Friday 27 August 2010

After the Party

From the Economist 26 August 2010

After the party…
…comes an almighty hangover

THE warm, fuzzy feeling of national pride and unity engendered by South Africa’s hosting of the football World Cup did not last long. As a strike by more than 1m public-sector workers enters its second week, hospitals, schools and other services across the country remain closed. Women in labour are being turned away from hospitals, the sick and the dying left unattended and pupils trying to get into school beaten up by their own teachers. The army has been called in to help. Police have been using water cannon and rubber bullets to break up the most violent protests. Dozens have been arrested.

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), the biggest union federation and a supposed ally of the ruling African National Congress, is now threatening to shut down the entire economy by calling all its members out in a sympathy strike next week unless the government gives in to the public-sector unions’ demands for an 8.6% wage rise—more than double the inflation rate—plus a housing allowance of 1,000 rand ($135) a month. The government says it cannot afford more than its final offer of a 7% rise plus a 700 rand allowance along with a previously agreed on 1.5% performance bonus.

Report continues ....

South Africa Sucks views the current situation in a far more serious light, as expressed in an excellent, if troubling, post by the very readable Mike Smith

The “War of the Running White Dogs” is Here

The strikes of the Civil servants are unfolding nicely. At first I thought it was only an exercise for a Communist Revolution, but it appears to unfold into the real thing. It looks as if the Revolution is here.

Now the Army threatens to join the strikes as well. Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union, an affiliate of COSATU, has joined the strike on Wednesday 25th of August 2010. At the moment the police, prison services and traffic cops are still working, but they will start their strike on Saturday 28th of August 2010
… Let us pause for a moment and think about the implications of this…

In May 2010 we have seen the army taking over from the police at the borders and it being reported that the borders between Zimbabwe and Mozambique are riddled with holes. The army has to clean up the mess now at the borders they say. The entire fence between the Kruger Park and Mozambique has been removed by Thabo Mbeki to create a so called macro nature reserve.

One thing that I have learned from the Marxist terrorists is that they do everything for a reason and everything they do is a deception. They are disciples of Mao Zedong and Sun Tzu.

All these open borders are just the Marxists establishing a Truong Son Strategic Supply Route or as the American called it, a Hoh Chi Minh trail.

The Communist Master Plan, The Final Solution for South Africa is all moving into place.

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