Tuesday 29 December 2009

BBC Prioriries


  1. Three young British lives permanently snuffed out and -- by your example -- they're each worth a minute of BBC air time... and yet that other over-displayed news item is hardly worth a tired yawn.

    Good comparison!

    Here's a sampling of another side of Britain that few could even comprehend... today.

  2. In the media's rush to please and appeal to the foreign masses, they seem to care little to none at all that their lack of concern for us is readily apparent.
    (Off topic - before you change your banner pic again, I just must ask ... those are cowboy kicking boots you're wearing, right ?!
    Couldn't be those itty bitty dancing slippers. Naw ..

    Looks like they may be ostrich, perhaps slouch boots.
    I promise not to tell ... I KNEW them boots were made for stomping !)

  3. I hope expression of this entirely legitimate anger at the warped media/nulab attitudes gets sent to the Office of the PM.

    Even if only his hired help read the incoming posts, they would surely have to convey the sense of public outrage to GB.

    It may serve as a reminder that one day, retribution will descend on Brown and all the nation-wreckers with him.

  4. You won't hear this on the BBC...they are already talking about Finland's tradition of gun ownership.....

    "There is a long tradition of hunting in Finland, which has vast areas of forest and wilderness, but until recently gun crime has been rare.

    But two deadly shootings in recent years focused attention on gun laws in a country where young people were permitted to own and use a firearm at 15 years of age if they had parental consent."

    The reality:


    Ibrahim Shkupolli, an illegal immigrant from Albania, ended his life today after a shooting spree in a shopping center in Finland which followed the murder of his ex-wife. Ibrahim was known to the police in Finland:

    The 44-year-old man who today went berserk with a gun in a shopping center at Espoo in Finland, also killed his ex-wife before [THE] shooting, says Finnish police to TV 2 News.

    The 44-year-old Kosovo Albanians killed a total of five persons. Four o[IN] the mall and his ex-wife.

    The 44-year-old man is already known to police.

    He is known to have come illegally into the country and for drug-related crime, said Parlee Lehmus Helsinki police to TV 2 News.
