Monday 30 August 2010

Couple attacked in SA game reserve

A woman was killed and her husband critically injured in an attack at their home on a game reserve in Cramond, KwaZulu-Natal police said on Sunday.

A police spokesperson said an unknown number of people gained access to the Croeser couple's house in Msinsi game reserve at around 02:30 on Saturday and attacked them with knives.

The gang stabbed the man Morne Croeser, 34, in the stomach before they attacked his wife, Erica, 34, and stabbed her in numerous parts of her body.

She later died from her injuries.

The news report confirms that no property was taken from the couple's home during the attack.

Until such time as I can obtain further information on this case I have not updated the figure in the right hand column of this blog signifying the number of South African farmers murdered since the end of Apartheid which still stands at 3118.
Hat Tip: Jenny

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