Sunday 15 November 2009

The Church continues to drive out Christians

The shrinking Church of England continues its own willing self immolation:

This from a report in the Leicester Mercury:

A BNP member has resigned as a churchwarden after his political views were deemed to be "incompatible" with Christianity.

David North said he was forced to quit his post at St Thomas of Canterbury Church, in Frisby on the Wreake, near Melton, because of his openly-held support for the BNP.

The Diocese of Leicester said it simply "pointed out" his views were incompatible with those of the church.

Mr North, of Frisby, said: "After 60 years service to my church at Frisby, I feel very let down to be asked to resign as churchwarden of some 15 years in two stints, having done nothing illegal whatsoever, only to be asked to resign because I'm a member of the BNP.

"As far as I can tell, I have done nothing wrong. To be asked to resign reasonably forcefully after 60 years' service – it hurts."

Full news article here


Hat Tip: Kazzy


  1. "Love one another the way I have loved you" Said Christ.

    I must've missed the bit that said "but not if they're BNP."

    What hypocrites. What fools.


  2. A member of a legitimate political party, with a clutch of councillors and two MEPs, is sacked from a position he has upheld honourably for fifteen years.

    This is not Christianity, this is political correctness at its worst - and, before anyone asks, I am not a supporter of the BNP, although I never miss an opportunity to read the eminently sensible things Sarah says on her blog.

    As always, Sarah, God bless you - and keep telling it as it is.

  3. More people need to come out of the closet.

  4. Bob M Please e-mail me at regarding the comment you posted this morning


