Friday 14 May 2010

Message to Americans - if you are free on June 12 - Support Arizona

"We want Americans from all states to converge on Arizona with us on the weekend of June 12 to shop in the state and show our support for local police enforcing our immigration laws, SB 1070, and the brave people in Arizona that have spoken out for the American public on immigration." - William Gheen President of ALIPAC

Full article here


  1. Great idea, and if I could afford to travel the 1500 some miles to Arizona I would go to support them there. The clowns in Los
    Angeles are "boycotting" the state of Arizona (what a laugh, Arizona houses many of the excess California prisoners that are a direct result of California's inundation by illegal Mexicans, and Arizona is doing this by contract with California, but California can't afford to pay its own state employees, let alone its obligations to Arizona- California is down to paying its employees with I.O.U.'s) which they fancy will "hurt" Arizona. California is just a big liability to the US now- my own personal opinion is that the whole state should be given to Mexico, with the proviso that Mexico take care of its own people (and don't forget to include "Ahhnold Svartzenegger", we don't need him either). As a matter of fact, the whole state of California could break off and float away into the Pacific ocean and most American's would give a hot damn about it! (most of the real American's have left California and moved to friendlier states like Idaho, Montana, Washington, etc. just to get away from the effects of gang crime brought on by the presence of illegal Mexicans).

  2. Thanks for this reminder post, Sarah.I don't know if my family can make it down there but my wife has a relative there in AZ we can visit. Never been to AZ - seems like a great time to visit.


  3. P.S. I wish the rally was not going to be held in Phoenix - for sure I cannot bring my wife and daughter there. I know fully what to expect. Besides, Phoenix is the new kidnapping capitol of North America, thanks to those "just doing the jobs Americans won't do...


  4. Thanks Sarah! Americans are already doing just that - last weekend I took my own family across to border to spend some money & show some solidarity!
    Also remember that most Americans - including hispanics - support what Arizona is doing. The MSM and lefties/minority grievance-mongers have the megaphones, but they do NOT reflect ordinary folk.


  5. FYI Arizona is a great state with great people - well worth a vacation at any time!

