Sunday 17 January 2010

Some interesting links

Norwegian police have revealed that every rape involving aggravated assault which took place in Norway between 2007 and 2009 was committed by a person of non-western origin. Meanwhile 90% of all rape victims in the same period were Norwegian. Read the full report here

(Over 13,000 rapes were reported in Britain last year, it would be interesting to know the breakdown of the suspects)


Police release e-fit of the suspect in a Birmingham sex attack on a 15 year old


In the money Anjem Choudary

Click here to sign a petition calling for an investigation into Islam4UK leader Anjam Choudary's £25,000+ benefit claim (what a shame the organisers didn't check their spelling!!! :-(()


All you need for this year's world cup in South Africa, a stab proof vest in your team colours
This is apparently genuine

UPDATE 18/01/10: I see the South African government are somewhat displeased the advert above.



  1. As I wipe the tears from my eyes from laughter, I can just imagine sunburned Europeans sweating their bollocks off in a stab vest. Especially the English fans with a bright red cross on a white stab vest. X marks the spot.

    Sorry guys I don't mean to take the piss but seriously a stab vest is no help when you're mugged by a gang holding ak47's and a pistol or two.

  2. A stab vest is not going to stop an AK round. Try getting a matching helmet as well....

    Better still, for the ultimate in safety - stay away....

  3. Just a warning to your readers, the BNP site (or is it just the page you link to?) seems infected as of this minute. On opening up the page you find window after window opening up and struggle to close 'em down. Don't know if it's mere nuisance or whether something more sinister is done to your harddrive... Sure it'll be sorted soon enough.

  4. I am sorry to hear that Fellist. It seems to be okay now, at least it doesn't happen when I go to the BNP web page.

    You might want to run a scan of your own hard drive, as that can happen if you have picked up a Trojan while net surfing

  5. just saw a trailer on Sky for a film ''invictus'' lead played by Morgan Freeman...looks like its based around Nelson Mandela ...its to a bit around SA Rugby team Propaganda for the up an coming sports event in SA? ......maybe worth revueing??

    also yet another piece of 'entertainment' Tv/Film about Belsen....

  6. I dont have a problem opening up the BNP web site...

  7. Of course people would condemn these vests, especially the MSM and all the liberals with blinkers on.

    Come on now people. Crime is not that bad. My brother's place in an upmarket suburb of Pretoria has only been broken into twice in three weeks.

    Our taxi drivers are law abiding citizens (a law unto themselves).

    Where else in the world can you purchase a fully automatic weapon AK) for ZAR500 (about 48 pounds).

    I can go on, but you get the picture. To all the tourists who want to visit SA for the WC - please come and visit and have an experience of a lifetime. Let us just hope that you will be alive to share those wonderful times.

  8. I was in the library when the problem occured yesterday, as I am now, but on a different computer. No problem at present.
