Friday 11 December 2009

Mixed race couples

The celebrity image


  1. It makes me sick to my stomach whenever I see mixed race couples.

    Tiger Woods is an example of why every time I see a mixed race couple on the street I want to grab the white girl and shake some sense into her whilst trying to explain to her why she should stop now.

    I don't of course. The lies about everyone being equal are deeply entrenched in the psyche of modern humans it would be fruitless.

    Back to Tiger... Black men for the greater part do not know how to keep it in their pants. Or they are violent and if the girl is very unlucky their partner is both.

    It all dates back to black culture. Men have multiple wives and the women are subservient, while the men sit around and do nothing.

    Look at Jacob Zuma, he has multiple wives but still can't keep it in his pants. It's the animal instinct in them.

  2. Don't forget Ashley and Cheryl

    She seems to be developing her career apace

    Can't have much of a home life

  3. Re: beastial sex and violence, I believe that was part of the 'entertainment scene' in Storyville, New Orleans in the late 19th-early 20th centuries.

    Re: the original KKK, agreed, Jeff. Many folk may be surprised at the following, consisting of several of their basic beliefs (circa 1920):

    I believe in God and in the tenets of the Christian religion and that a Godless nation can no longer prosper.

    I believe that a church that is not grounded on the principles of morality and justice is a mockery to God and man.

    I believe that a church that does not have the welfare of the common people at heart is unworthy.

    I believe in the eternal separation of church and state.

    I hold no allegiance to any foreign government, emperor, king, pope or any other foreign, political or religious power.

    I hold my allegiance to the Stars and Stripes next to my allegiance to God alone.

    I believe in just laws and liberty.

    I believe in the upholding of the Constitution of these United States.

    I believe in protection of pure womanhood.

    I believe in the limitation of foreign immigration.

    I believe in the prevention of unwarranted strikes by foreign labor agitators.

    Any way you cut it, the above certainly seems a much better option than 'Obama[non]care.'

  4. In Houston, the overall interbreeding of whites to nons must 50% or higher. Only anecdotally speaking here, but over 75% of my young acquaintances are interracial. 75% of the customers of bigbox superstores, such as ToyRUs and BabyRUs, are mixed couples, mostly non-whites and whites.

    And this will continue as long as feckless "conservative" and liberal parents continue sending their children to the government indoctrination camps, and continue pumping the sludge into their homes via TV, radio, and the interwebs known as "entertainment."

    Our extended family is beginning to be destroyed by interracial dating and marriage. Family gatherings, the only safe haven we had left, are becoming foreign, alien, uncomfortable. Everyone feels it, but few say anything.

  5. Imádom a Berényi Miki.

  6. To Anonymous 08:11

    Üdvözöljük (Welcome)

    According to Google you are writing in Hungarian and your comment was that you love the singer Miki Berenyi.

    I am not sure what that adds to the discussion. I assume you are white and Miss Berenyi certainly appears to be, so I am sure we are all happy for you.


  7. She's half Japanese.

  8. *blink* I only hope that someone who is not white would be able to connect your racist posts to your face, right before the connect a haymaker to your nose.

  9. Anonymous 11:11

    Why is it that multiculturalists like you always think it is okay to wish violence on people?

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