Tuesday 23 February 2010

Spot the victim

These two people met up and moved in together, guess which one is now dead

Full Story

Hat Tip: Dabex


  1. What an incitement against these native-British parents. What a condemnation of her siblings. What a failure of her friends and neighbours. What an abrogation of responsibility of the community. What a perversion of a government which denies racial distinctions. What a damnation of a press which fails to publicise the dangers of inter-racial liaison.
    All must be condemned for failing this poor girl and her race, for not providing the group opinion and protection as has been incumbent upon human societies since time immemorial.
    What crass weakness, not to defend the vulnerable, even if it is to defend the immature from themselves.
    Where are you Britain?

  2. This is just another example of my belief that prejudice is group wisdom inherited from our ancestors which saves us having tolearn every truth anew and, like this woman, the hardway.
    I see "The Matalan Murderrer" has previoous for knifing people. This type of act amongst this racial group is so frequent we have to treat it as a genetic disposition to extreme violence.

  3. Dittos to Anonymous 23 February 2010 21:17

    I'm wondering where the outcry is from the feminist.


    From 1964 . . .

  4. This is what I read:
    "He was sentenced to six years for wounding with intent to cause serious injury after stabbing an ex-girlfriend in the stomach in March 2005."

    "Giving evidence via video link, the girl told the court she had met Downer while he was still in prison and visited him with her mother for a year prior to his release.
    They married the day after he was released in April 2009 and were 'very happy together', the court heard."

    HAPPY! YEAH! right to her grave , sorry to say this .

    Here in my country we call this CHIMPOUT this happens all the time TEACH YOUR CHILDREN to stay away from them don't do any sort business with them or you'll pay a heavy price.

  5. Hello moderator - Please change Incitement in "anonymous 21:17" to inditement,

  6. Hi Anonymous 06:01

    I am afraid that Blogger does not enable me to edit a comment after it has been published. However, I am sure everyone realised what you mean


  7. The population is now too frightened to comment, too frightened to censure, too frightened to protect, because of governments' intimidation by the fist of perverse law. The responsibility for this social morass and the killings which result are caused by and traceable back to the oppressive legislation of the tyrants who now rule by suppression. Women, what are you allowing to happen to your white sisters?

  8. Aah yes, the colour of crime. But dare to highlight or question why certain groups display a higher propensity to crime and you're instantly branded as a racist.

    I have never in my whole life seen a solution found where the problem hasn't been identified beforehand.

  9. Mr. Foxfiresaid at 00:24 ..."my belief that prejudice is group wisdom inherited from our ancestors which saves us having tolearn every truth anew." Very good, sir. Very good, indeed. Makes perfect sense.

  10. Mr. Foxfiresaid at 00:24 ..."my belief that prejudice is group wisdom inherited from our ancestors which saves us having tolearn every truth anew." Very good, sir. Very good, indeed. Makes perfect sense.

  11. wish i was a brit citizen as i would be a BNP fanatic after reading this story.

  12. I would like to thank Endiana for the link. these links are important in building up a picture ofwhat is really happening behind establishment propaganda. Here is one a Jewish correspondent sent me. He is concerned about far-left Jews in America -

    BY Tracy Miller

    Friday, September 19th 2008, 12:58 PM

    Sandra Bernhard issued a blistering warning to Sarah Palin during a performance of her new one- woman show.
    The Republican V.P. nmm would be "gang-raped by my big black brothers" if she enters Manhattan,
    Bernhard said. Palin is said to be making a campaign stop in New York next week.
    "[The gang rape comment] is part of a much larger, nuanced, and yes, provocative (that's what I do) piece from my show about racism, freedom, women's rights and the extreme views of Governor
    Sarah Palin, a woman who doesn't believe that other women should have the right to choose," Bernhard told the Daily News today.""

  13. You dont have to be a racist, facts are facts , people just to need open their eyes.
    And they need to open them soon, it is already the eleventh hour.

  14. Umm... The black guy?

  15. This is truly disgusting. Your racism is sickening.
