Wednesday 15 September 2010

You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us Barack


  1. I have a feeling, as do millions of Americans, that Obama will come to a bad end.

    How bad?

    The supreme penalty, if he manages to start a civil war, which seems on the fast track.

    Obama may be the first American president executed as a traitor.

    The American Charles The First of England.

    All we need is for the American Cromwell to step out from stage right and Obama's doom will be sealed.

  2. May we be spared the merciless excesses of a Cromwellian rule...

  3. I love the yanks some of the only Anglo-Saxons on the planet with any bollocks. Kick it off lads and some the sad sad shadows who have the front to call themselves English might follow. God Bless The USA. However there's still some real English men left.EDL N/S

  4. I have a feeling that Obama is the first American dictator.

  5. Anon 03:38

    You're missing the obvious apostrophe and the fact that the first skirmishes of WW3 are already underway.

    Anon 17:06

    You're right, well need the yanks.


  6. Anonymous said...
    Anon 03:38

    You're missing the obvious apostrophe and the fact that the first skirmishes of WW3 are already underway.

    Anon 17:06

    You're right, well need the yanks.


    Not sure where to start here.
    Thank you for your grammer lesson. I leave out the "-" in protest to the very group.
    I distain the neocon mind set.
    The neocon is a war mongering fraction in American Govt. Iam American, the neocon was the push to war in Iraq. Thru jew puppet bush, WW3 has indeed begun.
    If you think two million dead Iraqis is a "skirmish" then perhaps you need reality check my friend.
    Perhaps you haven't a clue how bad things can get. Maybe your not
    aware how these world wars "skirmishs" begin.
    Or who finances them and why.
    Do you know which bankers funded all sides of the ENGLISH, AMERICAN and GERMAN war in the mid 1900's. Do you know who paid for all the weapons and armor?
    Are you aware of the funding behind WW1?
    You do know wars cost money right?
    Where does one find money to launch a wide scale war? HUMMMM.
    A BANK. A banker.
    So lets get back to square one. The war on terror. A neocon war.
    It began on Septenber 11, 2001.
    Speaking from an American point of view its very clear to me. In Europe your too soft to defend the jews.
    In my nation we armed ad have quite the military. We were duped to believe Muslims were after us and could actually harm us.
    This was a ruse to begin a WW3 ( the one you crave).
    WE WENT TO WAR for nine years on a lie. Many Americans are now coming to terms with the fraud.
    I want no part of any war which doesnt concearn my nation ever again. Americans bailed the jew out in WW2 with great human cost.
    If you want the Mulims out, YOU FUCKING DO IT. We dont have a Muslim problem here and we DONT NEED OUR GUYS FIGHTING YOUR GOD DAMN BATTLES.
    The root of these wars are of jewish intrests. The jews push multi cultralism in my and your nation.
    Thats your enemy my friend. A strong united White front can back down some God damn Muslim front any day.
    The problem is jew subversion and immigration. No need to fight the jews battles. Get controll of you nation and your borders. Problem gone. Let the Muslims live in Muslims lands and let the blacks live in mud huts, outside oF WHITE NATIONS.
    Stop the jews in YOUR MEDIA and IN YOUR GOVT.


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