Tuesday 22 June 2010

A justified case for Asylum?

Portugal 7 - North Korea 0

And where is Joanna Lumley? she was never off the TV, making impassioned pleas and intimidating government ministers when she was insisting that Britain should grant residency to tens of thousands of Gurkhas, but not a word about the 11 frightened little North Koreans who will be eating grass in a Re-education center for the next twenty years!


  1. The African black team beat the French black team. Cheers.

  2. Yes the French team was very black I am afraid, but the English team is like a checkers board as well

  3. This is not a good place to start making exceptions when the effort needs to be to hold the line rather than to look for addition exceptions.

    We can hope that those people will become angry enough to throw off their dictators; that would be just great. They have the brain power to do it. All they need is the will power, and that must come from within.

  4. Ah you're a wry one dear,and your sense of humour never fails to provoke.Long may ye reign!-Tyler

  5. The Sweaties are jealous cos they don't have many useless black kickballers to blame for a rubbish team. All they have is third rate indigenous moaners. Lucky for them the Ulster Protestants are flooding into Jockland. Another Georgie-Boy to go on the piste with the local downhill racers? Dribbling genius!!!
