badly brain damaged.

But shortly after the 36-year-old lorry driver was admitted to a nursing home for round-the-clock care, dentist Milan Shah propositioned her.

Bombarding her with calls he told her: ‘You are not getting any loving from your husband and I am not from my wife. Maybe we can help each other out.’

London Borough becomes 'Islamic Republic'

Outside the Wellington Way polling station in Tower Hamlets yesterday, as at many other polling stations in the borough, people had to run a gauntlet of Lutfur Rahman supporters to reach the ballot box. As one Bengali woman voter went past them, we heard one of the Rahman army scolding her for her “immodest dress.”

That incident is perhaps a tiny taste of the future for Britain’s poorest borough now it has elected Mr Rahman as its first executive mayor, with almost total power over its £1 billion budget. At the count last night, one very senior figure in the Tower Hamlets Labour Party said: “It really is Britain’s Islamic republic now.”

For the last eight months – without complaint or challenge from Mr Rahman – this blog and newspaper have laid out his close links with a group of powerful local businessmen and with a Muslim supremacist body, the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) - which believes, in its own words, in transforming the “very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed… from ignorance to Islam.” Mr Rahman has refused to deny these claims.


Joanna Michael and Cyron Williams - Usual story

Emergency call handler sacked after Cardiff woman's murder

A police call handler has been sacked after an inquiry into why officers took so long to respond to a woman's distress calls as she was being killed.

Joanna Michael, 25, dialled 999 twice during the attack by ex-boyfriend Cyron Williams in Cardiff in August 2009, but when officers arrived she was dead.

(As with the BBC story most news sources omitted to include a photo of the killer, presumably hoping that the name Cyron Williams sounded Welsh enough to fool most people)

Joe Haigh hides his face when revealing head wounds

Asian gang walk free as race attack trial collapses
The parents of a teenager attacked and left for dead by a gang of Asians say they feel “cheated” by the system after the collapse of a court trial.

Joseph Haigh, then aged 14, was savagely beaten by a gang of up to 15 Asian youths in Rectory Park, Thornhill, last October.

He was knocked unconscious with a half a house brick, stabbed in the face with a screwdriver and kicked repeatedly in the head as he lay helpless. His attackers hurled racist abuse at him, referring to the colour of his skin, then left him for dead. Joseph, pouring with blood, came round and staggered to a nearby bus stop to raise the alarm.

This week seven youths, four aged 17, two 15-year-olds and an 18-year-old, went on trial accused of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and racially-aggravated GBH.

PRESS reporter David Miller was subjected to abuse and intimidation from the public gallery at Leeds Crown Court.

David was alone on the press bench on Tuesday afternoon during a break.

David was asked by an Asian woman what she needed to do to make sure the case wasn’t reported.

He was then asked by another woman who he worked for, and was subjected to a tirade of abuse from an Asian man.

David told the court clerk what had happened and he was assured that if there was any repeat the matter would be reported to the judge
Trial collapses when witness refuses to testify
Hit with a brick, kicked and stabbed - the boy at the centre of the trial

One third of "Brain Surgeon" immigrants in unskilled jobs

Laws designed to bring highly-qualified foreign workers such as brain surgeons into the UK were used by immigrants to get jobs as shop assistants and security guards, the Coalition claimed last night.

Immigration Minister Damian Green unveiled research showing that nearly one in three immigrants in the Labour Government's 'tier one' category for top-level app­licants last year ended up doing ordinary unskilled jobs.

Tier one immigrants are categ­orised as doctors, scientists and entrepreneurs so skilled they could enter the UK without a job offer, said Mr Green

'These are meant to be absolutely the brightest and the best,' he said in a BBC interview.

But the anomalies had been revealed after a sample was analysed. 'We have discovered that of the visas we issued last year 29 per cent are doing unskilled jobs,' he said. '


Mustafa Demirtas and Julian Edwards

Cannabis dealers guilty of white teen's murder

Two cannabis dealers who ambushed and killed a father-of-two in the street during a drugs feud are facing life sentences.

Julian Edwards and driver Mustafa Demirtas, both 21, targeted Michael McCarthy, 19, after spotting him walking his dog.

They pulled up in a car to confront him before Edwards stabbed him five times including a fatal wound to the heart.

The killers then drove over the victim’s body as he lay bleeding to death in the road

News report

Odai Salah

Jordanian sentenced to 30 years for murder of Devon Pensioners

A failed businessman who murdered a well-to-do elderly couple at their seaside home and stole from them to try to pay off his heavy debts was jailed for 30 years today.

Odai Salah befriended Rosemary Windle and Maurece Smith, both 71, by claiming he could put them in touch with business contacts in the Middle East. But in January he armed himself with a knife and went to their flat in Torquay, Devon, where he strangled Windle and stabbed and suffocated Smith.

Salah, 28, returned at least twice to the murder scene to create the impression the couple were alive, giving himself more time to use the cheques and credit cards he stole.

Guardian report

Taliban "Britain is out greatest source of funding"

“We are not like a government, we depend on individuals,” a Taliban commander told Sky News. “We get donations from our Muslim brothers in Britain for jihad and they help us. It is the duty of all Muslims to pay towards fighting a jihad. And this is how we get our money and buy our weapons and carry on fighting.”

The commander added that an attack on Britain and Europe could happen “at any time”.

Telegraph Article
BNP Comment

More enrichment:

Birmingham prison guard hid list of criminal convictions

BBC "Asian Network" Star accused of benefit fraud
More black on black gun crime
Kurdish and Turkish gangs become the "new mafia"
increase in rapes and sexual offenses - guess what they are not telling us
child victims of black paedophile convicted of his murder
Saudi Prince jailed for murdering servant in London hotel
"Racist" UK policies blamed for Asylum deaths
Islamic extremism and intimidation at London University
Rev Jesse Jackson accuses UK police of discrimination
UK tax payers fund research into "History of Black Jazz"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sarah

    A most informative summary. The murders of Rosemary Windle, Maurece Smith and Michael McCarthy now take the killings of white Britons by non-whites+foreign whites vs. the reverse to 39:1 without the 7/7 Muslim atrocity and 46:1 with it included, for an 86%:14% white:non-white+foreign white population.

    Enrichment kills.
