Tuesday 6 July 2010

Diversity or Deception?

Click the picture to view Diversity or Deception? Part 1 at YouTube


  1. It is simply beyond my comprehension how any White woman can willing bring herself to desire the pollution of sexual union with a black man. To do this is a mark of corruption of her mind and soul to the point of irreparable damage, I think. I know, of course, that many White women are raped by blacks so that the sexual union is involuntary, but the numerous mixed race couples shown in the video all represent will unions, unions in which the women freely consent to join themselves to these black creatures. How utterly degrading!

    I am baffled. Do they do it for the shock value? Are they trying to prove how "open minded" (= empty minded) they are? Are they such whores that they are driven by the extra testosterone that the black men are reputed to provide? Where is Jack the Ripper when you need him?

  2. Excellent comment Dr D. Whites who desire blacks sexually are depraved. When a people rejects God and goodness (as many in the West do) then standards are totally corrupted. Having rejected the good, man cannot even recognise that his "goodness" turns into evil!


  3. Urban Commando11 July 2010 at 05:51

    The likes of Cheryl Cole are puppets, manipulated by their handlers in the "Entertainment" industry to promote licentiousness, promiscuity, 'diversity' and miscegenation.

    Pop music = Brain washing of the masses to accept the diversity / change / mono-culture agenda of the NWO.

  4. Pop music = Brain washing of the masses to accept the diversity / change / mono-culture agenda of the NWO.

    You'd never guess Simon Cowell was jewish would you...

  5. The excellent points in this thread compel me to ask a simple question. I'm a black male in a currently very happy relationship with a white woman, who I am planning to marry. Seeing as how I will apparently end up beating, raping and exploiting her, should I start doing that now, after we're married, or after we've started a family?

    Also, is there any way this can be avoided? If not, are any of you willing to contact the police for her?

  6. I can't answer those questions for you Wise son. Statistically white women in a mixed race relationship are more likely to be the victims of domestic abuse, and certainly being abandoned once become pregnant.

    Also, they are at significantly greater risk of contracting STIs.

    Why that is the case is a question which only black men can realistically answer.

    I assume your girlfriend took these risks into account when embarking on the course she has taken.

  7. I was not aware of those facts, Sarah. Are there links to any places where I can find (I think the term they keep using on wikipedia is [citation needed]? I should probably forward them to my mother, who is a White woman in a 30-year marriage to a black man. She hasn't been beaten or been infected with an STI yet, but surely it's only a matter of time.

    I'm also sharing this link with my partner, so that she is aware of her imminent danger.

  8. I am white woman with a phd and various other degrees. I have dated men from a variety of backgrounds and I have been seeing a black male for over a year now. I have been treated well by all my partners and he is no exception. He is smart, caring and works hard. I have feel safe and happy with him. I did not read "cosmo" and decide that he would be exciting nor did I want to degrade myself. I picked him as a partner because he was fun and interesting and we have similar interests.

    I am not sure where you get your statistics from. I work in the psychology field and would like to see them and help us all understand them and where they come from.

    Thank you

  9. I came across this as a friend forwarded it to me. I appreciate you considering my comment.

  10. It is not difficult to find statistics on the internet if you wish to look, however, for a start you might want to look at the break down of domestic violence by ethnic group, issued by the American Bar association http://new.abanet.org/domesticviolence/Pages/Statistics.aspx or the inter-racial violence figures issued by the Bureau of Justice , especially in relation to interracial rape http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/

    The fact that black men are significantly more likely to be carriers of STDs is also widely available if you wish to loook. Here for instance it states that black men are 12 times as likely as white men to carry chlamydia
    and I do not need to tell you about HIV and AIDS

    Barrack Obama himself commented on the problem of absent fathers in the black community, here you can see him on YouTube

    In return, you might want to provide me with links to news stories about women having acid thrown into their faces by white boyfriends, or women being gang raped by even one gang of white males.

    Happy hunting sister, and good luck with your relationships, you are likely to need it

  11. You might find some of my older articles of interest such as Dangerous Liaisons

    And Hoary Old Stereotype sold to us as new http://sarahmaidofalbion.blogspot.com/2008/04/hoary-old-stereotype-sold-to-us-as-new.html

  12. Thank you for your reply.

    I have managed to read many of your articles after having your page forwarded to me and I do find your thoughts and ideas fascinating. I can see where you have a starting point for your thought but I cant see how you connect all the dots to blame non white people. I read the same thing and can see it is more related socio-economics, in which it is more to do with oppression of those races for years. This was seen in white society as well until they had a better chance of education etc.

    I have grown up in Australia and reside in Britain now. I have seen crimes committed by white and non white men. In my area there was a horrific gang rape caused by middle eastern males but there has also been many crimes committed by white males from low socio-economic groups. Having worked with criminals and having completed a study on rapists, most of the men I worked with were white males. This is less than 10 years ago and considering Australia has a growing non white population I could see it was still proportional (ie more whites to other cultures.)

    This is one crime I studied


    I am also making the links to socio-economics as my partner is from a middle class, loving and caring family who are educated. I see his mixed race parents are still committed to each other and have welcomed me to their family. I see no violence, illness and cheating. They own a business, have degrees and work hard. I never feel unsafe or unhappy and I can see he almost had an exact upbringing to me.

    I thank you for your time.

  13. Oh WOW!!! Anon you have found the holy grail, do you have any idea how long NAACP, the Southern Property Law Centre, the UAF and half the journalists in Europe and America have been searching for the all white male gang rape?. That is the space ship landing on New York which will prove all the alien abduction stories true. Shame that the victim was white though, the real prize is an all white gang raping a black woman (like the media attempted to invent in the Duke Lacrosse case). Also its a pity that four of the six rapists have the same name, Murphy, so it is really a dysfunctional family and their two buddies, rather than a roaming feral street gang. Even so, its a good attempt.

    I asked for an example of a gang rape perpetrated by all white males, and you had to go back twenty one years and to the other side of the planet but you found one, well done. For your next challenge do you want to try and find the Yeti?

    However, lets not go back twenty one years, lets try something a little more up to the minute. Just look at your watch and keep looking whilst the big hand goes round three times, click, click, click. Then think to yourself. “In the three minutes I was looking at my watch two South African Children were raped by black men!”

    Ah you will chirrup “that is down to Socio Economic factors!” ......... Socio economic factors? The cause of Child rape? How? For that matter what has being disadvantaged got to do with gang rape? Because, despite the ancient, lonely little antipodean 1980's white gang rape you were probably up most of the night tracking down, as the London Metropolitan police confirmed only last year 92% of all gang rape suspects in London were non-white. (The troubling phenomenon was studied by black film maker Sorious Samura in his documentary Rape in the City.)

    What has being deprived got to do with shooting or stabbing someone because they disrespected you?

    Furthermore, in America and every western European country, in numerical terms the largest single group living in poverty and social deprivation are white. In America, for instance there are 16 white people living beneath the poverty line for every 10 black people who are. If socio-economic factors are behind crime you would expect to see white men committing 16 crimes for every ten you see committed by blacks, but for some reason you don't. Perhaps different races respond differently to social and economic factors ... oops! We are not supposed to say that are we?.

    You say that you are in a comfortable middle class relationship, well lucky you. However, have you considered your own responsibility to less fortunate girls when you become part of the propaganda machine which tells them that relationships which in the majority of non-comfortable middle class relationships will lead them to to disaster, violence poverty and often worse?

  14. Hi

    I had an error in my comment so if you received it use my first one.

    To summarise I said, firstly that I think you misunderstood my intentions. I wasnt trying to prove you wrong. I am sure I could never do that. I was just presenting a different point of view. That particular case was one I knew off the top of my head as it is a famous case in Australia and I worked with 2 of the men in gaol. You are correct in that they were from one particular family but they had an average upbringing and was an older sibling leading. However I have worked with other rapists and more than one all white male rape group. This was common in Australia because of the "surfie" culture. I have also worked with non white or mixed race groups and singular rapists.

    Secondly I didnt think we were talking about child rape. My points were about adult relationships. I of course think child abuse is horrific and I have been lucky to have not experienced it.

    Thirdly I do many things to work with people out of my middle class background. I work with rape victims and teen mothers. I have seen these women abused by many different cultures in Australia and in England. In Australia it was more common that they were white but I think that is cause they make up the majority of the population and fill the lower classes. In Australia Aboriginal women are also more likely to be raped (42% in the early 2000's but it may of changed) so it isnt reported as widely.

    I understand if you dont respond or publish this as I am not arguing with you and just presenting differing ideas. I dont aim to prove you wrong, just have a healthy debate.

    Thank you

  15. Anonymous 04:38

    If I misunderstood your intent I apologise, you are, of course entitled to a different point of view.

    However, what you are not entitled to do, is act like the media and distort or misrepresent the truth. I am not disputing that there may be gang rapes committed by whites, but they are a tiny minority.

    However, they (the "Man bits dog" type of story) are the ones which the media always highlights, whilst hiding the far more common black pepetrator ones. They do it deliberately to create a false perception

    As for "Surfer culture" or "Jock Culture" rapes they exist more in the minds of script-writers than they do in reality.

    What I am concerned about is the way in which mixed race relationships are presented as glamorous whereas they are in fact very high risk.

    I know we were not discussing child rape, as such, however, it is all part of domestic violence. Look at your watch for five minutes and you can be sure at least two adult women have been raped in SA.

  16. Happy to have cleared that up. I did not intend to offend. I do have an understanding of your points and where they come from. I am not defending the media. I actually do not trust the media and I am always disappointed that the biggest media mogul is Australian and horrible (Murdoch.)

    There is a surf culture in Australia that is very violent not just in movies. I am sure you have read about our race riots a few years ago and the surf VS ethnic problem is huge in Australia and both sides commit crimes to prove their point.

    To Pamela J as I am sure you read I didnt post that to offend. I just provided an example. The fact is I worked with those men so I know and have a deep understanding of those crimes. I wasnt being sensational, just sharing something I have been involved in.

    Personally I really enjoy this debate. I do not scoff or mock your ideas. I am trying to understand what makes you tick and feel this way and what makes you have different attitudes.

  17. Okay, I will take you at face and accept what you say in the spirit it is meant.

    As you will appreciate, blogs like this come under attack from time to time, which means we can be a little suspicious.

    Thanks for your contribution.

    From what I have read of the race attacks in Australia, especially those against Indians have been primarily perpetrated by Lebanese men.

  18. I grew up in an area with a large Middle Eastern population. I think that the main issue in Australia is that after they abolished the white Australia policy in 1973 they have not prepared the people of Australia or the migrants for the culture change.

    Between 1901 and 1973 the only migrants allowed into Australia were white Europeans and some other white nationalities (American, Canadian etc.) After WW2 they let a wider range of Europeans. This was a problem for many Australians and they were not ready for the South -East Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern migrants and now the African migrants.

    I think this what has caused tension as well as migrants clustering in groups in Australia, making an impression that they do not want to assimilate.

    I do think that Australia has worked more at a school level to help migrants through various programs that are integrated into the curriculum as well as having no religion present in government run schools. However they do not work at the same level to help adult migrants.

    I feel Australia is also scared of being racist so they hide much of the tension seen there.

    The latest Indian attacks were actually committed by other Indians but I know the world press only reported the initial reaction which was that they were race attacks. They however were personal disputes.

    The Middle Eastern attacks have calmed down now they feel more a part of Australian society and they have more respect regarding their religion and beliefs. I think this is because of both communities working together to understand each other. I have seen this improve each time I revisit Australia. I am proud to have Middle Eastern friends and see their involvement in this bridge being built.

    Most of my friends are in mixed race relationships in Australia and there is a bigger acceptance there. In England though I am the only person I know in a mixed race relationship other than my partners family. I dont know if this means it is not as accepted in the UK or if I am just with a different group of people.

  19. I know that sincere, but very naive Lib-Lefts existed out there in La-La land, but rarely are they brave enough to debate these race issues unless they happen to be hidden Marxists whose only goal is to agitate.

    Personally, I resonate with the writings of this blog very well, so I seldom need to leave commentary, as I'm already "just part of the choir" who can sing in tune.

    It would be redundant of me to counter some points made by "Anon. Australia", as Sarah has already pointed her in the right direction.

    However, I believe "Anon. Australia" has much to learn in the whole gamut of anti-white, nation-destroying, MSM indoctrination, racial diversity, Black crime, miscegenation, etc. domain

    .....and, including the concerted efforts of the New World Orderlies whose one primary objective is to eliminate the world's remaining 8% White inhabitants by flooding those sovereign white nations, including Australia, with mass 3rd world NON-whites who outnumber Whites by 12 to 1 on this planet.

    Its rather strange that all the White prosperous western countries have chosen to commit racial suicide at the same time. Why is that??

    "In politics, nothing happens by chance".

    Incidentally, I discovered a new website today called:


  20. Hi 2nd anon! I was thinking no one cared about my thoughts anymore. I was browsing an Australian website and found a few news stories with white crime and thought of wow I havent been on the blog for awhile and went to check out if I had a response. I did so I was happy.

    To be honest I dont know what New World Orderlies are? Can you explain?

  21. I've enjoyed the back and forth between Anonymous/TammyB and Sarah, although Sarah seems to have stopped answering Tammy's points after her last post, which did contain some extremely good points that I'd like to see Sarah's response to. It's always great to hear the thoughts of someone with experience and training in these areas, as these internet discussions almost always end up being arguments between enthusuastic amateurs (which I readily admit to being).

    OK, in regards to the previous post to this, I'll bite - why are the NWO trying to wipe out white people? I mean, assuming it's true, what is their end goal, and how will it benefit them? I'm not even taking the piss, I am just genuinely confused as to what is meant to be going on there.

    Also, where is the 8% figure for the caucasian proportion of the world's population from? The closest I can find is that old if the world consisted of 100 people thing, which places caucasians at 12% (http://www.odt.org/pop.htm). This was 20 years ago, so I can see how the numbers might have shifted, but I'd really appreciate a link to some more up to date figures so I could check for myself.

    You also refer to "3rd world NON-whites who outnumber Whites by 12 to 1 on this planet." I'm presuming that's an exaggerated figure, because if your 8% figure was true, Whites would be outnumbered 12 to 1 by non-whites, but surely some of those non-whites would live in the first and second world, and surely you should also take into account caucasians who are in the second and third world.

    By the way, just to be absolutely upfront, I posted earlier as Wise Son, and you are completely welcome to have a look at my blogs too. :-)

  22. @James Mathurin

    "OK, in regards to the previous post to this, I'll bite - why are the NWO trying to wipe out white people? I mean, assuming it's true, what is their end goal, and how will it benefit them? I'm not even taking the piss, I am just genuinely confused as to what is meant to be going on there."

    Having come across the accusation of white genocide quite a bit in nationalist writing, I'm kind of curious too.

    This is one of the few articles I've found which bothers to touch upon why this alleged genocide is being orchestrated:


    "In reality, as all people on the ground there know, the vast majority of the remaining indigenous population support the British National Party, and the huge numbers of Third World immigrants support Labour."

    While not stated the implication seems to be that Labour wants to wipe out whites so as to get more votes. This, of course, only makes sense if Labour subscribes to the same bizarre assessment of political demographics as the author of this report. Most white Britons support the BNP? Really?

  23. My response to James Mathurin. As one of the makers of this controversial documentary "Diversity or Deception", I feel I am qualified to answer your question however, I don't have the advantage of the main stream media's constant and endless years of indoctrination behind me to support my case. If you are genuinely interested and not simply here to play Devil's Advocate I suggest you read "Who Rules America" by Dr. William Pierce as an introduction. "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" is also essential reading as well. One of many books would be "The International Jew" by Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company. Assuming you are African American, you might want to read or check out what one of your own people has to say on the subject of Jewry and listen to what Louis Farrakhan has to say in addition.

  24. @PCH
    Thanks for that. I have to admit, even that page still leaves me a little in the dark as to what the supposed NWO's motivation supposedly is. I mean, I've never had a conversation with any non-white, Jewish or Left-Wing person (who I believe are meant to be the groups making up the NWO) where anyone expressed a view that this country would benefit from wiping all white people (or indeed, any other group) out.

    Anyway, thanks for the link, as I really appreciate anything that helps me move towards an understanding of why people persist in these beliefs (which is, after all, the point of watching and engaging with blogs like these).

    As for the BNP suggesting that the 'majority of indigenous people support them', I think even with the BNP's rather fanciful way of defining 'indigenous Britons' (Seriously, what is their definition? Having watched Griffin's Question Time appearance, wasn't it based on having only British-born, caucasian, Christian ancestors for an arbitrary number of generations?), they really need to offer some convincing citations for what is, on the surface, a quite laughable claim.

  25. Devante933 - I'm curious why you assume I'm African American, but anyway, I think Farrakhan's done some good as a civil rights campaigner, but the NOI's views on race and his views on judaism are not ones that bear much scrutiny, from what I've seen.

    You say your documentary qualifies you to talk on the subject, but unfortunately, last time I looked on youtube, it had been removed, so I haven't been able to see it for myself. Considering that, I'd really appreciate maybe a brief summary of your conclusions, and what research you used to reach them (considering this whole thread spun off from your video, it would definitely be useful ;-)).

    I'm fascinated that you mention the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as it seems to form the basis of most of the 'Evil Jew' conspiracies, and is one of the single-most discredited books ever written (except for that guy who wrote about the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail, which ultimately inflicted Dan Brown on the world), being a re-worded version of Maurice Joly's 1864 'Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu', altered to attack the Jews rather than Napoleon III (there are several passages that read almost word for word the same). Hell, The Times reported it as true in 1920, before exposing it as a lie the year later.

    I know this may be dismissed as more 'Jewish-media-controlled propoganda', but considering that, in the 1934 Swiss case between the Jewish Committee and the Nazis, The Nazis were only able to name a clergyman (who nobody could find) in answer to the Committee's 12 expert witnesses on the contents of the Protocols, it doesn't make it look like a reliable source (I mean, no matter what anyone says about the Nazis, you can't say that they allowed the Jews to have undue influence in their society or media).

    The Ford book you also mention is mainly borrowed from the Protocols, and was recanted by Ford in 1926 when he was threatened with libel. Furthermore, he went on to describe the Protocols as "gross forgeries", although this somehow boosted publication of his book, which certainly implies that truth is not chief among the concerns of people who follow these stories.

    Anyway, I do sincerely hope that the research that went into your documentary was from more reliable sources, as otherwise you should probably have a hard second look at the conclusions you drew.

  26. James

    Sorry you had difficulty posting, I regret that I have to moderate comments. Not to stifle free speech, but because of the abuse and obscenity which some people post.

    I have been busy over the weekend, and did not have time to keep up the moderation.


  27. @James

    Someone's re-uploaded the videos:


    Part one starts off with a generalised commentary on negative effects of the media on children before providing a shopping list of interracial love scenes in the media; part two consists mainly of news reports, government statistics and CCTV footage of black-on-white crime.

  28. Thanks Sarah, it's no problem, and I didn't suspect anything sinister; it was clear it was a technical thing.

  29. @James Mathurin- Because you have not even seen the video, your argument and dismissal of the content has no validity which would certainly give you enough evidence of the anti-white propaganda disseminated every day. But because that is not enough, your search for some authentic document that proves a systematic plan has clouded your common sense considering it is all around you. I guess you are one of those who still believe in the magic bullet theory that killed JFK because the government told us so and shut down the investigation, despite all the evidence otherwise? Name one government acknowledged or funded organization for whites, or even a school? Name one predominately western white country that has strict immigration laws like Israel or Mexico? Who is always encouraged to experience other cultures and to date outside their race because if not, they will be labeled a "racist", which is worse than being the devil himself? How about you prove to me that there is "not" a constant attack on white Europeans? You can't, because you are a living example of this multicultural society that we exposed in the video, that is if what you say is true about your mixed genes. Times up.

  30. @ James Mathurin. You just admitted to everyone reading this blog that you haven't even watched the video in question, the very reason this thread was even started. That is preposterous! You are the equivalent of an attorney walking into the courtroom with a notebook filled with empty pages. I am not here to convince you, I am not the slightest bit interested in YOUR opinion, nor do I need any documentation to prove my point. I merely suggested you read a few things in order to have a historical perspective concerning the idea that white genocide is an orchestrated effort. You don't need "Secret Documents" or an Ivy League education to be able to see through "Politically Correct" propaganda, manipulation and spin. "Diversity or Deception" illustrates my point quite well and effectively for anyone who hasn't entirely succumbed to the media's P.C. programming. For those still interested in the video you can simply do a Google search for "Diversity or Deception" and you will find many options still available for watching it even after YouTube's attempt at censoring Truth and Free Speech. The world is filled with programmed humanoids prepared to police the world hunting down people like myself never knowing that they are only furthering their own demise.

  31. My thanks to people who have provided links. I have to go to work now, but I'll have a look later.

    I would just like to point out that I don't think I've made any points relating to the video, other than to say that I hope it's based on more rigorous research than notoriously faked documents. I have mainly been responding to other comments made in the thread, and I think I've backed up the points I have made.

  32. Hi

    In defense of James Mathurin he did say he hadnt seen the video cause the link had not worked. He then asked for the link. He was arguing points based on what people has said NOT the video.

    I think PCH got that as he posted the links and was far more polite. I also think James like myself is obviously curious as he has not been rude or negative towards anyone. I understand you guys get lots of abuse but you should be happy people are willing to learn and listen.

    I am also not sure about Eric the Red's comment about his race being true?

  33. I finally got to view the video. Some of my thoughts

    1) the first part is not about diversity but values. I did agree with many of these things. I think it is unfair to show couples like Ellen and Portia Di rossi who are in love as a bad influence.

    2) the first images of mixed race couples were real couples not tv couples so again unfair to use them as they are in love and not part of mass media esp as many were growing up in a time when they didnt show other races on tv as much.

    3) I agree with your teen pregnancy idea.

    4) I really dont think there are enough varied examples. When I watch most tv (I really dont watch US tv) there is not a huge representation of other cultures. Most of those examples were American (except for the Italian ad) so I couldnt relate.

    5) The last part shows us only negative views of non whites so I dont understand how it links to the first part and how they are portrayed in a positive light. Both ideas are valid on their own but the together I think the message is less clear.

    Overall congrats on doing a doco. Some good points and some so-so points.

    PS I bet you love the old spice guy

  34. @Eric The Red
    As I said, I haven't said anything about the content of the video, so I really don't see your point here.

    Also, I was nt searching for a 'document', just asking what research had gone into informing people's views. Opinions are fine, but evidence is what really counts.I'm not sure what your other points are responding to. Which government are you looking for approving white organisations, and why would such organisations be needed?

    Your last couple of questions appear to be strange rhetorical ones. I don't know much about Israel or Mexico's immigration policies, so I won't presume to answer. Who is being pressured to date outside their race, and what evidence do you have of this? As for disproving the existence of an attack on white people, how do I prove a negative? Do you have any evidence that such an attack exists?

    Also, why do you think I've lied about my mixed genes? What would I gain and/or lose by doing so?

  35. @ Devante933
    I just watchd your video (thanks PCH!). Again, I'm not sure why you find it preposterous that I hadn't, seeing as I had only responded to comments in this thread, and not to the video itself, and had, as a recent Anonymous pointed out, asked politely for information about your video.

    I'm curious that you liken my position to "an attorney walking into the courtroom with a notebook filled with empty pages," yet argue that you do not, "need any documentation to prove my point." How are these two situations any different?

    You did suggest I read a few things, but a least two of those things have been proven to be out and out lies and forgeries. If this is where you have drawn your views from, how can you in all sincerity, claim they have any validity without examining them? Anyway, now I have seen your video, and below are my responses to its content.

    Anyway, as for your video 'documentary' is a rather kind to term to apply to it. Getting in on the positives though, you are clearly very good at editing, and using music to add emotional power to your opinions. Kudos for that.

    Straight away, your points aren't too strong. You talk about "promotion and celebration of mixed-race couples," yet the images you show seem to simply acknowledge their existence, not to show them as being some kind of superior pairing. If these type of images formed the majority of magazine covers, etc., I could see you having a point, but they simply don't. So, to repeat 'promoting and celebrating' is not the same as 'acknowledging the existence ' of something. Mixed race couples exist at all levels of society, and you fail utterly to demonstrate how reflecting this fact is somehow a promotion of them.

    Your film examples really interest me. First of all, again, yes, films exist showing mixed-race couples, but many many more exist showing non-mixed couples. And Jungle Fever? Really? A film where not only does almost every character express disapproval of the mixed-race relationship, but the relationship is an extra-marital affair? This is somehow a promotion of inter-racial relationships? O, a film, based as it is on Othello, that ends with the death of the white girl in the interracial relationship? Again, not something that I would feel promoted such relationships.

    Sex and the City: Considering the show features 4 characters who seem to have new sexual partner in every episode, congratulations on the example you found of one mixed-race pairing. That must have taken a lot of research (are you a fan?), and you shouldn't let the fact that the overwhelming majority of pairings in the show, and all of the pairings that were shown to be happy and long-term were not mixed race put you off making your point.

    Onto the music videos, again, I would point out that for each interracial scene in a video, there's easily at leat 5 or 6 scenes of the singers dancing with a white guy (please don't ask me to trawl through the Madonna and Britney Spears back catalogue to demonstrate this, though ;-) ).

    An interracial dating site has a picture of an interracial couple? Imagine my shock.

    The MTV ad you show features a white girl breaking up with a black lover for being an inconsiderate lover. Considering the views expressed in these comments, surely you'd see that as a positive message?

    The washing powder ad is a depressingly outdated and offensive portrayal of black masculinity that I hate probably as much as you, but I would imagine for very different reasons.

  36. @ Devante933
    (Part 2)

    You ask, "If these ideas are so natural, would they really have to sell them," without demonstrating once that these ideas are actually being sold.

    You do give statistics on white women being attacked by black males (even though you said you didn't need documentation to prove your point), but fail to give the total number of assaults, or the number of white women assaulted by white men. You also don't say what these statistics prove, other than looking quite frightening outside of context.

    You show someone discussing black/white crime statistics, but he his sources are not clear. You say your sources are the Department of Justice, should I assume those were his sources? Do you know? Did you even check?

    You also discuss "the solution to this growing problem," again, without making clear to the viewer what the nature of the problem is, or indeed how you know that it is growing? You also contrast "Truth vs. Political Correctness," without demonstrating that the truth falls on the side of your views or the 'PC' views.

    You comment on, "the media's constant neglect for objective criticism in favour of emotional manipulation and spin," to which the only comment I can make is, "...And they say Americans don't understand irony."

    You could help me understand your views by explaining why it is that you believe one of your closing statements, that white culture, heritage and traditions are being eroded, is both true, and being caused by race-mixing? I'm mixed race, and both my mother's and father's cultures, heritage and traditions live on in me and in my upbringing, without me viewing one as superior to the other, and without me wishing to push my children (when I have them) towards one or the other. Does this represent an erosion of either culture, or simply a new stage of each? I'd be truly interested in your opinions.

    To close, it seems to me that you regard any portrayal of mixed-race relationships that is not overwhelmingly negative as being 'too much'. I have to ask, what changes would you make to the current media portrayals if you had the power (a completely hypothetical question)? Would there be any happy mixed-race relationships portrayed?

    I do thoroughly agree with the Orwell quote that you use, "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." I humbly suggest that you try it some time.

  37. @ James Mathurin- You are a living example of what most everyone on this blog already understands. Blacks are at the bottom of the evolutionary totem pole and any self respecting white person understands that and wouldn't want to compromise their future generations by breeding with an intellectually inferior race. Your double talk and attempts at debate are not fooling anybody but yourself and the already braindead masses. I don't want anything to do with you or the MSM and the filthy ideas they represent. Morality has been in a steady decline all over the world since the adoption of these twisted and backward ideas. You wouldn't understand or know how to identify a backward idea because you yourself are a living and breathing example of one. Look no further than your own bathroom mirror James, thanks to your parents you are a modern day Frankenstein.

  38. James Mathurin you are a joke and a waste of time. By the way, 2+2 does actually = 4. I'm sure you'll have some brilliant rebuttal to that simple equation like, "It does, well prove it"! Good riddance DAWG!

  39. Eric The Red to James M.- You are obviously here to argue and present questions that do not even pertain to anything with much substance by dancing around every point and issue that is brought up. You are either playing a fool or trying to make a mockery out of this forum with half ass witty attempts of political satire which does not override the facts and seriousness of the subject at hand. The main point of the video and something that you are apparently unable to grasp, is that multiculturalism does not work, and America has been led down an ugly road at the expense of white Americans by egalitarians to try and prove that it can. I hope you don't think that your weak attempts of debating tactics are going to work and convince people of a false dogma that has been tried time and time again but repeatedly fails because of the unnatural element it contains. The video was made with intentions that the person of an average IQ could understand and apparently you misinterpreted it drastically. I recommend you watching "Century Of The Self", which will illustrate the simplest propaganda used by the media. As far as the attack on white Europeans through the use of manipulation and subversion, I recommend Yuri Bezmenov on "The Demoralization in America" which can be viewed on YouTube. The point I was trying to make about the immigration is to show the influx of people from third world nations who do not assimilate which creates many problems for the citizens of that country. If you need to know about the African aspect of the issue which creates some of the most damage, one could read anything by Carelton Putnam, J. Philippe Rushton or Carelton S. Coon. There is also a book called the "Bell Curve" that thoroughly goes over the IQ's of blacks and whites in America. This will give you an understanding of why blacks and whites should not mix and the retributions that come with it. They both have different qualities and cultures that do not mesh on a grand scale. In fact, if you could provide me one example in history of a multicultural society that flourished, then enlighten me? Also, there is not one African civilization that has flourished without the help of white Europeans and when that element is removed, the country has declined in every aspect; read about the history of Haiti for example. As far as the organizations, you're right, white people do not need the security and assistance of a group to thrive and persevere because this is capable on an individual level. The point is that certain groups do not want white people to align rather they are easier compromised on a small scale. White's are also losing their freedom of speech because of "Hate Laws" which pertain predominately to them. A person only has to go to a mixed school in America to know the results of diversity, and you do not need an anthropologist to tell them that others are different. I rarely watch television but when I turn it on, it only takes five minutes before a flood of propaganda rolls across the screen. That is all the proof you need, and the video shows just a few examples of just that. I am not here to write volumes of information so that you can possibly understand the men behind the curtain and the deception they produce everyday. I have done the research and read the books so if you are truly interested, than you should do the same but you will not like the results because it is definitely not politically correct. This is for everyone else on the forum to prove the reality of society and that your arguments have no direction, and I do not blame you for being upset because you are a result of what we expose in the video. Just remember that you can not have integration without intermarriage and vise versa. If these ideas that we should all mix are so natural, then we would all have the same language, culture, features and skin tone by now. And whoever says that we should, is the true supporter of cultural and racial genocide. Good day.

  40. @ James- You are obviously here to argue and present questions that do not even pertain to anything with much substance by dancing around every point and issue that is brought up. You are either playing a fool or trying to make a mockery out of this forum with half ass witty attempts of political satire which does not override the facts and seriousness of the subject at hand. The main point of the video and something that you are apparently unable to grasp, is that multiculturalism does not work, and America has been led down an ugly road at the expense of white Americans by egalitarians to try and prove that it can. I hope you don't think that your weak attempts of debating tactics are going to work and convince people of a false dogma that has been tried time and time again but repeatedly fails because of the unnatural element it contains. The video was made with intentions that the person of an average IQ could understand and apparently you misinterpreted it drastically. I recommend you watching "Century Of The Self", which will illustrate the simplest propaganda used by the media. As far as the attack on white Europeans through the use of manipulation and subversion, I recommend Yuri Bezmenov on "The Demoralization in America" which can be viewed on YouTube. The point I was trying to make about the immigration is to show the influx of people from third world nations who do not assimilate which creates many problems for the citizens of that country. If you need to know about the African aspect of the issue which creates some of the most damage, one could read anything by Carelton Putnam, J. Philippe Rushton or Carelton S. Coon. There is also a book called the "Bell Curve" that thoroughly goes over the IQ's of blacks and whites in America. This will give you an understanding of why blacks and whites should not mix and the retributions that come with it. They both have different qualities and cultures that do not mesh on a grand scale. In fact, if you could provide me one example in history of a multicultural society that flourished, then enlighten me? Also, there is not one African civilization that has flourished without the help of white Europeans and when that element is removed, the country has declined in every aspect; read about the history of Haiti for example. As far as the organizations, you're right, white people do not need the security and assistance of a group to thrive and persevere because this is capable on an individual level. The point is that certain groups do not want white people to align rather they are easier compromised on a small scale. White's are also losing their freedom of speech because of "Hate Laws" which pertain predominately to them. A person only has to go to a mixed school in America to know the results of diversity, and you do not need an anthropologist to tell them that others are different. I rarely watch television but when I turn it on, it only takes five minutes before a flood of propaganda rolls across the screen. That is all the proof you need, and the video shows just a few examples of just that. I am not here to write volumes of information so that you can possibly understand the men behind the curtain and the deception they produce everyday. I have done the research and read the books so if you are truly interested, than you should do the same but you will not like the results because it is definitely not politically correct. This is for everyone else on the forum to prove the reality of society and that your arguments have no direction, and I do not blame you for being upset because you are a result of what we expose in the video.

  41. @ James- You are obviously here to argue and present questions that do not even pertain to anything with much substance by dancing around every point and issue that is brought up. You are either playing a fool or trying to make a mockery out of this forum with half ass witty attempts of political satire which does not override the facts and seriousness of the subject at hand. The main point of the video and something that you are apparently unable to grasp, is that multiculturalism does not work, and America has been led down an ugly road at the expense of white Americans by egalitarians to try and prove that it can. I hope you don't think that your weak attempts of debating tactics are going to work and convince people of a false dogma that has been tried time and time again but repeatedly fails because of the unnatural element it contains. The video was made with intentions that the person of an average IQ could understand and apparently you misinterpreted it drastically. I recommend you watching "Century Of The Self", which will illustrate the simplest propaganda used by the media. As far as the attack on white Europeans through the use of manipulation and subversion, I recommend Yuri Bezmenov on "The Demoralization in America" which can be viewed on YouTube. The point I was trying to make about the immigration is to show the influx of people from third world nations who do not assimilate which creates many problems for the citizens of that country. If you need to know about the African aspect of the issue which creates some of the most damage, one could read anything by Carelton Putnam, J. Philippe Rushton or Carelton S. Coon. There is also a book called the "Bell Curve" that thoroughly goes over the IQ's of blacks and whites in America. This will give you an understanding of why blacks and whites should not mix and the retributions that come with it. They both have different qualities and cultures that do not mesh on a grand scale. In fact, if you could provide me one example in history of a multicultural society that flourished, then enlighten me?

  42. Eric The Red @ James M. continued.... Also, there is not one African civilization that has flourished without the help of white Europeans and when that element is removed, the country has declined in every aspect; read about the history of Haiti for example. As far as the organizations, you're right, white people do not need the security and assistance of a group to thrive and persevere because this is capable on an individual level. The point is that certain groups do not want white people to align rather they are easier compromised on a small scale. White's are also losing their freedom of speech because of "Hate Laws" which pertain predominately to them. A person only has to go to a mixed school in America to know the results of diversity, and you do not need an anthropologist to tell them that others are different. I rarely watch television but when I turn it on, it only takes five minutes before a flood of propaganda rolls across the screen. That is all the proof you need, and the video shows just a few examples of just that. I am not here to write volumes of information so that you can possibly understand the men behind the curtain and the deception they produce everyday. I have done the research and read the books so if you are truly interested, than you should do the same but you will not like the results because it is definitely not politically correct. This is for everyone else on the forum to prove the reality of society and that your arguments have no direction, and I do not blame you for being upset because you are a result of what we expose in the video. Just remember that you can not have integration without intermarriage and vise versa. If these ideas that we should all mix are so natural, then we would all have the same language, culture, features and skin tone by now. And whoever says that we should, is the true supporter of cultural and racial genocide. Good day.

  43. I was thinking the other day about some of the ideas raised about wanting to remove the white race. I started thinking about the ways non white cultures try and be white. I could think of two very clear examples.

    1) The whitening creams that many Asian (south -east and Indian) use to make their skin a lighter colour as well as the increased trade in colour contacts. This is encouraged through film (Bollywood stars are more liked and admired if they are lighter skinned and have light eyes.)

    2) The way many black people use weaves to make their hair straight as it is not desirable to have curly hair.

    If there is a push to remove white people from the earth why would they market these items that encourage you to be more white? I have also read that many Asian people are having their eyes widened
    so they appear more white.

    All of these things point out that there is a an idea in many non white cultures that white is better. The NWO would not like that would they? Wouldnt they stop it if they have as much control as you say?

    I think it is more than we have a desire to like anything that is different to what we already have. The grass is always greener syndrome.

  44. @ Eric
    I am certainly here to discuss, but not necessarily argue. Do you actually have an issue with any of the specific points I made?

    I certainly understood that the makers of the video feel that multiculturalism isn't working, but there's nothing in the video that actually proves it. It proves that multiculturalism exists in certain forms, and is reflected in the media, but there's nothing there that shows that it's not working.

    I do think the video makes some good points, especially with regards to MTV. Whether a black or white singer is dancing with a black or white man, they are normally portrayed in a way that is incredibly exploitative and damaging to the self-esteem of young girls.

    Anonymous makes a fantastic point about how people of all races are encouraged to feel uncomfortable in their own skin, which I feel comes down to money: If white people are unhappy being white, black people are unhappy being black, asian people unhappy being asian, etc, they're more like to shell out money on any product that is promoted as offering an alternative.

    I think the most horrible thing about that MTV condom ad was that the girl says she has 'only one rule' about having sex. There is no mention of self-respect, no mention of sex not being the be-all and end-all of a relationship, none of the things which I think are being obscured by the media aimed at our young people.

    I will have a look at those videos you mentioned, but again, when you mention a thoroughly discredited work like The Bell Curve, I admit, I don't expect to find them too informative. I am surprised at how openly sources of such low reliability are being thrown about as evidence in this thread. Seriously, does it not make you question your views, or do you view it as more 'media conspiracy to silence the truth'?

    I'm not sure about your question about historical multicultural societies, as I can't think of a society that was culturally homogenous (maybe if you go back to Ancient Greece). Do you view any current societies as 'thriving', as I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a homogenous culture in the world at the moment, thriving or otherwise?

    As far as African cultures that have flourished without white Europeans, are you referring to currnet cultures, or ancient ones? The ancient ones certainly refute your point, although there was cultural exchange and trade between them and Europe, which was to the benefit of both. As for the current cultures, the damaging and persistent effects of colonialisation is a whole other discussion, which I'm happy to get into if you wish.

  45. (continued)

    Why do you think hate laws unfairly persecute whites? can u give me examples, or cases where this has happened?

    Also, I work in mixed schools in the UK (as I said, I was confused that some posters assumed I was African-American), and I don't see your views backed up by what I've seen in the various schools I've worked in. Again, can you expand on what exactly you mean, so I can respond in more detail?

    I totally agree that integration and intermarriage will go hand in hand, but I don't see why that is a bad thing.

    "If these ideas that we should all mix are so natural, then we would all have the same language, culture, features and skin tone by now."

    I can only assume this is a joke. No one could really think that thousands of years of cultural development in disparate environments would be undone so quickly. We still live in a world where the majority of people will never live or even travel outside of the area they are born in, so cultural homogeneity will certainly be preserved for a while to come in many places, regardless of pernicious multicultural propoganda.

    Also, please do explain what you were referring to when you suggested I may be lying about by ethnic background, as I genuinely don't know what you were getting at. Were you implying that I am a black person pretending to be mixed, or a white person pretending to be mixed? Either way, I don't see what advantage that would give me.

  46. Clearly there's been an issue with the posting and approving of comments here, and today I received email notifications for several responses to me which have not been posted.

    Considering that a couple of them are little more than personal attacks on me and my family, I am assuming that Sarah has not approved them. I did want to point this out, as this thread has given me a lot of respect for Sarah, and the way, even when her views are ones I disagree with in every way, that her responses are still always polite and respectful, even to the point where she apologised for my having trouble commenting. Frankly, she has shown a lot more class in this than most of the people responding to her posts.

    Sarah, again, I disagree with almost all of the views you express here, but I have a lot of respect for the way that you are conducting yourself and your blog, so thank you for that.

  47. Thanks James

    I apologise for the rather disjointed approvals over the last few days, I had to go away and had limited internet access and returned to a large number of un-moderated comments.

    Hence I may have approved some messages which I might otherwise not have done. I believe in free speech, but would ask that commentators avoid personal attacks.


  48. No apologies necessary Sarah, and again, I agree with your position on both free speech and personal attacks. No matter what, I have tried to keep my responses to the content, rather than the character of the people I am responding to, and I think that is the best way to get an actual discussion, rather than argument, going.

  49. I have to say this argument is pretty hilarious. James' points are excellently chosen and explained, and when confronted with this, his opponents just split hairs, use ad hominem attacks, and spout historically and biologically inaccurate racist rhetoric.

  50. Hello

    I have not been on here in a while. I have to agree with James M. Sarah is very polite and respectful. I enjoy this blog for that reason. I hope that the people who were making personal attacks re-read the entries and see that it is actually an intellectual discussion.

    Tammy B

  51. Hello Part one

    I have not had time to sit down and write this so it is about a week 2 late but I want to continue my previous point that I made about they way non -white people want to look white. Which no one responded to at all (disappointing.)

    I was thinking about all the people I have known personally in my life. People I have lived with and worked with closely (not the wider net.) I came to the conclusion in my 30 plus years I have known about 70 people I can call "close." Of that 70 most people came from four groups white, south-east asain, middle eastern and afro-caribbean. I am not including family in these groups.

    I found that in each group I knew one REALLY horrible person, and one or two so-so and then at least ONE really awesome person.

    I have known a white guy who only dated black women and was a drug abuser and when he dated my friend (only white girl he ever dated) he was extremely emotionally abusive. I have known a middle-eastern man who stole almost a million dollars worth of stock to support a gambling habit and I knew a black guy who dealed drugs and had a "baby mumma" as well as every other stereotype. T B

  52. Part 2

    I removed these people from my life when I realised who and what they were.

    I have known many average people who make mistakes and do the occasional wrong thing in all races. People with steady jobs, degrees and families but maybe have used drugs or cheated on a partner once or twice. These were from all of the races I know and across all those groups.

    I have also known exceptional people across these groups. I have known an white/caribbean woman who works 2 jobs and studies to work with youth. She attends church and works for charity. She is strong and giving. I have known a white male who would donate to many charities, is a stay at home dad looking after his disabled daughter and grew up with a Vietnamese girl raised in a dysfunctional household but has become an optometrist and works in third world countries now. All positive examples of excellent human beings. All different races.

    These are of course just stand out examples. I have further acquaintances who are "bad", average and excellent humans and citizens. All different races, all different religions.

    So if these advertisements and videos are so terrible because they promote mixed race relationships I cant see why it is an issue. All these people were both good and bad regardless of race. I cant imagine I am the ONLY blessed person on earth to have these positive relationships. Maybe we need more positive videos and ads? I have seen more positives than negatives in my life so these examples must reflect true society.

    I am not saying that crime does not exist or that there is no race issues in the world. I am saying that it is more than a race issue. It is about economics, poor government and entrenched attitudes.

    I think that this video makes it seem scary that there are races other than white. I cant agree with all of the video as some were positive images. The world needs more positive images to move away from the constant negativity of the past.

    Some images are accurate and I agree sexuality pushed onto youth is out of control but this is NOT a race issue. So has nothing to do with diversity. Most of the girls are white and white women have always been exploited by white men. If anything most racial stereotypes are negative as black people are portrayed as "gangsters" and "hos" not as lawyers or teachers. At best they will be a cop, and since most people have negative attitudes to this group I cant see how that helps them.

    I cant see how the images PROVE that diversity is bad. It is just images strung together to create fear sort of like what fox news does (a media outlet that portrays non whites in a really negative way.)

    I can respect but can not agree with your ideas as I have real life proof that they are not true. Unless all my friends are hiding their true self from me? Which seems to me like a lot of work.

    Thank you

    Tammy b

  53. Part 2

    I removed these people from my life when I realised who and what they were.

    I have known many average people who make mistakes and do the occasional wrong thing in all races. People with steady jobs, degrees and families but maybe have used drugs or cheated on a partner once or twice. These were from all of the races I know and across all those groups.

    I have also known exceptional people across these groups. I have known an white/caribbean woman who works 2 jobs and studies to work with youth. She attends church and works for charity. She is strong and giving. I have known a white male who would donate to many charities, is a stay at home dad looking after his disabled daughter and grew up with a Vietnamese girl raised in a dysfunctional house but has become an optometrist and works in third world countries now. All positive examples of excellent human beings. All different races.

    These are of course just stand out examples. I have further acquaintances who are "bad", average and excellent humans and citizens. All different races, all different religions. T B

  54. Part 3

    So if these advertisements and videos are so terrible because it promotes mixed race relationships I cant see why it is an issue. All these people were both good and bad regardless of race. I cant imagine I am the ONLY blessed person on earth to have these positive relationships. 

    Maybe we need more positive videos and ads? I have seen more positives than negatives in my life so these examples must reflect true society. 

    I am not saying that crime does not exist or that there is no race issues in the world. I am saying that it is more than a race issue. It is about economics, poor government and entrenched attitudes.

    I think that this video makes it seem scary that there are races other than white. I cant agree with all of the video as some were positive images. The world needs more positive images to move away from the constant negativity of the past.

    Some images are accurate and I agree sexuality pushed onto youth is out of control but this is NOT a race issue. So has nothing to do with diversity. Most of the girls are white and white women have always been exploited by white men. If anything most racial stereotypes are negative as black people are portrayed as "gangsters" and "hos" not as lawyers or teachers. At best they will be a cop, and since most people have negative attitudes to this group I cant see how that helps them. I cant see how the images PROVE that diversity is bad. It is just images strung together to create fear.

    I can respect but can not agree with your ideas as I have real life proof that they are not true. Unless all my friends are hiding their true self from me?

    Thank you Tammy b

  55. I have to say, those anonymous posts from 27th July are a perfect contrast to Tammy B's more recent ones. While the anonymous posts go straight for personal attacks, she sticks to the points, differentiating between her personal experience and her wider conclusions.

    While the ananymous posts wallow in some pretty ludicrous stereotypes (I mean, "Good riddance DAWG"? I can only assume that's some ridiculous 'urban slang' based on the assumption that I am an African-American. I haven't used any language like that here, nor do I in real life), she acknowledges where her life has matched the stereotypes, but also where it has differed, without feeling the need to pretend that life either entirely matches or contrasts with those stereotypes.

    Where the anonymous posters talk about such scientific gibberish as an 'evolutionary totem pole' (seriously, do you have even the most basic understanding of the principles of the Thory of Evolution?), she makes serious links to "economics, poor government and entrenched attitudes." Agree or disagree, but surely this offers much more fruitful ground for discussion.

    Tammy challenges exactly the kind of assumptions that the anonymous posts rely on (such as morality being in steady decline - such a wonderfully vague claim, as it's impossible to provide or demand evidence for such a broad statement).

    I guess, regardless of the fact that I agree with Tammy's points, as I mentioned before, it comes down to class - Tammy clearly has it in abundance, and the anonymous posters are sorely lacking in it (which is perhaps why they haven't even bothered to put their names to their own posts?).

    I'm also curious to see if the psoters who were so quick to both attack and dismiss me will be so quick to do the same to her. I certainly don't expect them to find any holes in what is a clearly stated and well-thought out group of posts.

  56. I have to say, those anonymous posts from 27th July are a perfect contrast to Tammy B's more recent ones. While the anonymous posts go straight for personal attacks, she sticks to the points, differentiating between her personal experience and her wider conclusions.

    While the ananymous posts wallow in some pretty ludicrous stereotypes (I mean, "Good riddance DAWG"? I can only assume that's some ridiculous 'urban slang' based on the assumption that I am an African-American. I haven't used any language like that here, nor do I in real life), she acknowledges where her life has matched the stereotypes, but also where it has differed, without feeling the need to pretend that life either entirely matches or contrasts with those stereotypes.

    Where the anonymous posters talk about such scientific gibberish as an 'evolutionary totem pole' (seriously, do you have even the most basic understanding of the principles of the Thory of Evolution?), she makes serious links to "economics, poor government and entrenched attitudes." Agree or disagree, but surely this offers much more fruitful ground for discussion.

    Tammy challenges exactly the kind of assumptions that the anonymous posts rely on (such as morality being in steady decline - such a wonderfully vague claim, as it's impossible to provide or demand evidence for such a broad statement).

    I guess, regardless of the fact that I agree with Tammy's points, as I mentioned before, it comes down to class - Tammy clearly has it in abundance, and the anonymous posters are sorely lacking in it (which is perhaps why they haven't even bothered to put their names to their own posts?).

    I'm also curious to see if the psoters who were so quick to both attack and dismiss me will be so quick to do the same to her. I certainly don't expect them to find any holes in what is a clearly stated and well-thought out group of posts.

  57. Yes, conspiracy theorists often become hostile when faced with evidence that contradicts their views (fortunately for them, they have the "everyone who disagrees with us has been brainwashed" excuse to fall back on).

    It's ironic that so many people who oppose political correctness are simply setting up a political correctness of their own - replacing one dogma with an opposite one.

  58. I am so annoyed I spent all that time writing a post that was thoughtful and well planned and I got no response. I guess if I insulted you and made sweeping statements I would get a reaction.

    Tammy B

  59. Sorry you felt ignored Tammy

    Unfortunately I have not had time to respond to many comments recently, I have a family and a job so I am not able to respond to every comment.

    I will re-read your comment later and respond if I have time.


  60. I was not referring to you. You run the blog you dont have to reply. However there has been many people on this post replying before and then they just stopped.

  61. Plus I feel as though your comment was quite condescending. I am aware you have a life outside the blog, HOWEVER the only posts which get a response are the ones which present sweeping statements or comment on people being "racists." If you present a polite, thoughtful response no one cares. I presented a well planned response out of respect yet if I was nasty I would have 20 people commenting on what I had said. Earlier in this particular post it was said I was being rude and people were happy to point out flaws in my post then. After saying I was mearly interested and wanted a debate I get nothing. Next time I will be nasty and then I am sure I will get a response.

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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    Please delete any message you may have received offering "Cheap Adobe CS5"
