Thursday 15 April 2010

Another sad update on the Farm Genocide

Retired Fire Brigade Chief killed on Small Holding

As reported on Ne Ultra and on Censorbugbear Reports, but, unsurprisingly not in the English language press, on Tuesday this week, retired Fire brigade chief Gert Pretorius was murdered on is small holding in Holgatfontein, where he had farmed for the last twelve years following a long firefighting career. Gert Pretorius was allegedly killed by one of his farm workers who had earlier assaulted his wife.

Mrs Anel Pretorius had been tending to the week-old child of one of her farm workers when the child's father entered with a gun and threatened her demanding the keys to the safe. The man then beat Mrs. Pretorius and tied her up.

After rifling the safe, the man made his way to the pig pens where Gert Pretorius was feeding his livestock and shot the elderly man at point blank range.

The worker, together with his wife and child fled in the Prtorius's truck.

Hat Tip: Johann

In other Farm murder related news:

Lawyer for Terre'blanche accused withdraws sodomy claim

"I am not satisfied that there was sodomy and my client accepted my advice."

Then the lawyer went on to make a whole lot of new allegations against the victim which you can read here is you are a fan of bad fiction. It will be interesting to see how many different attempts are made to smear the old man's memory before the anticipated pantomime of a trial.

Related story: "ET's kindness led to his death"


  1. >>"Mrs Anel Pretorius had been tending to the week-old child of one of her farm workers when the child's father entered with a gun and threatened her demanding the keys to the safe. The man then beat Mrs. Pretorius and tied her up."<<

    How can anyone think that "education" or "more money" or "rights" or "compassionate understanding" would ever fix something like THIS?! She was caring for his child while the parents worked, and he robbed and killed the man?!

  2. I was astounded to hear this allegation of sodomy and then have it retracted and then expected to believe the rest of the allegations.

    I suppose it's the old 'some mud must stick' defence.

  3. people pepper sprayed and assualted while buying tickets for the world cup in sa today......let the world come and stay and see what is going on here, i am sure a few eyes will open.
    the multicult will suffocate in its own doctrine.

  4. Mandela visited a black pupil that stabbed a white pupil a few years back.
    Malema visits his murderer friend in prison and istruct the prosecuting authority not to oppose bail.
    The ANC provides free legal services to a farm murderer.
    Spot the trend starting with the Mandela.

  5. Cheap labor is not cheap

  6. As for Mandela. Here he is singing about the murder of Whites.

