Saturday 15 May 2010

ExPat South Africans March against Crime

Expatriate South Africans have matched through London today to protest against the levels of crime back in Soth Africa, including the in excess of 3,100 white farmers who have been murdered since the end of Apartheid.

Further details are available on Censorbugbear
and on Facebook

Click here for the video


  1. Are there any stirrings on the North American continent to engage in the same public protests?

    These need to be on-going and wider afield.

  2. Nothing mentioned in any of the papers here in SA. Now whay would that be???? Oh yes, blacks cannot be racist.My bad, I forgot....

  3. So these are ex patriot South Africans. Why didn't they protest when they were in South Africa? if they wish to avoid being murdered they will have to give up their farms with their hundreds of cheap labour Africans and the risk of getting murdered and go to Orania where admittedly they will have to do some of the dirty work themselves but at least they will be free and unlikey to be murdered. Their choice.

  4. Can I ask that those responding to Anon 07:28's comments take a few deep breaths and compose themselves before doing so.

  5. Actually Sarah I think anon 7:28 has a point.
    The whites should not expect to be saved and not give anything up, the white South Africans will have to give up some comforts to save themselves, salvation for the white South Africans will not fall from the sky, they will have to start working for it.
    Giving up black labour where possible and employing whites is a great start.

  6. Hendrik Voerwoerd the chief ideologist for apartheid and South African PM in the 60s said the white South African could be rich and multiracial or poorer, prouder and white. They in the end chose the former but will end their days in London or elsewhere in exile. One nation that isnt going for the cheap labour option is the Japanese,

  7. The person ranting about the "Jews" ( thankfully he has moved on from using the "K" word) really just doesnt get it. I sometimes think he is actually typing away in the ADL office and is not actually real.
    You dont have to move abroad from South Africa you just need to move a few hundred kilometeres to Orania ( check the internet link). There a commuinity is being built , all white with no African cheap labour. Yes it will involve a reduction in your standard of living but at least you wont get murdered. Choice is yours.

  8. Actually, by any objective criterion the enslavement of the English is already quite advanced.

