Monday 8 February 2010

And yet more farm killings

One mother's son

An elderly Bethal woman Hannetjie Venter, 79 had to walk 4km to get help after robbers killed her son on Sunday.

Mrs Venter was confronted by intruders and attempted to call to her son who was working elsewhere on the farm but was prevented from doing so when one man put his hand over her mouth.

Fanie Venter, who always carried a firearm, was caught unawares and shot in the head.

When his mother got to him, one of the men said her son was just sleeping. But there was blood everywhere and the heartbroken woman could see that her son was dead.

The robbers then held a gun to her head and forced her to unlock the safe. They stole a shotgun and money together with both of the Venter's cell phones

As Hannetjie can not drive and she and their dog walked for help, however, by then the attackers were long gone


Elderly farmer shot dead

Intruders attacked an elderly couple on their farm in Limpopo on Thursday night, killing a 70- year-old man.

Koos van Staden and his 66-year-old wife, Henriette, were sleeping in their farm house on Glenco sugar estate in the Hoedspruit district when they were attacked.

According to a police Spokesman, the couple were in bed at about 21:30 when intruder fired a shot through an open window into the Van Stadens' bedroom. Mr van Staden was shot in the neck and died on the scene..

The victim's wife managed to shoot at the attackers and they fled without taking anything.

The number of suspects involved is not known and neither is the motive for the attack.


Third farmer escapes with his life after three shots failed

A further farmer escaped with his life when an assailant's gun misfired three times. Jan van der Westhuizen, 59, a dairy farmer, said he thanks God that all three attempted shots, fired at him by an intruder failed. Full story


Thanks to Dina and Johann for reporting these latest killings in what has been a very violent few days


  1. All of these accounts are very sad. I recently watched District 9 and an episode of Three Sheets (FLN) from South Africa. What a dump! We seriously need to find a way to get the whites out of Africa (Zimbabwe too) and relocate them to a place where they can live with other whites. One potential solution is to send the Haitians to Senegal (they were invited) and let the whites take over Haiti. We could sell it to the left by saying that Haiti is cursed, so moving whites there would be a fitting punishment. Now, imagine Haiti 50 years down the road with a 100% white population!

  2. Here, here, Dan! My heart bleeds for the African whites whose societies have been destroyed right under their noses. And thanks to Sarah for keeping us informed of the plight of SA whites, since the putrid MSM won't do their job of reporting news, politically incorrect or otherwise.
