Saturday 20 February 2010

Banned in Sheffield

Sheffield Library doors - closed to me

I am frequently informed by readers that access to the Sarah: Maid of Albion has been banned in various libraries and community centres across the nation. The latest to ban me is the august Library of Sheffield in South Yorkshire.

They excuse this action by accusing my blog of spreading hatred.

This is totally unfair, I do not spread hatred against any race or any group. This blog highlights the plight of white people across the world and the forces which currently threaten and conspire against them. When those forces are our governments I will say so, when they are judges or church leaders I will say so and when they are immigrants or non-whites I will also say so. However, I have never endorsed hatred or violence against any group.

I have no idea how I can go about challenging this unfair ban, does anyone have any suggestions?


  1. First you need to who decides which websites are banned. It could be the council themselves or it could be the company that provides the web filtering software to the council.

    How about adding a Sidewiki post to the council's website (below) to highlight the fact this is happening. State your case and include a link back to your site.

  2. How do they know who you are?

  3. Consider this as a high honor, Sarah. It is a clear sign that you are doing right.

    They do not fear corruption and social degradation; they are at ease with those factors. It is truth that makes them uneasy, because it exposes just how corrupted they have become themselves.

  4. To JP

    Not me personally JP, I mean that access to my blog has been blocked on the library computers.

    To Man of the Woods

    Thanks for the suggestion Man of the Woods, I shall consider doing what you suggest

    To Dr. D

    Thanks, I shall take it as a compliment!

  5. Sarah: I see (silly me), liberal Nazis!

  6. I am not at all surprised, Sheffield has always been an extremely "left wing"city.Nobody of that persuasion wants to know the truth,they prefer to bury their heads in the sand. I agree with Dr. D take it as a compliment.Last year I visited my local library in Worcestershire and tried to get on the BNP website which I discovered was blocked ,when I complained to the librarian she threw her hands up in horror and said "it is illegal" to which I replied it is a LEGITIMATE political party.Incidentally, I was able to access a Communist party website.

  7. Here in the United States, Libraries will often try to ban sites from being accessed, but because they are public, a lawsuit can easily undo the ban.

  8. I always find it ironic when they accuse people like Sarah of hatred when you couldn't find anyone more hate filled than the accusers themselves.

  9. Write to them, ask them to explain their ban, then consider your next move.
    Write to Lee Barnes, ask his advice, they may be insinuating something which is not true.

    Maybe you can get the ban overturned or maybe an apology or a public notice or apology.

    Don't take it lying down, this encourages them.
    At the same time, only go into battle if you have good chance of winning, sometimes it is better not to engage.

  10. Yes Sarah, recently I have launched a complaint or two against Cardiff Central Libraries who have banned both your site and Green Arrow but not site related to Hamas etc..are not blocked....

  11. the fact that you are blocked should mean a lot to any thinking person ,negative publicity is also publicity. keep doing your thing and the ban will send the curious to read your blog.

  12. Sarah, i was in Scotland up until Mon where i couldn't access my usual PC, i had to rely on my mobile phone, my network provider on my mobile phone takes the liberty in censoring some websites they deem unsuitable, i could access yours but not the GA, i then tried to access Anifa who DOES incite violence and hatred and i could access this site, very worrying.......Donna
