Monday 14 June 2010

South Africa - Three shot one dead

A further farm killing took place in South Africa this weekend, again ignored by the assembled world media. One farmer was killed and two injured during a robbery on a smallholding in Silverton, Gauteng on Saturday.

According to police five armed men held up two men and a woman on a smallholding in Silverton
The three resisted and all were shot, one man being fatally injured.

The man and woman remain in hospital.

This murder brings the total number of white South African farmers killed since Nelson Mandela became president in 1994 to at least 3,109

News report
From Dina


  1. Look how stunning our country is, yet it is being torn apart bit by bit

  2. This murder brings the total number of white South African farmers killed since Nelson Mandela became president in 1994 to at least 3,109
    They've a long way to go then before they even up the score so.

  3. What an ignorant and vicious little bigot you are Enda . Even if you were correct your attempt to justify the slaughter of one group of people on the basis of what you believe another group of people did is truly sickening.

    However, it is worse than that, because you are not right, both the UN and The South African truth and reconciliation Commission are in agreement that in the 43 years between 1948 and 1991 the South African Security forces killed a total of 518 people.

    Six times that many white farmers have been killed in a mere 16 years, and that is only farmers, if you count all the whites who have been murdered by blacks since the end of Apartheid the figure will be closer to 20 times as many.

    I suggest that you learn your history before coming here and spilling your hate and bile.

  4. I thought hate and bile was what this poisonous hole was all about?

    Amandla Ngawethu!

  5. You are believing your own propaganda I am afraid
