Monday 2 November 2009

The left conspires to silence the truth


  1. Let them conspire. What they forget is the amount of blogs we have too. Just keep on downloading and uploading. Simples, just like them

  2. Nice one Sarah.
    They don't want the people to see the truth!

  3. Might i suggest we all copy the video with the owners consent and repost on masse on youtube under various different titles like the "rainbow nation" or "look at this!" or even xfactor etc.Just incase people don`t know you need "youtube downloader" it`s free.Just paste link from video address bar,change the tiltle using rename file and repost.Youtube will soon get tired of searching all the videos to ban.But as too their threat mabey the UAF should ask for permission when they video children at the red white and blue without parental approval (which could be illegal) or mabey our children don`t have the same rights as the rest of our multi-culti paradise they will need to check that with social sevices.

  4. wellard1967 commented on
    BNP: The True Face Of Immigration

    Feel free to copy and upload
    west wales bnp

    So permission is granted to copy and repost video many thanks to wellard1967.Video can be found below......

  5. Yip, that is a shocker..! Time for the British people to start shitting themselves.

    Reminded me of the Oriental Plaza in Fordsburg, down town Johannesburg, South Africa...and we all know what Johannesburg, South Africa looks like now. Unbelievable that beautiful, quaint, WHITE Britain is shape changing so drastically.

    On a trip to London some years ago we went by Camden Market. Same deal. Hardly a Brit to be found running the stores. Absolutely hated it.

    I'm with the other bloggers, keep downloading and posting this shocker all over every web video server and let it be seen!

    Patriots all over Europe who are concerned about the treason their governments are committing, should start blogs to expose the rot. The Death of Johannesburg Blog was a major eye opener. So too The Death of Detroit.

    Show the people out there what is happening to British cities. Show the pics you don't see in travel brochures!

  6. I've been trying to provoke discussion on my blog regarding the idea of indigenous Scots/English. As part of that effort I posted this vid and got some very strong reactions.

  7. Sarah very interesting, however the video in question does not advocate violence nor does it put forth extreme (sic) viewpoints, it is worth noting here however that the said video can be hosted on other sites and indeed upon Joomla and I believe Blogger have a facility. It is also worth considering creating a rar file and placing the contents upon the torrent network accessed by many millions, all of this is eminently possible, I believe that the left have lost their no platform advantage due to the rights use of the internet. There are many ways to air this video or any other items of information and it is easy to virus the info almost instantly, the left have no choice now at all but to act defensively given that the means to carry information to the people has arrived, regrettably the net has not the potential first envisaged given that there are so very many places for an individual to visit, it is still the case of preaching to the converted although this is slowly changing. My I say as an aside I live with this every day and so I have little need to view this video nor feel shocked by it, as I see the effects of immigration all around me, affecting our small white community here, perhaps forever, Best regards.

  8. MarkGrimsbyLincs5 November 2009 at 11:55

    There is nothing illegal about those videos anyone can legally film in a public place, (not now the police since an amendment in the new terrorism law,or in places such as railway stations as they are private property).Surely our lefty friends are proud of their achievements;why don't they want them more widely known?I burn the images to disc or convert them to 3gp files then can bluetooth them to friends.I mean not everyone uses the internet but nearly everyone has a DVD player.The truth will out!
