Sunday 6 June 2010

1000 Words

From the photographer, Dean Shaddock:

This was captured as I collected my things from airport security (Detroit Metro Concourse A). I think of it as something like a Rorschach test. Is an elderly Catholic nun being frisked by a Muslim security agent the celebration of blind justice? Or is it simply an admission of absurdity?

Sometimes we need to stop and take stock of how far down the road to madness we have traveled.

Hat Tip: Robert R


  1. I have no problem with the guard doing an honest job, and the nun might be in disguise; but if you look around in general, the lunatics have indeed taken over the asylum.


  2. The Shankill Road, or the Omagh Road, or the Falls Road?

  3. This is really shocking ; the question unfortunately is not "how far down have we gone" ; I am afraid it is "how farther down will our elites take all of us?"
    Not related to this post, but interesting for you perhaps ; if your spoken French allows it, you might like the video of Zemmour about South Africa, posted by François Desouche (ask Google!)

  4. o, it would appear that posters are somehow missing the elephant in the sitting room, in relation to this article.

    Let me explain!

    What is sick and twisted, is the obscenity of a Muslim being allowed to frisk a Christian person most particularly, a person belonging to a religious order, let alone be permitted to work at an airport of what is NOT a Muslim, country, but (a Christian-founded and presently Christian based) one.

  5. The only thing a Muslim should be doing at a western airport is boarding a (one way) flight to the home of their ancestors.

  6. I am shocked and appalled that any airport could, in this day and age, allow a nun onto an aeroplane. Have these people no idea how much a nun can interfere with aerodynamics?

  7. it's the flying nun

  8. I am a practicing Catholic with a nun or two as friends and I have no objection. Many muslims, hindus and athiests work in London airports and do searches. I trust them because none of them want to be the searcher that missed something.

  9. If nuns were presumed so innocent that they were exempt from security, terrorists would just disguise themselves as nuns to slip through undetected. So of course a nun has to go through the same security as everyone else! And if the security agent working at that station that day happens to be Muslim, then of course that will be the person who performs the security check! Sheesh, stop reading your own absurd bigotry into a photo which is mildly amusing at best.

  10. would appear that posters are somehow missing the elephant in the sitting room, in relation to this article.

    Let me explain!

    What is sick and twisted, is the obscenity of a Christian being allowed to frisk a Muslim person most particularly, a person belonging to a religious order, let alone be permitted to work at an airport of what is NOT a Christian country, but a Muslim-founded and presently Muslim based one.

  11. Umm, may be a silly question.

    But how do you know the security officer is a Muslim?

    And what does religion have to o with TSA regulations?

  12. I have had to reject a couple of recent postings on this thread, please try to keep comments civil

  13. My kind of religous evangelist

  14. for all we know it could be a Sikh, not a Muslim.

  15. For a nun used to getting none,a quick frisk would be quite welcome.
