Monday 27 September 2010

They Never Asked Us!

Click on the image above (or here) to watch a very powerful video posted to her blog by the excellent Vanishing American . I can't recall the actor's name and I am not sure what movie this scene comes from. No doubt and seen in context the monologue is probably intended to be perceived as evil. (After all the LiberNazis currently running the West view all patriotic sentiment as evil)

However, if that was their intention, then they have failed because the actor's words go a long way towards reflecting how many of us feel about the crime which has been committed against our country and our people.
Hat Tip: Anonymous


  1. Lavrenti Beria, the head of the NKVD, to a group of US communist students at Lenin University in 1953.

    “Degradation and conquest are companions. To be conquered, a nation must be degraded … degradation can be accomplished insidiously … and effectively by consistent and continual defamation … continued and constant degradation of national leaders, national institutions, national practices and national heroes must be systematically carried out.

    “By attacking the character and morals … by bringing about, through contamination of youth, a general degraded feeling, command of the populace is facilitated to a very marked degree. The attack on the mind of a nation involves changing loyalties, we must have a command of their values. In the animal, the first loyalty is to himself. This is destroyed by demonstrating to him … showing that he does not remember, cannot act or does not trust himself.

    “The second loyalty is to his family unit … this is destroyed by lessening the value of marriage, by making and easiness of divorce. The next loyalty is to his friends and local environment … this is destroyed by lowering his trust. The next is to the state … and this is the only loyalty once the State is founded as a Communist State …

    “By perverting the institutions of a nation and bringing about a general degradation … a population can be brought psychologically to heel…”

    Western "Democracy" = communism ... its being played out now and that's the future for us all.

    Ed Miliband one of the sons of an illegal immigrant communist Jew WILL be in charge of this country in the not too distant future and the "beautiful" Diane Abbott will be deputy PM with Harman alongside.

    "What are we gonna do about it??"

  2. Sarah, your chum rides to the rescue -

    Fantastic speech based loosely around one made by Enoch Powell.

    I Am An Englishman
    Scene from an episode of NCS Manhunt in 1992 The actor is called Marc Warren One of the best speeches I have ever heard. Pretty much sums up my views on the like of Immigration and other stuff that is going on in this country. I am English and Proud, Not Racist!

  3. Thanks for the link, re-posted.

  4. “Degradation and conquest are companions. To be conquered, a nation must be degraded …
    “By attacking the character and morals …"

    Age 7 -11. Your loins are a sexual commodity for others to enjoy. There is no body.

    The attack on the mind of a nation involves changing loyalties, we must have a command of their values.

    Age 11 - 17. Over-praised school records with prizes and keeping permanent negative records to force conformity and not trust themselves. There is no mind.

    lessening the value of marriage, by making and easiness of divorce. The next loyalty is to his friends and local environment … this is destroyed by lowering his trust. The next is to the state … and this is the only loyalty once the State is founded as a Communist State …

    Aged 17 to 21. There is no character.

    “By perverting the institutions of a nation and bringing about a general degradation … a population can be brought psychologically to heel…”

    There is no ownership.

  5. They have never asked us and they never will.

    Very prophetic as regards Britain's ratification of the Lisbon treaty

  6. Expect the actor to disown and condemn the sentiments as he comes under threat regarding possibilities of future roles.
