Monday 12 July 2010

Modern American Racists 2

Further to my article the other day regarding the US Justice Department, I recommend Barbara Simpson's latest article which gives further details and commentary on this subject.

Click here to read "Post Racial - my foot!" by Barbara Simpson


  1. Great article! And it shows what our grim future will look like when whites are a minority here. It can now be called "The Department of Injustice".

  2. There is pretty strong video evidence at Flopping Aces that indicates this was an accident pure and simple:

    Such an explanation will never satisfy those who are out for blood, of course. The Obama Dept. of (In)justice will muddy the water and make things immeasurably worse than they already are. That is institutionalized racism of the highest order imaginable.

  3. Right out of the Communist playbook - Divide and Conquer.

    Clearly, the Obama Regime hopes that by playing the race card they will weaken their opposition when in fact every time they pull reactionary Leftard tricks like this they only make American Patriots - who wrote the revolutionary handbook in 1775 - more angry and radical.

    Caesar Obama: BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH!!!

