Thursday 5 August 2010

Justifying slaughter

One of the most repugnant experiences in the last 48 hours has been watching the deeply vile US mainstream media seeking to excuse workplace mass murderer Omar Thornton (pictured above) from any responsibility for his crime and to blame his numerous victims for forcing him to shoot them in cold blood. Omar Thornton was black his victims (eight dead two injured) were all white, only a fool would expect honesty from the American media in such a situation.

Nicholan Stix gives his own views on the victimisation of a mass killer in an article which can be read by clicking here.


  1. Stix's summary of the event is really good, and from my experience (I live in and worked in a government unionized job) it is spot-on in its assessment of the social mechanics at work here. Blacks expect to be excused from consequences here for any minor or major infraction of rules of conduct, breaking laws or of any responsibility to society for any of their anti-social actions. And they are almost always allowed to use "the race card" (even expected to do so) to "get over" as they refer to it (means get away with their infraction or crime). In this case the perpetrator knew that he was going to have a hard time avoiding a long prison sentence or the death penalty (which he would have deserved) so he decided to kill himself instead. Good riddance. And all this over pilfering beer- he was an idiot on top of being a criminal and his girlfriend/wife is a nitwit and his mother-in-law is white trailer trash.

  2. Just like the media to inflame racial divisions by distorting headlines to sell papers ''Black man kills white racists'' sells more than'' black man caught stealing murders fellow workers in revenge''.There also seem to push the blame on someone else than the perpetrator and also make the victims in some way deserved it so not to enrage the minorities!But the race card is always used as a ''get of trouble'' excuse and i have experienced such actions in the workplace.

  3. As you are well aware Sarah the crime of racism is the most henious in our society, including murder, paedohilia and rape, i've no doubt this ruthless killer was aware of that and sought to put it into some kind of context, and of course the "liberals" lapped it up, just like he knew they would....Donna
