Friday 7 May 2010

An Unfair system

It should be noted that the BNP won more votes than any of the parties which came from 4th place to 10th place, Because of our unfair voting system they all got seats but the BNP didn't.

The BNP won more than 50,000 more votes than the Scottish National Party yet they have six seats! The BNP got more than three times as many votes as Plaid Cymru and they got three seats, the BNP got none.

In terms of the number of votes we received we were in 5th place.


  1. I commend you on trying to bring these issues to light. However, as with yesterdays election, it didn't improve the BNPs standing with regard to gaining more influence in the political spectrum.

    The BNP must first get rid of that Nazi image the media keeps painting. Fight the media tooth and nail whenever they print something misleading or slanderous. To change peoples perceptions the BNP may well need to involve itself more directly within communities. Take the chance to help those that are affected by the Labours or Conservatives messed up policies. The BNP, as I understand it, is a grass roots sort of a party. You need to tap into the fustrations of the average indigenous Brit. You need to show them that you care. I fully realise that this will take both time and money however, in the short to medium term if will begin to give the public a new image of the BNP.

    You now have 4 years till the next election. Use your gains wisely and broaden your reach. Rather than trying to take on the Liberals, Labour or Conservatives at their own game, fight the battle on the ground where people can see the fruits of your work. Help those who keep getting misplaced by immigrants, especially those where the state doesn't lift a finger. Don't just tell their stories, get involved.

    If there are such articles showing the work achieved by the BNP you should post them, thereby showing exactly what it means to vote BNP in the future. The liberal media won't tell the public about the BNPs good deeds, therefore you and others must act as the media outlet for the BNP.

    Just to finish, the system is indeed unfair not going to debate that. What will happen in the future is uncertain. Focus your energy on things you can change, for this is going to be a long haul. Not for the faint hearted at all.

    Thanks CSA

  2. look at the Alliance party, they won a seat with a vote of 42,762, the BNP got over 13 times that many votes but did not get a seat

  3. The worrying thing is the BNP is being wiped out by labour despite their financial incompetence and deliberately importing immigrants. There is serious soul-searching to be done.

  4. I meant to add...........
    We have been talking about taking Dagenham Council for five years and we are getting murdered, by Labour not some ultra popular bandwagon. All the "gains" are being wiped out.

  5. I can't believe the B & D council election results, with Labour taking all 19 non-Labour seats, including the 5 Tory ones as well as all 12 of the BNP seats.

    Why would a Tory voter in B & D suddenly do an about face in favour of nulab? It doesn't make sense.

    The notion of B & D BNP voters, who've no doubt seen their elected councillors working on their behalf, suddenly turning to nulab (especially after the public reminders of Hodge's complicity in paedophilia in the 1980s) makes even less sense.

    Richard Barnbrook predicted a good BNP result in the council elections. I haven't met him but I believe he is too experienced and too shrewd to have got it anywhere near that wrong.

    The electoral system seems to be getting corrupted into 21st century rotten boroughs at all levels.

  6. I agree Alanorei, that is very suspicious. The Labour party which has lost support across the country suddenly has a landslide in Barking and Dagenham where they defeat ALL the BNP candidates AND ALL the Tory candidates.

    Seems a bit unlikely

  7. Agreed, Sarah

    I look forward to GLA Member Barnbrook's analysis, which I'm sure won't be long delayed and is probably in preparation now even as we write.

    I also look forward to reading it on your blog.

  8. See what Arthur Kemp says at

  9. What I don't understand is why doesn't the BNP become the English Nationalist Party - or adopt some other name if there is already a political party with that name - and advocate for a separate English state with a separate English parliament. The union of England, Scotland and Wales in a single state seems to work against the interests of the English.

  10. Dr.D, the link does not pen. Would you be so kind as to re-post it.

  11. To Mister Fox

    It works fine for me. However, try this:

  12. Hope you don't mind me butting in here, but I just want to shed some light on a couple of your numbers here.

    The BNP ran in 300 constituencies, right? So by the numbers that's an average of 1880 votes per seat.

    The SNP obviously only ran in Scotland, obviously, so that's only 59 seats, so that averages out at 8328 votes per seat

    And as for Plaid Cymru, they averaged out at 4135 votes

    My numbers might be a wee bit off here. I'm assuming that SNP and Plaid Cymru ran in all the seats in their regions, no more, no less, but they still turned out a much higher vote per seat than the BNP. I'm pretty sure that the BNP ran in a bit more than 300 seats as well, so I'm being kind with your average really.

    Of course, Comment moderation's on so I'll be surprised if this little note from the good kingdom of reality gets past the radar.....Oh well. Enjoy your crushing defeat folks :)

  13. So Anonymous 15:34

    560,000 only matter if they live in the same village do they?

    You are not what one might call a democrat are you? Enjoy being a fascist, because that's what you are.

  14. When I saw that Harridan Hodge had scored so spectacularly in B & D, the following came immediately to mind.

    "The triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment" Job 20:5.

    For child-molester-supporter Hodge (Islington Council, circa 1980s) to be declaring "a moral crusade" against the BNP really is as hypocritical as it gets.

    The following is also good. All the anti-BNPrs will be down on their knees lickin' with the best of them:

    "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen" - Samuel Adams

  15. The only thing that makes sense is an electoral pact or even a merger with UKIP.

    The goals are similar, they just have to hold their noses and do it.

    The combined vote gets you quite near the 5% which would be difficult to blow off in a PR system.

    Surely the country is more important than the ego's and class divisions?


  16. While this mandelson creature is lurking in the back ground I would not be surprised in the least if a coalition was struck between Labour, Lib dem, SNP and Plaid Cymry with Miliband as it's leader... 50/50 anyone?


    Asked by presenter Matthew Parris whether there were any circumstances in which terrorism was justified, Mr Miliband said: ‘Yes, there are circumstances in which it is justifiable, and yes, there are circumstances in which it is effective.’

    He added: ‘The importance for me is that the South African example proved something remarkable: the apartheid regime looked like a regime that would last forever, and it was blown down.

    It is hard to argue that, on its own, a political struggle would have delivered. The striking at the heart of a regime’s claim on a monopoly of power, which the ANC’s armed wing represented, was very significant.’

    labour leader elect backed by Harman Mandelson and various other indescribable sewer rats..!

  17. Lab/Libdem coalition = communism in action.

    Hain and Mandelson will both be creaming each other in the mens toilets knowing the Tories have suffered a greater humiliation than the BNP in Barking!!!

    NB Miliband.... when made transport minister some time back, confirmed he'd never used public transport in his life?

    The pair of 'em are sons of illegal Jewish COMMUNIST immigrants who arrived here in the 40s.

    Broken Britain RIP

  18. Miliband is a great fan of his Uncle Jo Slovo, that paragon of humanism, and who is directly responsible for what is now happening daily in South Africa. His co-religionists, who knew him better than anyone, were smart enough to get out.


  19. I feels sorry for Britain, you are going down the drain very fast!

    You are basically a police state with no rights, you have laws that are so pathetic it actually borders on comical.

    The immigrants have more rights and privileges than the indigenous Britons, the state is your enemy as it does not trust its citizens.

    You better wake up and get rid of the filth in your system that is bringing Britain to its knees, you currently have nothing to be proud of maybe your history, but that is history!
