Monday 8 February 2010

It couldn't happen to a more deserving person

Police Commander Ali Dizaei - jailed for corruption

Yes I know he will appeal, and that in all probability a panel of traitorous old judges will find his conviction unsafe and award him more compensation to add to his other race card assisted awards. However, for now lets just enjoy the fact that this crooked little man is going to prison.

Read about it at the Green Arrow or more about him in this unusually well written Guardian article.


  1. Let me see now, racist, mysogenist, elitist, traitorous, criminal. He's got diversity and inclusivity issues, not to mention no honour. TPTB must love him, he'll be sprung pronto under some technicality that only applies to non White racist, mysogenist, elitist, traitourous and criminal chosen ones.

  2. I believe that this trial has cost more than a major murder trial, no doubt us taxpayers are footing the bill.

  3. Anybody who has lived in any nation full of brown-black skinned people will realise how people in power tend to be super-arrogant and how they abuse their position regularly. As Europe and America becomes more brown-black, expect more of this in the future.

  4. Keith Vaz should be his cell mate.

  5. If you import these people from the sub-coontinent expect them to bring their south asian attitudes and behaviour with them.India and Pakistan aren't corrupt backward holes for nothing.

  6. deport him to a more suitable habitat
