Saturday 27 March 2010

Obama Prays

Obama attends a Muslim prayer session

This is the same president who canceled the National Day of (Christian) Prayer within months of becoming president and then went to the middle east and praised Islam with almost missionary zeal.

This is the same president who made that famous "slip of the tongue"during the election campaign in 2008, swiftly corrected by the helpful George Stephanopoulos, by referring to "my Muslim faith" (it seemed a very bizarre slip of the tongue, can you imagine a Catholic saying "My Protestant faith" or a Hindu accidentally referring to himself as a Buddhist? however, the media, of course accepts that it was just a slip)

This is the same president who bowed to the waist in the presence of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and the Emperor of Japan but remained resolutely rigid in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II and the Pope.

Makes you think doesn't it?

I am not suggesting anything, but we look forward to seeing the President embracing Christianity with the same passion that he embraces Islam.


  1. Back on 4 Feb 2010, BHO told the American people that we should not question his faith or his nationality. I don't think either one is in doubt any longer. He is a muzlim, and he is not an American. He has made both of those points abundantly clear. This picture that Sarah has posted just reinforces the evidence that he is a muzlim. His repeated actions to destroy America are sufficient evidence that he is not an American. We need to be quit of him NOW!!

  2. "I am not suggesting anything, but we look forward to seeing the President embracing Christianity with the same passion that he embraces Islam."

    - Then you will die of old age while waiting! This "president" (and that is a laughable term when applied to this cretin) is simply a bought-and-paid-for minion of Zionism, as well as a die-hard Socialist (Socialism meant here in the Orwellian sense, not in the "National Socialism of WW2 Germany, which was a different animal altogether). What is curious about this is that his Zionist-Jewish-NWO sponsors are tolerant of his Muslim favoritism. This must be because it serves their (his Jewish handler's)interests in some way.

  3. Thanks for the info, Sarah. I was not aware of his 'slip of the tongue' before visiting today.

    His religion aside, I seem to recall that every mistake 'Dubya' made was well publicised. Given the potential implications of this one are enormous - deceiving the American people, first Muslim president - why have the media been so quiet? Even if it is just a mistake, it is a real howler.

  4. ery true my Unrepentant friend.

    Just think how many times we have all seen the bit of film of Bush forgetting the name of the leader of Pakistan, or when Sarah Palin couldn't list the news publications she reads.

    Yet Obama's errors such as referring to himself as a Muslim, or saying that he had visited "57 US states", are completely buried and most people have never seen them.

    Indeed we have seen the odious Tina Fay misquoting Palin ten times as often as we have seen Obama's blunders.

  5. "I am not suggesting anything, but we look forward to seeing the President embracing Christianity with the same passion that he embraces Islam."

    Oh, I think that future history will proof Obama to be quite anti-Christianity.

  6. If Obama is truly a muslim (which I think he is deep down inside), then why is he still allowing the hunt for Bin Laden?

    Obama - Osama ...Hmmm
