Wednesday 12 May 2010

Unaccompanied ... uh ...... juveniles?

Asylum seeking "juveniles"

The individuals in the picture above are a small number of those recently granted residency in Sweden after having claimed to have arrived in the country as unaccompanied juveniles who, because of their youth and vulnerability must by law be granted protection by the Swedish state and can not deported to their country of origin. From a brief glance at the picture it would appear that either these little moppets have had quite a tough journey or they were lucky enough to encounter an immigration officer who had not been to Specsavers.

According to the Swedish Blogger Cavatus the so-called “unaccompanied refugee children” regulations are nothing more than a ruse by the Swedish government which is covered up by an even more compliant media than our own whereby young men from Asia, Africa and the middle east, many aged up to 30 who have no legitimate grounds to claim asylum even under Sweden’s exceptionally liberal immigration rules are able to gain residency in Sweden by posing as “juveniles”. Apparently it is the easiest and quickest way of getting into Sweden and access to Swedish welfare benefits, after trying to murder a Swedish cartoonist

Of course, as soon as the hirsute juveniles have gained residency they are joyfully reunited with their “lost” relatives, who arrive in significant numbers who are able to claim the right to stay in Sweden on the strength of the residency granted to their man-child relative.

I seem to have read news stories about unaccompanied children arriving in the UK seeking asylum, has anyone seen any photos of these little tykes?

In another post Cavatus lists various examples, together with case numbers, of the successful asylum claims which expose how laughable are the Swedish government’s pretense at imposing even the most rudimentary of controls, these include:

  • A Sudanese women who might be ostracized by her own community because she had a child
  • A family from Yemen who claimed that al-Quaeda were “after them”
  • An Iraqi man who, although he had no actual reason to claim asylum, was granted it all the same because otherwise he might worry about being expelled.

Sweden is a country even further down to road to cultural oblivion even than we are, a country long known for it tolerance and liberalism, has become a bastion of intolerance against its own people, whom their government seem even more maniacally determined to replace than our own are to replace us, this introverted genocide is supported by a controlled and politically correct media who routinely suppress and misreport news so as to hide any evidence that a multicultural society is anything less than Utopian whilst silencing all dissent beyond that we have seen with our own press.

I am told that Sweden’s version of the UAF is even more aggressive and violent than our own and that so called dissidents, that is to say people like us are ofter subject to violent intimidation and attacks in their own homes.

Sweden somewhere we should all be watching for evidence of where we are likely to be in a few years time. Cavatus’s blog with its regular postings in well written English about every day events in Sweden and written from a Swedish perspective is a very interesting and informative place to start.


  1. Thank you very much for paying attention to the serious situation in Sweden. I posted a new text today on the planned bodily attack yesterday by a group of Muslims on the Swedish artist Lars Vilks during one of his lectures. There are also links to several film clips from the very lecture.

  2. @ brian boru
    You allege that all the problems of the White race come back to the Jews, but you never support your allegation. Why is that? It is not a self-evident fact.

    I will certainly grant that there always seem to be Jews present where the problems of the White race appear. The are almost always on the Left, the most certainly do not support Christianity, they have never been the main stream of the Western society, etc. This is all true. But these same things can be said of many non-Jewish problems found within the West, many of them ethnic Anglo-Saxons.

    I do not think that most Jew work very hard to support Western culture, but I think a few of them do because they know that this is the safest places Jews have ever had. Even if they do not work to support it, however, that does not make them active enemies, only passive non-supporters, of which we have far too many of all sorts.

    Until such time as you are prepared to support your charges concretely, may I request that you back off, please?

  3. Has all of Western society gotten to the point where we can no longer say, "that is patently absurd; stop it"? It seems that Western Europe, the UK, and the US all are willing to utterly defy logic, to stand it completely on its head, as is being done with theses "juveniles."

    If anyone really want to find out how old they are, there are fairly quick ways to have a dentist examine them and get a quick estimate on their age from the state of their dental development. That would be unbiased, but I really doubt that anybody wants to be confused with the facts in this case.

  4. Has all of Western society gotten to the point where we can no longer say, "that is patently absurd; stop it"? It seems that Western Europe, the UK, and the US all are willing to utterly defy logic, to stand it completely on its head, as is being done with theses "juveniles."

    If anyone really want to find out how old they are, there are fairly quick ways to have a dentist examine them and get a quick estimate on their age from the state of their dental development. That would be unbiased, but I really doubt that anybody wants to be confused with the facts in this case.

  5. Well Brian you arent going to convince any waivering voters to vote Nationalist with such statements. The reason South Africa and Rhodesia have been destroyed is the whites wanted to have endless cheap labour and the endless cheap labour got shirty. A white homeland was the only realistic alternative but the whites wanted the highest living standards in the world. Yes we know that Jews have tremendous influence in the media and are invariably left wing in outlook but the whites are the masters of their destiny and they have decided to go quietly into the night.

  6. This has been going on for decades but has escalated out of control as has all of Europe's problems recently.

    Don't forget that Sweden's government and gullible left were staunchly behind Mugabe and Nkomo during their so-called liberation struggle as they were and seemingly still are with white South Africans.

    Ask that chattering lesbo of "call my bluff" notoriety, Sandi Toksvig who made a name for herself out of it, alongside that disgusting parasite Barbara Follet MP who claimed to have 'cut her teeth' in white South Africa,

  7. Dr. D! When the age of these children" shall be established by the immigration authorites, the "child" relates his story, the immigration civil servant listens to him and decide whether the story is trustworthy or not. To make arrangements for dental examinations is deemed to be insulting for the "child". Isn't it amazing how stupid and wasteful the authorities can be with the tax payers money?

  8. Cavatus

    As I recall, in your posting you mentioned that in Norway they did dental tests on their "juvenile" asylum seekers and found most of them to be adults.

    I suspect that is one of the reasons the Swedish government avoid doing the tests, as it would probably reveal the same thing.

  9. People should really study the immigration issues in South Africa as it is really relevant to Europe.
    It is exactly the same thing happening again.
    The majority of problems were caused by money powers.
    The real feelings of the people were ignored and they were even forced at gunpoint to accept the situation.
    Very soon the situation became irreversable.

    Cheap black labour is the easy answer but unfortunately it is not the truth.
    If people want to do their countries a favour they should undertake a study from the time of the Boer Republics.
    The power of the media to create a huge lie will be evident from as early as 1900.
    The power of international money to render the people of a country helpless will be self evident.
    The same thing is now happening in Europe and USA.
    People should stop the inclination to fight before they investigate.
    If you really think all this is just happening by itself you need to wake up.
    Study this well, you need to do this for your children and your country.

  10. I have only removed one of Brian's posts, all the others are still there

  11. England is in the state it's in; because the English people have no idea who their enemies really are!

  12. @ kerdasi amaq

    Absolutely well said!
