Tuesday 23 March 2010

Facebook South Africa

Julius Malema is the ANC youth leader

Hat Tip: Dina and Monica


  1. This story was reported on East Coast Radio. Hope the SABC gets hold of this and makes a fool out of Malema and the idiot that wrote that post.

  2. nobody has to make a fool of malema,he does a fine job of it himself.under threats like these i am sure tha the white south africans are now allowed legal measures to secure themselves, like a private army or something.they better do something fast

  3. Those Facebook comments are merely there to invoke and/or to scare whites in South Africa. The politicians such as Malema simply declares that they have nothing to do with the site and will at the next rally continue singing Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer, or whatever the next hit on their list of "struggle" songs are.

    In fact, anything uttered about killing whites in general are said to be words or songs of Revolution (TM), Liberation (TM) and a reminder of their collective struggle in the past and their path to freedom.

    In other words nothing have changed, it is just the same old Africa we have come to know.

  4. I would like for all White South Africans that are considering leaving, to consider coming to the US. We would love for you to make this your home.

  5. This Arthur Kemps interesting view on aparheid.


  6. I meant to include this -


  7. Arthur Kemp's writing is highly informative, both with respect to SA, and as an indication of what we have to expect elsewhere. Note particularly what he says about the impossibility of surviving as a white minority in a hostile black (or perhaps muzlim) majority. They will come and avail themselves of all the services of the white community, thus enabling them to expand their numbers rapidly due to better health care, nutrition, education, employment, etc. What was initially only a small problem rapidly becomes an overwhelming problem. Does this sound familiar in any other contexts? The UK? Europe? The US? I think that it fits them all, and we are cultivating our own destruction, just as the Boers did.

  8. Hi Sarah, any reason that my post was not published?

  9. Dmitri said...

    Hi Sarah, any reason that my post was not published?

    Hi Dmitri

    I do not seem to have received another post from you, was it on this thread?

    Google / Blogger has been playing up a bit recently, so your earlier posting may have been lost, would you like to post it again? Sorry for the inconvenience.


  10. Just an update on this. It turns out that the person who posted this particular message of hatred on Facebook is actually a black female nurse from the hospital of Klerksdorp.

    That is one nurse you would not want to look after you if you happen to land up in that particular hospital.

  11. Thanks for the link misterfox. One thing that the essay fails to cover is the relationship between whites and their domestic black workers in the Apartheid years. These relationships often stretched way beyond any employer-worker contractual agreement. Some workers were definitely used and abused but I remember a completely different experience altogether.

    Our workers worked for us for years and years, generations even and when we finally had to move away it was without exception a tear filled and heart wrenching event. A mutual respect allowed the blacks to have work and provide for their families while we in turn appreciated their hard work and loyal contribution. In emergencies we would race them to hospitals, and provided financial and medical support. I remember all their names and often wonder where they are today and if they are still alive (I was still a kid in those years). The funny thing is when coversing we even spoke in the same semi-broken Afrikaans accent they spoke with us.

    The incredible hatred between blacks and whites simply didn't exist in the same way it did today. Back then we thought of the infiltrating communist terrorists as our enemies, not the people that worked for us. Of course these days we are without a maid or any form black help in our home, we clean our own homes and we mow our own lawns, it is a good thing for us but it still leaves many blacks without work who now either sit in their tin huts and starve to death or are commited to criminal activity to support their drug habbits and american style Bling.

  12. Hi Sarah. I just wanted to say that these comments by Malema and everyone who follows this twit can say what they like.

    We just have to shut up and bear it. I for one do not shut up and many more people are beginning to feel the same way. Things are comming to a head here in SA and I fear it is not going to be peaceful like the transition in '94.

  13. Sorry girl but I was touring the Nevis's and ddi not have my internet with me. So this is doing the rounds. I received it from a former head of the Development Bank of SA and have been surprised matters have taken this long to manifest into what has been predicted for 50 years. I was at dinner with a host of intellectuals, some journalists and mostly liberal decent folk. They hated my realism, my history and pragmatic attitude. Nor could they understand that I served with black soldiers and had enormous respect for them, but they missed the point. When I look in the mirror I see an Anglo-Saxon Celt with thousands of years of history and tradition. Those traditions could easily be drowned in a sudden migration of the millions who cannot regulate their own societies and cultures. That means the death of mine, unless resistance is started, now.
