Sunday 14 March 2010

Rescuing Our Children from State Control

By Mister Fox

Rescuing Our Children from State Control

I recently wrote about a politically interested judiciary attacking our ways and importing terrorists now I want to give an introduction to how young British people are being neutralised to prevent them defending themselves from colonisation. (1)

Since the rise to power of the New Left, in the 1960 - 70.s, education has been gradually changed from developing the child’s abilities to instilling the correct attitudes. There has been a change in what is taught and how it is taught. In the Liberal system education imparted the Liberal internal dialectic which is the way people reasoned within liberal parameters. You took pro and contra views and discussed their merits to reach a conclusion like finding truth through discussion.

But “Cultural Marxist” education abandons education for inculcating the correct opinions and attitudes to create an accepting frame of mind for contemporary “anti-racist” ideology. For example, only selected topics can be taught in history with the Second World War dominant because the fight with Nazism is used to stigmatise people who are trying to save their country as racists and frighten children away from Nationalist sentiments. They also teach Henry VIII to show tyranny and anti-feminism.

The surrender to Islam and the new anti-Semitism of Muslims is evident in education. A Government funded study in April 2007 found that Schools are abandoning teaching the Holocaust in history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils whose do not believe the Holocaust happened and are frightened to teach the 11th century Crusades when Christians armies fought Muslim armies for Jerusalem because a different version is taught in mosques. They also teach a version of the development of slavery, which omits the much longer and harsher Muslim slave trade to inculcate guilt in White children to control them. (2)

Yet, children could be taught sex education from the age of four, under plans by MPs The Daily Mail of 27th August revealed. They want the Government to make advice pregnancy rate, which is among the highest in Europe. Sexually transmitted diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent among youngsters after being brought from Africa by immigrants. But rather than face this up to this a group of MPs led by Chris Bryant, parliamentary aide to Harriet Harman, says that the solution is to educate children more about sex education from a much earlier age. "Bryant is openly homosexual and BBC News reported on 2nd December 2003 he apologised for e-mailing a picture of himself in his underpants via a gay website. From 1994 to 1996 he was London manager of Common Purpose the controversial charity."

The MPs claim that this is not enough and that children should be given relationship advice 'in context' if they are to make informed decisions about when to have sex. Many Muslims will opt out of this as it will be teaching homosexuality as equal to heterosexual relations. This ignores the essential duty to re-produce. Propagandising homosexuality is a threat to our demographics. (3)

My young niece looked at herself sidelong in a mirror and you could see the woman in her. Teaching her about sex would be wicked as she would not understand the words and putting this in her head could lead her to say things about adults without knowing what she was saying. The idea is the train people to have the type of relationships approved of by adherents to the dominant ideology of “Equality” and “anti racism.” They also teach about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases which is compulsory in primary and secondary schools.

Even worse, The Daily Mail of 22 August 2008, reported that almost a quarter of all babies in Britain are now born to immigrant mothers. In London the figure is 54 per cent, rising to 75 per cent in some boroughs....A report revealed that one in eight pupils speaks English as a second language...MPs and unions have called for urgent action to prevent schools being overwhelmed by the pressure. Migrant children take longer to understand lessons and divert the teacher's energies from other pupils.

In 1965 Peter Griffiths Conservative MP for Smethwick called for special classes to teach immigrants English and was accused of wanting to start apartheid in schools. Children are withdrawn for, bullying, unhappiness, failure to cater for SEN, or problems with teaching style and the curriculum but now we have to save our children from state manipulation.

The uniting of Capitalism with revised Marxism, Cultural Marxism.

Revisionists like Gramsci had realised that the working classes were not following Marx and the way to subvert Western civilisation was through the culture. They took over education and teachers training colleges and also jettisoned Marx’s economic arguments leaving the way open for corporations to use group rights in their entitlements programmes couched in politically correct language and sponsor fashionable causes. In the 1960’s the watchwords of The New Left were “Everything is political” and “The personal is political.” They wanted to “change attitudes” and “ consciousness.” These are the seeds of the nascent totalitarian state we are in. (4)

You may well wonder how these totalitarian ideas caught on! They were originally presented as “Liberal” - “new Liberalism” as opposed to “old Liberalism.” Traditional liberal beliefs like individual rights were replaced by group rights for specially designated victims and these were racial, gender and sexual orientation privileges.

What was known as identity politics was an inversion of Hitler’s persecution of different races, homosexuals and gypsies. These groups are beneficiaries of official prejudices over Hitlers favourite group Whites! Even now people who advocate Political Correctness describe themselves as liberal and think they are tolerant!

Cultural Marxism (rather Cultural Nazism against us) is a total ideological system, imposing or manipulating opinions for all aspects of life . It is a version of Stalin's Russia. This process begins with children at school and operates on different levels. It is not just minds to be controlled. Like the Communist states they want physical control and the means to correct ideological error. This is being implemented now and there have been warning signs:

The State holds DNA records of nearly a million children, some as young as five, and has been secretly taking their fingerprints since 2001. Each week 20 schools introduce fingerprinting. Ostensibly this helps them develop a love of books and reading. It replaces library cards by the child's fingerprint and placing the print on a scanner opens their computer file with records of the books they have borrowed. Minister for Schools and Learning, Jim Knight, revealed that when working on a crime police have access to the children’s fingerprints but parents are not told. To remove the prints takes professional cleansing. The schools, education authorities and the Government say it is difficult to convert this code back though not impossible and a whiz with a computer could re- create the original fingerprints for identity theft.

In July 2006 The Observer reported that British children, possibly as young as six, will be subjected to compulsory fingerprinting under European Union rules being drawn up in secret. The prints will be stored on a database which could be shared with countries around the world. Under proposed laws being drawn up secretly by the European Commission’s ‘Article Six’ committee, which is composed of representatives of the European Union’s 25 member states, all children will have to attend a finger-printing centre to obtain an EU passport. The Home Office wants to include children in its biometric passport scheme and automatically transfer their details and fingerprints to the new national identity database when they are 16. The Government is underhandedly building a genetic database. Data has been used for genetic research without consent, including attempts to predict "ethnic appearance" from DNA profiles.

Leo McKinsty commented on our Olympic achievements in the Daily Mail of 20 August 2008: "Over the past weekend, our sailors, cyclists, swimmers and rowers won an unprecedented eight gold medals, by far the greatest haul by Britons in two days in a century of Olympic competition...Of the 14 heroes pictured on the front page of yesterday's Mail, six were educated at independent schools…The concept of a talented elite is despised rather than celebrated. Excellence should not be encouraged for fear of lowering the self-esteem of those who lag behind… there is the growing feminisation of the teaching profession, where more than 90 per cent of primary school teachers and 60 per cent of secondary teachers are women - a development that again leaves many sporty boys unchallenged.”

The new elites undermine male authority and attack masculinity as patriarchy. They see the main enemy as white racism and this justifies disadvantaging white pupils. No other ethnic group can be racist because they are sentimentally categorised as victims of our oppression and require "special needs". While we are stigmatised as oppressors our children are oppressed at school by telling them their clothes or views could offend the privileged groups. This means is moulding children into the correct way of acting and talking.

A notorious example was reported by The Times of 7 march 2006: "Traditional nursery rhymes are being rewritten at nursery schools to avoid causing offence to children. Instead of singing "Baa baa, black sheep" as generations of children have learnt to do, toddlers in Oxfordshire are being taught to sing "Baa baa, rainbow sheep". A spokesman for Ofsted, the watchdog which inspects Sure Start centres, confirmed that centres are expected to "have regard to anti-discrimination good practice" and that staff should "actively promote equality of opportunity. They are trying to destroy Christmas. This is the Soviet technique of making reality into what you wish it was.

The Daily Mail of 11th December 2006:"It is the time of year when parents and grandparents look forward to seeing their children dressed up as Mary and Joseph or the Three Wise Men. But the traditional Nativity play at Knowland Grove Community First School in Norwich has been axed in favour of a celebration of a range of different faiths."

But the most alarming was in the Telegraph of 8 July 2008. The National Children's Bureau guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to look racist incidents among youngster’s in their care. This could be a child of three who says "yuk" to unfamiliar foreign food. The guidance is designed to highlight potentially-racist attitudes in youngsters from a young age. It alerts playgroup leaders that even babies can not be ignored in the drive to root out prejudice as they can "recognise different people in their lives". The NCB receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations and therefore the tax payer is having money taken to pay for their own children to be moulded by brainwashing into what the Cultural Marxist elites want them to be.

The authorities are tightening their control of children.

The school leaving age is to be raised to 18 making more time for state parenting as in school holiday clubs and breakfast clubs. This is to condition them for being monitored 24 hours a day in the E.U.

Home educating parents receive income support until their youngest child is 16. But new legislation comes into force and when the youngest child is 12, income support will be replaced with job seeker's allowance and the parents have to seek work. In 2010 the age limit for the youngest child will be reduced to 7 years old. The totalitarians want to take control of children.

There is legislation to force home educating parents to get a job and send their children to school. It costs about £5,000 per year to keep a child at school so this is not an economic decision but a political one. The government should give home schoolers a tax deduction to the same value of sending their child to a state school. A voucher scheme would allow parents to either home school and use the voucher to pay for necessities like books, or, to send their children to state or public school and re-deem the voucher against the cost. Universities are open to Home Schooled children.

Home schooling families could get together to form Home school co-ops. These groups could meet weekly to provide a classroom. They are support families who link to share their abilities and resources and broaden the children's education. This enables children to do science experiments, art projects, spelling bees, discussions; use museums, community centres, athletic clubs, after-school programs, churches, science preserves, parks, and other community resources. There are sports fields and leisure centres to use. By forming groups we could get discounts for block bookings. Secondary school level students may take classes at community colleges, which typically have open admission policies. Parents could work as volunteers.

The one deep fear the elites have is “White man” turning so they want to take stronger control of children. If we awaken all this evil control will be swept aside as we are still numerically stronger and have great and noble traditions of winning wars that seemed lost.


For advice contact on Home Schooling: “Education Otherwise”.
An excellent article by Troy Southgate
Two excellent books about PC written from a old liberal perspective are
"The Politics of the Forked Tongue" by Aidan Rankin (New European Publications)
"Retreat from Reason" by Anthony Browne (Civitas).


  1. Cracker Americanus14 March 2010 at 07:52

    Changing history to not offend people. I thought that was lying.

  2. World Cup 2010 is the first big test of the ANC regime: can they pull it off without Third World mayhem?

    Re: education, Sarah - homeschool or private school.
