Thursday 30 September 2010

Mexican Logic

A coalition of Mexican mayors has asked the United States to stop deporting illegal immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes in the U.S. to Mexican border cities, saying the deportations are contributing to Mexican border violence.

The request was made at a recent San Diego conference in which the mayors of four Mexican border cities and one U.S. mayor, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, gathered to discuss cross-border issues.

Ciudad Juarez Mayor Jose Reyes blamed U.S. deportation policy for contributing to his city's violence, saying that of the 80,000 people deported to Juarez in the past three years, 28,000 had U.S. criminal records -- including 7,000 convicted rapists and 2,000 convicted murderers.

Effectively the mayors are blaming Mexican crime levels on the fact that America is sending a few of the vast numbers of Mexican criminals illegally entering America back home.

Quite incredible!

Full news report


  1. I think that they have a point, but they are addressing the wrong people. The problem is a mexican problem, not a US problem. If they don't want their criminals in their border towns, then the federales need to arrange to take charge of them when they arrive back in mexico and move them to a more conveient location. But that is up to mexico to deal with the problem; it is not for the US to decide where mexico puts its criminals.

  2. Don't worry, Sarah - here in the SW whites are sitting up and taking note.

  3. The words; mexican and logic should never be mixed. Its an oxymoronic statement.
