Sunday 14 March 2010

17 year old murder victim mutilated

Anika Smit

A father arrived home from work on Wednesday to discover the body of his teenage daughter, naked and with her hands hacked off.

That morning, Johan Smit had said goodbye to his only child, 17-year-old Anika, before he left their home in the north of Pretoria for work.

When he got home she was dead and had presumably been raped. Her hands were cut off between the elbow and wrist and were missing.

"When I saw the dining room chairs were overturned, I knew something was wrong," said Smith, 54, from Theresapark, as he fought back his tears.

"I called her, but she didn't answer."

Body in bedroom

Moments later, Smit discovered his daughter's body in her bedroom.

Nothing was stolen.

Police spokesperson William Mahlaole said a post-mortem will confirm the cause of Anika's death and whether she was raped or indecently assaulted.

Anika, who lives with her father, was alone at the home on Wednesday. She had stayed home from school due to an ear infection.

Smit arrived home after work at about 16:00 and saw the outside gate and security gate standing open with their locks missing. Anika's scooter stood at the front door.

When he went into the house, he saw the dining room table had been moved and the chairs were overturned. When he called his daughter and she didn't answer, he went to her room.

"She was lying on the ground, naked. Both her hands were gone, they'd been cut off. They must have taken them."

Full report here

From Dina

NOTE: Typically the report does not say so, but the only reason I can think of for taking body parts from the victim, and that is for use in muti medicine.


  1. Sarah, why do we not hear about these killings in the media, do you think it is a deliberate ploy, because it is rascist to accuse a blackman of misdeeds? If a white person had committed similar atrocities to a blackman, no doubt there would have been uproar.

  2. in a muti killing the limbs must be amputated while the victim is still alive ,a post mortem will provide the answer ,these things are so numerous in sa that you would dedicate a whole newspaper just to crime to report only 10% of what is going on .there is a deliberate attempt by authorities to manipulate crime statistics in sa .

  3. There was a discussion on the local TV networks on sunday about the death penalty (Fokus on sabc 2)
    People say the death penalty is to harsh a sentence and inhumane.

    Now I ask, if a parent comes home to his only child and finds her murdered, hands cut off and possibly raped is that not inhumane, i think that seeing something like that, being forced to watch how your wife,duaghter. sister, mother gets raped, or your father, son or husband gets brutally murdered all while you are forced to watch, is more inhumane and a heavier sentence to bear, than to see a bastard who has done all these things being illiminated.

    Yet many South Africans forgive these things in the event a purpotrater is caught and they are asked to forgive.
    Others just get overboard with hatred untill they self destruct, and all the while , the leader of the ANC youth league gets to sing "Kill the Boer Kill the Farmer" and his leaders say there is nothing wrong with the song, it simply a reminder to them of the time they were opressed.
