Thursday 28 January 2010

My My, I wonder why ........ not!!!

Spot the white man

"Teenage rapists who filmed attack on girl of 13 sentenced to 16 years in total... but judge refuses to name and shame" Well we all know exactly he wants to protect the identities of these monsters. By his actions the judge has made it quite clear that these brutal gang rapists are non-white.

We can now say with absolute certainty that those convicted of this crime are from an ethnic minority, the judge confirmed that by his actions.

"news" report


  1. Does this latest court action conflict with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples?

  2. This is a disaster. Shame is one of the most potent weapons we have, and yet, the Left refuses to use it for our defense. Shame could make a lot of difference, and since the Left does not want that to happen (they want us helpless), they refuse to allow malefactors to be shamed. For shame!

  3. They will most likely be let out early because the jails are too full, or it is too costly. They deserve hard labour There should be a prison in the Falkland islands where they can work building roads. If they escape they will not be able to get away.

  4. How so, Mr. Fox? These are not indikgenous people of the British Isles, it would seem, so where do you see a conflict?

  5. I may be wrong, but I suspect that Mister Fox meant his comment for the "Hear this you of England" thread

  6. @Yorkshireminer

    please no!

    the Falklands is the one place I'm planning to migrate too once Europe becomes a Caliphate...

  7. Yes these judges are conspiring with the establishment to supress the truth, so they can push on an unsuspecting public a multi cultural utopia.

    Sarah not sure if youv'e noticed this case? Susan Rose the midwife who butchered this young woman whilst having her baby, she is now struck off, no picture of her i have searched through the various online stories, contrast this with British health care staff, when they are guilty of incompetence their identies are revealed in the media......Donna

  8. I have said this for so many years. Put the miscreants on Rockall and pour all immigrants through the same channel. That way they will have feet on part of the British Isles. Why should the courageous people of the Falklands have the Labour voting dross?

  9. Sorry for not exlaining myself. I meant these decisions deny "Whites" their human rights by being so biased and one-sided.

  10. Non indigenous criminals are never named for the sake of 'Community Cohesion' TM courtesy of NuLam
